Once sharding is allowed in Classic..

They should make a deal with us, make it so that on launch, if sharding isn’t needed, it doesn’t get implemented, but the moment a certain number of people are in the same starter zone, they implement sharding? Also, they need to make sure the server cap on launch is at least 6,000 so that when everyone leaves, we don’t have 50 dead servers.

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It also isn’t confirmed to be in the game as of yet.

This is my fear for sharding in Classic. At first I hated the idea of it, but I think I would be ok with it if they truly do keep it limited to the starting area and only for the 1st week or so to make those areas playable. After that it should be turned off for good. My biggest worry is that they will turn on sharding for things like the AQ event or when huge pvp wars break out.

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This is also a false statement up until 7/18 rp servers had full sharding and it took blizzard over a year to change if even after they said it wouldnt be implemeted server wide.

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Exactly: ) let’s hope they don’t use it at all : )


Let’s hope they use it in starting areas during a limited launch window. :slight_smile:


Yeah, let’s hope those no-sharding psychos don’t ruin the first couple weeks of gaming because of something so trivial. Sharding the starting areas is a lesser evil for a greater good.


Sure. And when it’s in classic beyond the first two weeks or outside of starter zones I expect you to be here hourly demanding it’s removal


I have mixed feelings on sharding. On one hand, when levelling through zones, especially zones like Barrens, Desolace, the zone should feel empty. I want the world to feel big. Seeing a hundred people levelling, just makes the world feel smaller…crowded.
On the other hand, the game is centered around community. And sharding does take away from that. There’s no denying that.
Guess you can’t have the best of both worlds.

You bet I will.

Some people will absolutely not be here demanding that Blizzard remove sharding as they see all the other players as nothing but obstacles in here way to playing the game solo.

It is far more likely that those people will be here asking Blizzard to extend and expand shading so they can continue to play solo without any “inconvenience”.


Sure. If they keep it beyond their stated time frame, I will definitely post that it should be removed. I only want it to be at launch.

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And any time those obstacles (other players) get in your way?

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Beyond the starting zones there won’t be hundreds of them all after the same things as me at the same time. After the starting zones, they are more valuable to use to my own ends at that point.

I am kind of tired (and I imagine some others also are) of explaining Blizzard is considering sharding not because they want to appease “BfA babies”, or because they hate Classic, or because they use small capacity cloud-based servers…

Ion pointed out they are considering sharding because of realm population issues (see Blizzcon Q&A). In other words, they want to start with a huge population, which breaks the game if not dealt with (by using sharding or dynamic respawns, for example). Sure, I could be wrong, but this is the closest we have to an official stance.

Can we please have a more detailed post on this matter? This is something too big to be left for real discussion when we are already close to summer.

This is something I read on Ghostcrawler’s tumblr and that worries me:

“What do you think of what’s happening currently with Battle For Azeroth and the way the devs are responding, I’d loved for an opinion of someone who went through that and how different you’d handle it?”

Look, I don’t know much about the state of WoW, or how the devs are handling feedback, and even if I did, those guys are my friends, so I’m not going to beat them up.

Instead, I will offer a generic strategy for devs to handle feedback. The general structure here is to imagine that players are unhappy with what you did with a feature (we will call that X), and for whatever reason, players believe that an alternate implementation (we will call that Y) would be better. Note that Y may or may not be better, but players believe it would be.

Option 1 is the best way to handle the feedback, though it’s not always feasible, on down to Option 6 being the worst way to handle the feedback.

  1. You shipped X. Players want Y. You convince them why X is better. They now like X. (This is the Holy Grail, but it takes a lot of trust and good communication.)

  2. You shipped X. Players want Y. You tell them that Y is coming. (This is the answer players almost always are looking for.)

  3. You shipped X. Players want Y. You tell them why you think X is better. Players still want Y, but they understand your goals now. (This surprisingly can be pretty satisfying to players.)

  4. You shipped X. Players want Y. You tell players you understand their viewpoint but aren’t sure yet what you’re going to do yet. (This is probably the most common answer. It’s not hugely satisfying, but it is authentic.)

  5. You shipped X. Players want Y. You say nothing. (This is the easiest answer for devs.)

  6. You shipped X. Players want Y. You tell them they’re wrong. (This burns trust and makes players less likely to accept your answer next time. However, note that it’s really just empathy and tone that separate this response, the worst answer, from Option 1, which I consider the best answer.)

Is your stance on sharding a mix of option 4 and 5? Did you already decide and so are we wasting ourselves with these discussions?

Please update.


And those people don’t like mmos

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See info here:

A: It has been floated by the dev team as one way to help combat the expected overcrowding at launch of lowest level starting zones. BUT IT IS NOT YET GUARANTEED TO BE IN THE GAME. Naturally the forums have been a source of calm, rational discussion on the matter.

That’s why were voicing out opinions now. So blizzard knows what community opinion is.


No but I was there is the past when it worked with lesser technology and much slower internet…

Your comment is purely non constructive and clearly reflects your knowledge

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A: It has been floated by the dev team as one way to help combat the expected overcrowding at launch of lowest level starting zones. BUT IT IS NOT YET GUARANTEED TO BE IN THE GAME. Naturally the forums have been a source of calm, rational discussion on the matter.[/quote]

Until they come out and state unequivocally that it will not be included there is every reason to let them know how we feel about the issue. Indifference=acceptance in the minds of big businesses. We need to let them know that we are not indifferent, we are opposed…