One. Item. Per. Week

That’s a good summary of this entire thread honestly, all of this was said before it was live yet people still act surprised. :man_facepalming:

Don’t bite my head off because it is a genuine heartfelt suggestion, have you tried to find a guild to mesh with?

This literally never happened to anyone ever.

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Yea, and?

It’s a weekly cache with more choices than before. What were you expecting?

The purpose of the vault is to ensure that you can’t get gear quickly and unsub, and to also make sure you get gear so slowly you’ll never be fully geared before the next patch.

They saw Anthem’s method of rarely doling out loot and decided to give it a try.

Looking forward to Diablo 4, they’ll be giving the RMAH another shot and likely with even worse rates than initial D3, but we’ll be so used to never being rewarded I guarantee the community will be just as happy to get nothing for their time in D4 as they are in Shadowlands.

It actually says that on the Vault screen, and on the wowhead page that describes how it works, to wit:

“Add items to the Great Vault by completing activities each week. Once per week you may select a single reward.”

What the three sets of rewards give is options - for those who prefer to raid, to do Mythic+ or PvP. In the past people have complained that their particular choice of activity doesn’t give them an option; the only way to get those rewards was to do a Mythic+.

Yes, getting gear at this time in the game is not, shall we say, lavish. It will take time. The pinata rain of goodies of BfA was rather fun, but it appears to be over. At least for now.

BfA had loot raining from the sky, surely you must be trolling?

couldn’t have said it better myself, rofl…
I know ALOT of people assumed you would get 1 item per activity string you did…
did bunch of pvp… grats here’s your pvp reward…
did a bunch raiding… grats here’s your pve reward…
did a bunch of m+… grats here’s your probably useless peice…

but only getting -1- out of ALL this stuff… is borderline robbery, rofl

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So do you genuinely think all loot is BiS? Because you throw the term around constantly in situations where people want any kind of loot at all.

I don’t think you know what BiS means.


Its better than getting 5 of the same cloaks in a row over 5 weeks on 1 character…

Now I can choose that stupid cloak I already have or another piece of gear.

You know what’s funny. It’s not far from reality that Acitivision prob does not know they own WoW.

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Should be 1 item via PVE and 1 item via PVP. That’d be perfect IMO.

By getting to choose from up to 9 items a week, you significantly raise the chances that you will get a good item. Think back to the number of weeks in BfA that the cache gave you a useful item; those are far less likely to happen now.

As a result, while you’ll gear more slowly in the short term, you’ll gear faster in the long term.

This is the genius behind Ion and the dev team’s response to the BfA loot, it plans for long term while players are still in the BfA mindset of short them. The system is great!

It’s been know that it was 1 item per week for like a year.

I think going that route would cause ALOT of burnout with people trying to always max all 3 paths.

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Next game we are going to get half an item a week and will need to hot glue it back together the week after.

altho I don’t disagree… if the no lifer’s wanna no life… let them no life.

now there is literally no reason to do more than 1 path, lol

More options to choose from is a pretty big reason. But if someone is fine with 3 choices rather than 6 or 9 then all good. I count myself in this category.

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that is a SH* LOAD of work for -1- peice, rofl