Once sharding is allowed in Classic..

It will be used everytime 50 people are in one place.

Forget SouthShore and Tarren Mill fights... it will be sharded….

So will any city raid..

And it wont be for the first 2 weeks or 4 weeks.. it will be forever they will not stop and will use the same justification you fools are accepting now.

And it will ruin Classic.. and that is not an alarmist statement.. Classic is about community.. and this destroys it.
Hear hear.
Someone posted some claim that they migrated off local hardware for server hosting and they are now using a cloud system(hosted somewhere else).

They are going to have to figure some !@#$ out
Well if you see that sharding is used outside of the starting zones with the reasoning being "server stability" then sharding will be used throughout the game and always on just like retail.

In the 10-20 zones I can think of Westfall being overcrowded because of DM.
And then Darkmoon Faire because both horde/alliance will all converge in one zone to do it.

I plan to wait 2-3 weeks to start and monitor the forums. That will let me know whether or not I will sub and play.

What I fear is that there are too many people, unhappy with retail, that don't want sharding but will play anyway. And I think those people will continue to play even if sharding is on in other zones.
They are telling us its only for launch.

Im sure they know what kind of backlash they would get if they really put sharding in.
11/13/2018 09:31 AMPosted by Orukmeta
They are telling us its only for launch.

Im sure they know what kind of backlash they would get if they really put sharding in.

If the infrastructure is built around sharding, it will happen anytime there is a great server load, because they didn't really dedicate an actual server to the game.
11/13/2018 09:27 AMPosted by Cybertilded
Someone posted some claim that they migrated off local hardware for server hosting and they are now using a cloud system(hosted somewhere else).

They are going to have to figure some !@#$ out

An interview with Blizzard head IT guy:

When World of Warcraft shipped it was on single realms that were completely independent from all other realms. Now we're on a much more cloud-based infrastructure, which didn't exist in 2004 and is now the industry standard. We've modernized our game to make use of that, so we have a lot more resources we can share between different realms and a lot more connectivity we can provide to our players in their gameplay experience.
1 Like
11/13/2018 09:31 AMPosted by Orukmeta
They are telling us its only for launch.

Im sure they know what kind of backlash they would get if they really put sharding in.

Look no further than the history of crz/sharding on RP Realms.
Sharding was WOD

There are still a significant number of players on RP Realms in spite of CRZ/sharding being on 24/7 in all zones.
Ah, I see.

So you've been to the future amd are telling us exactly what Blizzard has done, and you've come back to warn us.


Sharding for the starting zones at the beginning is a good thing, and there is no valid reason for them not to do it.
1 Like
11/13/2018 09:31 AMPosted by Orukmeta
They are telling us its only for launch.

Im sure they know what kind of backlash they would get if they really put sharding in.

They previously told us sharding would NOT be used in Classic. Look how well they kept their word on that.

Once Blizzard gets that first concessiopn, each subsequent concession becomes that much easier to get.

It is anticipated that the starting areas will be crowded and some people don't want to have to compete for anything because they are all about instant gratification and convenience.

Those people say that "Sharding is OK if it is kept tot he starting areas and only for a brief time."

But when all the people in the starting area (let's say Elwynn) move onto the next area (let's say Westfall) and those instant gratification, convenience oriented players start to see competition, they will start to think that "maybe expanding sharding to cover the second areas would be OK in order to remove competition". They'll come to the forums crying "FOUL!!!" and demanding that Blizzard shard those areas to remove competition.

If the opposite faction raids their capitol city and they start to experience even a microsecond of lag, "maybe sharding in the capitol cities is OK if it removes that microsecond of lag". Then guess where they will go---straight to the forums to demand that Blizzard shard those opposite faction players into their own shard.

AQ gates opening and Silithus is packed? Guess what those instant gratification, convenience oriented people will do--find some reason to justify sharding in Silithus and go running straight back to the forums to demand that Silithus be sharded.

It is far better to do everything in our power to try to ensure that they do not get even that first concession with sharding.
11/13/2018 09:42 AMPosted by Azerothinian
Ah, I see.

So you've been to the future amd are telling us exactly what Blizzard has done, and you've come back to warn us.


Sharding for the starting zones at the beginning is a good thing, and there is no valid reason for them not to do it.

You do not even want Classic.

You want CLassic+, vanilla lite, EZ mode vanilla or possibly even a level 60 capped retail in a vanilla setting. You want everything handed to you with minimal effort and no competition.
If they can't deal without sharding when all the players are divided between 6 starting zones. What are they going to do for the AQ event when all the level 60s are in the same zone?

Say you have 400 zone and shard them off into 8, 50 person shards (for simplicity). Sure no big deal. Fast forward to AQ, where now you have lets say 70% at that point of the people online at any give time level 60, 1750 on a 2.5k pop server. Half those players are in Silithus for the AQ event, 875 people in 1 zone. In 1 small area. You think people aren't going to come screaming on the forums for sharding.

No. Shut that argument down now, by saying sharding is unacceptable at any time for any reason.
11/13/2018 09:42 AMPosted by Azerothinian
Ah, I see.

So you've been to the future amd are telling us exactly what Blizzard has done, and you've come back to warn us.

The current wow infrastructure is being used for classic. The current wow infrastructure struggles when burdened with 40+ players in one location using abilities.

There are plenty of videos of BFA that show the limits of current blizzard infrastructure. A group of two raids fighting eachother (40v40) causes so much lag and input delay that sharding is essentially required.

So answer me this one simple question.

What happens when that many players or more show up to a single location outside of a starting zone in vanilla?
11/13/2018 09:54 AMPosted by Velossena

No. Shut that argument down now, by saying sharding is unacceptable at any time for any reason.

I'm starting to think they cannot shut it down because the underlying hardware/network infrastructure has drastically changed so much.

I posted above an article that explains how they went from single realm servers to cloud architecture. Article is an interview with Blizzard IT guy so it's factual.
11/13/2018 09:57 AMPosted by Suzìe

So answer me this one simple question.

What happens when that many players or more show up to a single location outside of a starting zone in vanilla?

I'll tell you wut happents, you get sharted on.
calm down lmao its just for the starting zones early on so u dont have 800 ppl fighting over the pumpkins in tirisfal glades
11/13/2018 09:57 AMPosted by Suzìe
What happens when that many players or more show up to a single location outside of a starting zone in vanilla?

Who knows...

But Azer is partially right. So is Brock.

Let's be honest... Do you really expect Blizzard to return to the archaic hosting methods they had in the day and have a separate server "blade" for each realm?

That simply isn't going to happen.
11/13/2018 09:59 AMPosted by Brockthorn
11/13/2018 09:54 AMPosted by Velossena

No. Shut that argument down now, by saying sharding is unacceptable at any time for any reason.

I'm starting to think they cannot shut it down because the underlying hardware/network infrastructure has drastically changed so much.

I posted above an article that explains how they went from single realm servers to cloud architecture. Article is an interview with Blizzard IT guy so it's factual.

Yeah I've seen that in several threads you're in. If their current architecture can't handle it, they need to come up with a different solution. I mean anyone not being disingenuous knows that groups larger then shards, especially on high pop servers are going to spontaneously happen especially in places like IF and Org. If the game can't handle 40 people in starting zones with basic armor and minimal spells, how is it going to handle 80 people in IF with level 60s in good armor?
11/13/2018 10:03 AMPosted by Velossena

Yeah I've seen that in several threads you're in. If their current architecture can't handle it, they need to come up with a different solution. I mean anyone not being disingenuous knows that groups larger then shards, especially on high pop servers are going to spontaneously happen especially in places like IF and Org. If the game can't handle 40 people in starting zones with basic armor and minimal spells, how is it going to handle 80 people in IF with level 60s in good armor?

They spent 2 years working on this to get 1.12 data read and executed by the retail server. it is their intent to have a single MMO to manage with a unified server to run multiple versions of wow.

maybe "how" they do sharding is what they have to tackle ?
Remember all those epic battles in South shore? Good because now they will be sharded into 1v1 battles to let us all experience the original game......... Dur