One month in, legion still not properly scaled

lol, the feces is strong with this one.


i wish i could curse the amount needed to state my seething rage over this.

it’s extra infuriating, because there’s nothing we can do to make them fix it other than quit. like, i don’t want to quit. but if i have to do that, i guess i’ll have to, but i don’t want to.

not that the rest of the game is that great either, but this is my real last bastion in the game. they screw this up, there’s not really anything i can justify playing it for anymore.


I’m ilvl 169 and I got trounced by the twin dogs in Heroic Antorus. If this is what they consider working as intended, fine. Just don’t expect me to log in as often and boost your engagement metrics. Farting around in old raids on my alts is a nice side-game for me on a Sunday afternoon while I’m watching football.


that if the coveants werent working there was an alternative system they would implement, more or less

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Patch notes say this is fixed (patch notes Dec 18)
Creatures and NPCs

  • Corrected an issue that could cause players to have reduced combat bonuses against level 40 and lower enemies (notably legacy raid and dungeon content) when leveling past 50.

However, this does not apply to Legion in my mind, as those are lvl 45ish

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ah…I see.
Honestly Im actually enjoying the covenants. Well, literally loving the concept. Some details are more or less fun / annoying than others, but overall I think it was a good idea. I hope they carry it forward, make horde vs alliance less important and have this ‘war’ gravitate towards being a covenant type thing where we choose what side we’re on (kinda like pandas can choose which side to play for).

With two groups, horde and alliance, the war MUST continue and its always the same crap.
When there are four…even more…groups who can be feuding, alliances and wars can come and go between them and be more involved than this bland “FOR THE HORDE” crap thats gotten as old and stale as the Hatfields and McCoys.

I don’t understand how anything I said is wrong, this is the current scaling in the game. Folks asked why it’s the way it is, and Ion and the Dev team responded. At this point, the same community of folks who want transmog and mounts are split in two. One side is on the forums not being able to cope with the new system, while the other side is already in the game, forming groups and communities of like minded folks to bond over the shared love of legacy content! To me, both sides can do what they want but clearly one side is having more fun!

So did I, it screwed up my dungeon leveling fun I had on my alts ;(. I loved making alts and leveling them 1-78ish, would grab twinky enchants, gem all the gear I got from BC, maybe get someone to take me in sunwell and snag something juicy… Now its… just… bleh

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So basically, with the squish, “legacy” now is defined by levels (being 10+) and “previous expansions” are irrelevant with the new scaling. That said, at level 60, we should be able to easily complete Legion content dungeons, etc. Has anyone tried since the patch notes (Dec 18) change?

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Your mind is wise, it doesn’t apply to Legion raids

Sir Kaurmine has m’lady


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Get that brown off your nose and leave this thread, please. We all know what you are going to say anyway.

I’m ok with this complaint as long as we call it like it is.

There’s a lot of people saying that they’re performing worse than in BFA and that is simply not true, or greatly exaggerated. I can solo most of ToS now, and back in BFA Goroth would rip me a new one if I dared to look at him the wrong way.

That said, by this point we should be able to solo anything in Legion with a fresh 60 in greens, just like a fresh 120 in greens could solo Draenor raids, and that is simply not the case.

I sincerely hope they revisit this. While it’s not much of an issue to get groups going (which I still do), by this point I think we should be able to just go and do it ourselves, and not have to be on the lookout for groups.


You’re soloing Mythic Goroth?

Yes, relatively easily. In fact, I did it this morning because I had the skip quest ready to be turned in, and it bothered me to have it my quest log.

I didn’t do the mechanics (which would make it trivial), I bruteforced it with Meta just because I could.

Define “relatively easy”? As a fury/arms warrior, I’m getting nuked in the 70s with an ilvl of 185. Burning/melted armor or whatever the two debuffs are are no joke. That was as of yesterday. I had him down to 33% last week as a 175 fury.

Normal and heroic are no problem, it’s mythic that has the fancy debuffs and dots that like to give the middle finger to your health.

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Well, I haven’t played Arms since before pre-patch but Fury always had more sustain, so you’ll probably have an easier time with that.

By relatively easy I mean the only time my health would dip below 90% was when he does “his thing”, but I popped Blur, and once Eye Beam came up, I healed back up.

And that was mainly because I fat fingered Meta when I tried to push “The Hunt”. Had I properly opened with the Hunt, then Eye Beam, then Meta, then Eye Beam again, I would’ve had 100% uptime on Meta and he wouldn’t have even scratched me.

Say what you want about Havoc’s DPS, but we’re still pretty durable.

That said, I don’t expect everyone to be able to do it, and they should. That’s the problem here. I use myself as an example because I used to not be able to do it, and now I am.

Are you a robot?

So, and I never thought I’d have to ask this.

Is there a way to ignore someone on the forums so you never ever see their posts like you can ingame? Because now I find it necessary.

(Sorry for the thread derailment, I just dont want to make a new post just for that. This thread has changed my mind on what I can and can’t put up with from people.)

Congrats on being so intolerable. You know who you are.

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