One month in, legion still not properly scaled

Did you use the heart of azeroth? Which essences, if so?

Yeah, there should be no special “but if you”'s, people should walk in like “Hey I remember this place” and blow up bosses. The only problem that should is are remembering where to go lol


Generally, those fixes apply more to the “this fight bugs out or physically can’t be completed with only one person at any power level” stuff. Not the “you can get around this with lots of damage” stuff. As an example, they in SOO, they changed Galrakis so that you don’t have to hit him with both towers to take him down, as you can’t be in both towers at the same time solo. On the other hand, to kill the Sha of Pride, you have to be able to kill him before he can cast banish. (When they changed scaling in 7.3.5, they actually lowered his health shortly after because the changes made it so people who had the damage before the patch couldn’t do it anymore.)

That sounds right, but I think they are the same thing.
They notice people can’t do a fight and they adjust it so they can.

Its all the same, in my eyes.
They don’t just want to completely change encounters unless they have to.

All they have to do is give us a buff that makes us easily kill things that aren’t level 60 or higher, especially if they are under lvl 55 or so. BFA dungeons were easy to solo in bfa how come they aren’t now ? I was carrying people through lots of bfa dungeons solo back before this xpac now nope.

I tried to solo mythic nighthold this week and I got to Gul’dan, though Spellblade Aluriel gave me a lot of trouble at first. I could not defeat the Illidan phase. It strikes me odd that they would suddenly stop letting people farm at legacy level because of legion. I’m very disappointed


I don’t think it’s their intention to make people stop only that they goofed with the scaling.

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I think Shadowlands is the expansion of “nothing makes sense anymore.”


lol You people make me laugh. You are literally mad that content that was never meant to be soloable is not soloable.

Then why won’t they fix it?

All bosses inevitably become soloable, what are you talking about?

Like they said “cOmBat RatINgs” given enough time it will be solobale so there’s nothing to fix. The tuning should be readjusted since we should be able to do it now but :man_shrugging: What I’m curious about is if Blizz realizes that in 10.0 if we can’t solo BFA content then there will be more of these threads. In 11.0 if we can’t solo SL content that there will be more of these threads forever and ever endlessly.


once upon a time a casual like myself was not able to solo a raid until I had WoTlk epic gear in to go back to vanilla raids…

I think it’s well in line with how the gearing system is currently working. To throw loot at us like BfA would just…ugh…be annoying. Come back to me at this point next year and tell me you cannot farm an old raid.

People are expecting the 11+ levels damage modifier not what it was like in wrath


Have you NEVER gone back and ran an old raid? Maybe from Burning Crusade or Lich King?


Bellular covered the scaling being broken in his video today.

He is someone who has direct contacts at Blizzard too. He is usually excessively pro-Blizzard too. It might be indirect acknowledgement, but it is acknowledgement.

He actually said “it’s broken” in those words, lol.


Did you just say some fights took longer at 60 than 50 and that you are ‘not seeing the issue either’ ???


which kind of scaling?

Never meant to be soloable. They specifically went back and patched bosses with mechanics that were impossible to be soloable.

Genius, do you think all those “old content” raiding with leashes were to get more raids together. No it was for solo play and mogers. This was the core of the game for a large number of people like me that aren’t the raiding/mythic elite.

Get a clue before you open your mouth again.


This is going to be the make or break for subscriptions this expansion. My server has already gone from medium to low (even in BFA it didn’t do that). If they don’t fix this, subscriptions are going to fall off a cliff so fast it will make BFA look like a success.

I myself have already decided that I’m leaving as soon as I get my BFA pathfinder done…I won’t return until all the scaling issues have been fixed, and the severe phasing issues with Orgrimmar that occur if you complete the 9.0 BFA intro (NPC’s missing, dead NPC’s showing back up, quests unable to be turned in, etc). I guess…I’ll check back around 9.0.5 and 9.1 and see what’s been fixed.

Once I leave again, there will be a lot of inertia to return…it’s easier to stay than it is to leave and return. So I likely won’t unless EVERYTHING on my list has been fixed.


Each time I leave it’s for longer and longer (last break was 9 months). Had no intention of coming back last time or buying the expansion, but I did. Big mistake.