Even though you are correct, I always thought it was stupid that we could solo what it took a 40 man coordinated effort to accomplish earlier.
I don’t mind that solo is hard now.
Even though you are correct, I always thought it was stupid that we could solo what it took a 40 man coordinated effort to accomplish earlier.
I don’t mind that solo is hard now.
When an expac is 2 expacs old, we’re supposed to get that demoralised debuff thing on the bosses. Now, I wasn’t great at math, buuut…
Then how on Earth can you explain leveling and gearing up? We should just stay at one level, forever, with every raid at the same difficulty and no power increases. Scaling everything up with us achieves the same goal. Character power progression would eventually lead to things being solo’d or done with less than the “intended” numbers, so basically… you’re against character power progression…?
Which is odd.
This could get those numbers up.
For a legion that runs like WoD at least I’d…
Be motivated to have all classes (except mage, didn’t like it so I don’t have one really) to 60. This would be time…only dh, hunter and druid are done here. So that be a few more 60 runs.
And it be raid nights. Plural…Wrath night, maybe 2 if motivated, for invicible. Then, dramatic music slowly builds up in volume, legion nights.
Several classes, mythic and heroic.
That is phase 1. Phase 2…horde gets the same thing. Since to brute force RNG you need 2 same classes. So it be level the horde like alliance. This was why in the course of bfa I raised at least 20 120 chars over time tbh. Its about a 10/10 split.
Old content mogs and mount are my end game and time played metric lol.
BE and VE rogue. Z troll and NE druid. on down the line.
When BFA sputtered and got stale…this is what got me playing WoD alot. Where 1 DK failed…maybe a second could succeed.
Inb4 I don’t see mythic dungeon SL, heroic raid at least. That be right. And you never will. This is not my thing. Can I run a harder HoA under a time limit? I don’t know. Nor…do I care really. Heroic dungeon and LFR work well enough for me. PvP in the mix as well.
Guldan has a mog I want? This I do care about. 6 weeks or 6 months to get it? I would be there weekly barring vacations and such lol.
Then you are someone that never went back an d solo’d just like everyone else to have pain.
That may be true but it’s still broken…you should not have to equip gear from the previous xpac to be more powerful.
Wait why not? They expressly stated that as an intentional part of the situation.
You maximizing your gear, regardless of where its from, is a fundamental part of the game.
Because there is no scenario in which equipping gear 80 item levels lower (or more) should make you stronger. That’s just…broken.
It doesn’t even make sense, gotta level to be more powerful but you need to wear this item from last expansion to do the content from two expansions ago
Oh, and after you level, if you don’t wear this neck from last expansion, you will be weaker in content 2 expansions ago, than you were 10 levels earlier. What?
This is why I hate the squishes. Every time there is a stat squish this happens. Blizz doesn’t know how to leave well enough alone. I remember having a whole team of alts in WoD i used to run old content. In BFA after the squish those same lvl 100s went from being able to stroll through wotlk content to taking forever to down the first bosses.
There is no gameplay, balance, or design reason not to have Legion content set to a complete faceroll level for a SL 60.
I can’t think of a single reason.
If it’s truly working as intended, well great. Then please change the intent.
he is a lawyer, did you expect 100% absolute certainty it would be the truth?
WOD had a stat squish. Yes, things were broken for the first month or two until they got it all sorted out. But it eventually was sorted out. In fact, most problems with the WOD stat squish weren’t “I can’t solo old content”, it was " mob/boss’s ability is hitting for WAY more than it should" things here and there. It wasn’t an across the board thing like this is. The BFA squish was sorted out much faster.
The non-cynical part of me likes to think that because this is the first LEVEL squish (not just ilvl/stat squish), that it’s going to take a couple months to get sorted. But we’ll see. Like I said, when my time runs out in 25 days I’m not getting any more unless AT least acknowledgement has been made of the issue and progress made, even if it’s not 100% fixed.
Except in one where the item gives you way more than item level?
Trivial? To many this is not “trivial”, this is a large issue and was promised to us that is was going to not be an issue and would “work as intended” by Ion.
At this rate with how everything plays out why should we even continue to kick up a fuss? Blizzard it seems will just ignore it.
Perhaps if Blizzard had not blatantly rushed this expac, they would not have to pull fire duty on current content as much as they are and fix the “trivial” things.
Don’t argue with Metro. He got his green text by being the highest ranking officer in the White Knight army.
That shouldn’t be needed. It was never needed before. Two expansions worth of levels was always more than enough by itself. Legacy buffs and level bonuses made gear irrelevant that far back. They should STILL do so now, but they aren’t, despite what was implied to us previously.
That was my point too. I’m not arguing that it’s not working like that. I’m arguing that the fact that it works like that is completely nonsensical, and shows how broken the game is. Honestly, both that, and the sheer number of bugs (the game is basically in the 2nd worst shape right now it has ever been bug-wise), is sapping my desire to play to the point where I doubt I am going to stay on unless this stuff is fixed in a hurry. That’s why I said, unless significant work happens on this in the next 25 days, not only will I not be renewing, I will not come back unless the scaling PLUS all of the significant other bugs I’ve noted are fixed.
Even in the past, when tier sets from older expansions were still active, the best set bonuses or odd trinkets from previous expansions could never even come close to quest greens from the next expansion up, no matter how much synergy there was.
You could have absolute BIS from ICC 25-man heroic with the best trinkets and everything. And a fresh 85 from Cata in quest greens would destroy you in DPS. Think about this too. What if it’s someone who just came back, didn’t play during BFA, and (unlike me) didn’t go back to BFA and do everything? You can get into SL content without even HAVING a Heart of Azeroth, let alone getting it up to 87 with some good essences. Are those people just SOL? Sorry, you have to go grind the previous expansion if you want to do WOD, MOP, or Legion raids. Am I and a few others seriously the only ones that understand what COMPLETE UTTER NONSENSE that is?
Quoting this because very very true that is broken!
Legacy buff is always just a buff on what your character normally does.
It doesn’t just allow you to kill everything in one shot with no gear on haha.