Good thing we want legacy content adjusted then and not SL content
It did get adjusted! The scaling as it is now is absolutely perfect.
Sing me your song Hellscream!
Ah, my wow day isn’t started until I have had a fresh dose of opinion
because i enjoy seeing the same people triggered by the exact same kind of talk that they use when they get something they want.
This exactly, just implement an aura for legacy content and be done with it. It’s such an obvious and relatively easy fix to implement, maybe I should work for Blizz, wait, I make too much sense and think too logically.
Dear lord… y’all are still engaging with him?
An opinion that seems to be shared by Ion and the Dev team as something that should be in the game! The scaling system being good or bad is subjective of course and everyone is entitled to their own opinion but as I said before this is their vision and it would be easier for everyone if they supported it as opposed to resisting it as the current scaling is here to stay for good!
They’ve had lots of opinions changed due to forum feedback
Their vision is also no flying mounts
flies off into the sunset
“Just let it happen” I know another group of people who say that too
Just like the Torghast changes, amirite?
Ya so the recent change I saw in hotfixes. That still didn’t work?
Anyone have some logs of them in there?
unfortunately i don’t think there will be that many unsubs as there was with flying. while a significant amount of people do old raids im not sure its enough to make them take notice. also hi turalyon.
Corrected an issue that could cause players to have reduced combat bonuses against level 40 and lower enemies (notably legacy raid and dungeon content) when leveling past 50.
Sadly Legion raids aren’t 40 and below Q_Q I checked anyways though on the 18th, got smooshed as I usually do.
So be good little boys and girls and do what we are told, believe everything we are told and accept everything as is, got it, be good little sheeple.
Oh they aren’t? Ah okay so the hotfix was for everything but legion and people are still upset about that, is that correct?
This is absolutely true! Ion and the Dev team are great at listening to player feedback, i’m glad we can both agree on that! However, these changes seem to be permanent while the Torghast changes were a work in progress as it is a new system while Legacy raiding is an old one which is why current systems will have a priority over older ones!
Well, everything but Legion and BFA
Ohhhh do they now? Why is that? Did they put down super glue before writing the code so it couldn’t be changed?
Fair enough. Do you know where this interview is as well? Having trouble finding it
Was it part of the torghast one and I just overlooked it?
If my memory is right you were shutting down players who had an issue with the difficulty lol. It’s nice to see you’ve flip flopped.
Pvp balance is still a joke btw.
This scaling is permeant because this is the greater vision of Ion and the Dev team! Folks can complain or leave feedback, but this will not ever guarantee anything will change! The reality is that current content will take priority over older content, so maybe if Ion and the Dev team decide to take a different route of action they might but as of now players need to learn and adapt with the exciting new changes to legacy content!