Once again, punishes casual players!

I think this is what escapes people…and something i brought up a while ago that got lambasted by an individual.

If you’re not regularly completing M+15 then you don’t need to really concern yourself with these changes…if you are, and you no longer can, then there’s an issue that needs to be addressed.

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This was a great patch to help the paid boosting service that helps sell wow tokens.

I agree there needs to be better world content. They focused on Torghast, gated unlocks behind way too much anima, and left us to rot.

More rewards, sure. But I don’t believe it needs to be Heroic or Mythic raid level rewards. It never felt right to kill something trivial in the world and get such high gear for so little effort.

More engaging content in the world with rewards that makes sense for it. That I will always agree with.

the more blizzard gates gear the more money boosting services make. its anywhere between a few hundred to a thousand. its pretty stupid

Entry level gear you say? You mean ilvl 197 covenant sets that set you up for Normal Raids and M+7s? You can also get 197 gear from unrated PVP if you enjoy that type of content.

That sounds like blizzard provided everyone with this

Your argument is pointless because Blizz has done everything you have said they should.

We may disagree a little on the type of rewards provided, but it’s always nice to have a conversation with you. :heart: For now, anything that gives casual players options outside of Mythic or Raids would feel great.


They can, but they way the system is currently implemented means you’ll only get one or two items to 220 before you hit valor cap. Unlike the PvP system, Valor feels more meant for targeted upgrades than an overall gearing system.

You’re are right the entry level gear is there and its very easy to get at this point, a player can do it in a few hours. That i believe is the major problem there’s real no sense of progression for the covenant gear, one could argue it was there at the beginning but that was just a renown time gate. Had the covenant gearing system been more expansive and fun allowing all pieces in each slot to be acquired tho fun questline it would have been better for all.

At the end of the day we all just want a sense of accomplishment whether we are doing plus 15s or just doing wq

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203 would invalidate normal progression. You can’t fill up all the slots to 203 from the last two bosses. Normal raiders would be wearing all covenant gear and then whatever jewelery they can get. Last two bosses only drop weapon tokens, a decent trinket for most and one, maybe two pieces of their type of gear.

The stupidity of this attempt to FIX the terribleness of SL is hard to fathom.

Valor has actually made things worse in M+. I have 4 60’s. I haven’t been able to do a single M+ so far this week. Not one.

The KSM group didn’t need any help. There’s still a ton of 15 keys running - half of the carries mind you. And now there;s lowbie runs for valor I guess. But there’s nothing in the middle for anybody who was already locked out of progression.

They just seem really intent on killing the game for anybody who is not at the very top gear and progression wise or anybody who is at the bottom and just super casual.

Subs up in a couple of days. C u later.

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Let’s be real. Stomping wqs… I still am not wearing high gear, and I can’t recall the last time I even remotely had difficulty with a wq…so maybe it isn’t the gear that is the issue?

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I said entry level because back then it was. It was the starting gear. At the time I think it was called item level 200 for wrath.
You could get 2 pieces of the tier set just doing heroic dungeons and using tokens. You could get that item level from the quartermasters and make it.
When they patched to 216 ( I want to say) with uldum, the same held true. You could in fact get the same item level gear.
This method lasted until WoD really.

They’d even someone now saying they want loot to be meaningful. There’s no such thing., buying into that also buys into the illusion. It’s meaningless, so there’s no point in creating a false sense. Show that is just a game and open the pathways up for all to accomplish what they want, in the time that they want.

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Pathways are there. Let’s go a step further. I just don’t have time to do all those wqs. So in “the time (I) want” by your measure I should still get top level loot because I logged in? If there is no restriction on “the time (I) want”, right?

I consider myself a casual player, and I think saying things like ‘casuals are being punished’ is ridiculous and frankly embarrassing. Do better, OP.

You’re welcome to post your views here. It’s non stop whining from (to he fair more than just casuals). Whilst the only opinions from casuals are I’ll informed entitled whine posts, no one will ever take you guys seriously. Unfortunately, you will probably be called a shill if you say anything positive here. The average forum poster is a loser who just wants to complain.

Totally agree. Give rest of us a bad rep because you choose not to play a game the way the game was intended and then complain.

Play one character.

It really wouldn’t invalidate normal at all, 203 is fine and if your raiding normal as your progression you are also doing keys 10 and below most def all ready filling in slots you didn’t get from raiding.

Also no one said the 203 would just be handed to you, it would be like a week to upgrade each piece so once again not invalidated normal as by the time it was upgraded most people’s normal progression would be over.

Agreed! We don’t have to agree on everything to have a civil discussion. Thanks for being awesome. :purple_heart:

At the rate it’s going for Legion raids, I may actually need mythic gear.