Once again, punishes casual players!

Saves on headaches like what you see now and less stressful I can’t see why people are stress driven it’s a game for entertainment not another work schedule.


I support the gate keeping, but not for the reason you probably assume…

  1. Every system that they put in place for players that refuse to do end-game content, essentially becomes mandatory for people that are participating in content.

Right now for example, a raider could simply ignore WQs because there is no potential for upgrades. Once the potential is added, raiders will be expected to participate.

  1. The people demanding gearing systems will always be behind and keep asking for the goal posts to be moved.

If all players are easily able to obtain heroic raiding gear without participating in content…then the average gear of those that do participate in end game will still be higher. The same people complaining that they are behind in gear now will continue complaining because they will always be behind.

  1. Meaningful loot. I actually like meaningful loot. Having methods to easily obtain gear makes loot less meaningful as it become more available.

So overall, I really don’t care what gear you have. I just don’t want systems added that force me to do additional work.

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I can sense that frustration, but the meat of my proposal is that it wouldn’t give extra work to anyone; it would just give multiple paths to the same reward. A player can choose any of the paths, which may all look different but still exist regardless, and come out feeling like their time was worthwhile.

You want to raid for gear? Awesome. Probably the fastest and most efficient way of obtaining gear. Drops not working out for you? Go check out the other pathways.

You want to WQ for gear? Not as challenging, but you still get some good gear. Better than 200; 207, perhaps. Enough to rival world boss drops but not enough to make mythic players feel like they wasted their energy. And it can be a slow progression.

Neither of those working for you? Try unrated or rated PvP. Both offer good gear scenarios with upgrades past 200, but the unrated will likely be slower due to it being queued content.

All of these can work. Diverse players can all find achievement here without feeling like they’re being told to, “Raid or suck it up.” You feel?


Oh I see so they want it all now and not later because they see others having higher gear than they.Well,it’s not going to work no matter how much they scream to the devs for it. The part of the problem is the NOW gear.

I keep hearing this, and the answer still that you have a pathway to progression, it’s called doing the content. You can do the content. That’s the path to progression.

The only one choosing not to partake in this content is you. The content is there, you’re just refusing to do it. That’s a you problem, not Blizzard’s problem.


We are clearly not going to see eye to eye, because you think that the system is fine as is because you enjoy the content being provided right now and I am not a fan of it.

No one is denying anyone anything. Everyone has the ability to get higher gear if they run the content that rewards it.

Just like in life, you get out of it what you put into it. Work towards a goal and you achieve it. Stagnate and don’t reach higher, you won’t get higher.

No single person is denying anyone anything. If you want higher gear, run higher content. My guildies wanted higher gear, they’ve started raiding now. They’re happy to work towards a goal.

I think 203 would be a good compromise to upgrade the covenant gear to, its better that the majority of the normal raid but still under the last 2 bosses this wouldnt invalidate a players normal raid progression. Also 203 is a fantastic starting point for alts to do plus 10s if they so choose and its a fantastic ilevel for anyone to be able to time all plus 5s easily making it so their valor gear can then be upgraded to 207.

I found no issue with have solo players being able to get gear, I also found no issue have that gear cap out at a certain point so the next step if they so choose is group content ( this is after all a mmo and has always had the best rewards tied to group content)

As for the casual elitist debate on the forums its all a joke and the forums represent such a small % of wows population it must be taken with a grain of salt. 90% of the people like op making these post will whine about having to do anything in game to get a reward.


I guess that’s my argument then. I find the content pretty boring and I wish that there were other ways to get the gear. There has been in the past, and Shadowlands has axed those systems for casuals to funnel everyone into two end-game systems: Mythics and Raiding.

For players like me, who don’t prefer either, we feel pretty left behind.


Yeah, I don’t agree with OP. I think they’re asking for a little too much. I just proposed other ideas for lower ilvl gear that I think would work and I’m repeatedly told, “Do the content.” But that’s the point; I’m proposing ideas. Not refusing to do things. It’s like a squeaky wheel.

Overall, I agree with you.

Again, you can’t go to Taco Bell and ask for a Big Mac.

They’ll tell you you’re at the wrong restaurant.

You’re playing the wrong game.

Do the content, get the rewards. Don’t do the content, don’t get the rewards. It cannot get more simple.

The issue is, there’s only a Taco Bell available. You see?

I’m feeling really worn thin on you saying this. I already said we are just going to agree to disagree, because I think other avenues should be made available and you don’t. That’s fine, but there’s no need to keep squeaky wheeling it. We have different perspectives.

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BfA gearing system is one of the reasons so many people hated BfA. It wasn’t healthy for the game. It didn’t make getting gear fun. So many complained about it. Blizz went back to the system that’s worked since day one.

Now, if Torghast didn’t suck so much and if people could actually unlock their Covenant hall stuff, you’d have more things to do. The ilevel scaling for world content goes to around 200. So that’s why our Covenant set goes to 197. That world set bonus is awesome. I love that they gave us that set. The problem is that they didn’t do anything with world content to make it useful.

So what you really want is more interesting world content.


Even in vanilla there were dungeon sets casuals could work towards and get. I think the whole covenant set is boring overall and far to easy to get. Had there been a more fun experience to work towards getting the full set and then upgrading it to a simple 203 then people in that boat would have been happier overall

You are kidding right?
This singular method for highest gear before the 1st patch is unusual.
TBC, Wrath, cata, Mop and even WoD all had ways that didn’t require someone to actually raid to get entry level gear.
In fact, Wrath and WoD alive provided means via professions that gave out entry level gear, and tokens from dungeons to get even more gear from quartermasters.

You are intentionally leaving out the fact there has been means to get equal level beginning gear from multiple sources.

None of these alternate methods, harm you in any way. To believe so, shows how entrenched the illusion is in your mind. You truly believe that the gear matters to assume end means, when it really doesn’t. It’s an illusion.

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The truth in this statement.

Basically. And more interesting world content that currently feels more rewarding than it is at the moment.

Geesh,it’s lunch time and all this talk about food. Guess i’ll get higher gear food now to up grade this stomach.

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To be fair friend you don’t need to do the raid to get entry level gear right now. The real problem is getting the covenant set is not very fun and doesn’t challenge the player overall or make them feel accomplished for earning it

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plus world bosses dropped normal ilvl raid tier gear. well in MoP

I just had bad pasta. Yuck. WoW should offer more food, too.