Once sharding is allowed in Classic..

Vehemently opposed, in fact.


I don’t think i can express just how much I hate the idea of sharding in classic.


No, that is not correct, as it was changed last year because of ToA.
pair that with we did events in outland, feralas, ashenvale, and tirisfal, ALL FAR before 7/18, the outland one even being back in 2017

No sharding!!! It will ruin the game.


Easy for me. Ahem

I’d rather roll gnome than have sharding in Classic™.

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What are you talking about. I love rolling gnomes. Right into cannons.

I’ve advocated for their deletion for years.

Gnomes are great.

For punting.

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I think sharding will ruin classic. I’m skeptical that Blizzard will keep their word about it only being on launch, but I’m willing to try. If classic doesn’t feel like classic I’ll just cancel again.

It’s the community, stupid.

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A small, vocal minority is, anyway.

Just replying to add my support for the OP. Sharding will ruin any large scale player interaction if it’s allowed in the game. How are we supposed to trust that it will be only at the start of the launch?

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And there is a small vocal minority that wants sharding because they see all those other players as nothing but obstacles in their way.


You guys gotta stop beating a dead horse!

I think sharding is important enough an issue to continue to inform Blizzard that it’s not acceptable in any fashion in Classic. It goes against the fundamental principles of the Vanilla experience. It puts convenience over community.


Even though I agree with you, it doesn’t seem to me that this is going to change because of a few forum posts. The devs at Blizzard have already got it decided by now.


Yea unfortunately Blizzard isn’t known for their good relationships with their customers anymore. Still, posting here is just about all we can do to try to get the version of Classic that best recreates Vanilla.

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Pretty much. Sharding a fully acceptable (even desirable) in starting zones at launch to thin out the mass of faceless zerglings and get people to the points where friendships can really start to form.

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No, haven’t been to the future of course, but many of us have saw what they said in the past about sharding only being in old content and that it would not be used in new content in live.

That’s what we were told in live, that it would not be used in new content. Well, guess what? It’s now used in new content and is prevalent throughout the entire game. There was a lot of backlash and Blizzard would say it was a bug and would remove it. This happened every maintenance or patch until one day they went back on their word and kept it in. I wonder why we worry they will do the same thing with Classic?


That was actually CRZ, not sharding but yes the overall point is valid as there was a similar issue of Blizz says one thing and does another with sharding on RP servers…

We know from multitude of sharding threads that some people feel that all the other players are nothing but obstacles in their way and that Blizzard shard those other players into oblivion so they don’t have to deal with any competition.