So let’s get this straight.
Blizzard’s idea of a good system of gearing alts and allowing us to play multiple characters is to require them to do every +15 mythic keystone dungeon. +15. Do you know how difficult it is to get into a 15 dungeon group if you aren’t a super geared meta class? Answer: almost literally impossible.
You can’t even use the gear you already have and upgrade it even if you did complete this extremely difficult task. You have to grind out an entirely new set of gear as well as running every single dungeon on +15.
The icing on the cake? The item level you get from performing this punishing, needlessly difficult grind is LESS than someone who buys a carry with gold in pvp.
Great game Blizzard! Awesome system!
What they should have done, and I can’t believe I have to say this it should be common sense for any competent developer, is made ALL gear from the previous patch and this patch upgradeable. No stupidly hard achievements, no rules and no catches. You get Valor from doing dungeons and dailies, and freely upgrade your gear to 220. That would make every single alt able to get geared and transition into higher tier content.
If blizzard really wants to attract new players and keep the casual players around who are the majority, this has to change. These ridiculous rules and achievements in order to enjoy the game need to go. Stop constantly catering to the dwindling hard-core playerbase.
Casual players aren’t worried about mythic gear, imo.
Unless you are Vhisic.
Allowing us to upgrade covenant gear to 207-210 would have solved the issue.
If you’re not doing +15s . . . why do you need to upgrade your gear to 220+?
If you want to upgrade your gear to Mythic raid level, yes, you’re going to need to put in some effort. Why is this controversial to people?
Yes, designing a system that negates an entire raid teir sounds like a logical solution…just because some players don’t want to do end game
Upgrading covenant gear is still end game
It’s just a different kind of end game. It costs resources to do; I wouldn’t even mind making it weeks of resources.
Why do casuals thinking they deserve the best gear in the game if they won’t do the content?
You don’t need 220+ gear to do casual content. In fact, imo, 197 is far too generous as it is
I doubt that =/ “Casuals” would then just complain that 210 is not heroic raid quality gear and therefore they’re once again being discriminated against.
I like this system (though it should have been there from the start and I think all gear should be upgradeable) simply because now if I really don’t feel like trying to get a 10 done on a Tyrannical week, I can do 7-9s, get my valor, and upgrade my 200s to 207s, which is higher than what 10s drop!
Obviously it’s not…it is a catch up gear that takes you to the end game entry point
On the other hand, if it is end game…congrats you have won the game
They like the game, but that specific content is garbage.
It’s a nice compromise.
You only need to do the +15s on your main. The alts don’t need to. They can upgrade straight to 220.
Having to refarm the gear is a bummer for sure. “Technical issues” that hopefully get resolved.
But in general, the valor system is pretty awesome for alts once they removed the 1500 cap.
I see where you’re coming from and understand that unfortunately, the term “casual” has been misconstrued to make others believe that a whiney few represent the entire casual playerbase.
But I don’t think most of the casual playerbase would feel poorly about 210 gear. It’s not the best gear in the game by far, it takes us weeks to obtain it (the compromise for not doing raids), but still allows us to stomp world quests, which is our favorite past time.
Plus, I’ve been a casual for most of the time I’ve played WoW and last expansion, my “casual” gear was outranking world boss drops. It is not a new thing to ask for, with time and effort.
Allows us progression while simultaneously allowing Mythic players to get better gear for their hard work still.
Read above. 
I am a casual myself but this non-stop casual whining started to turn me off real bad.
A small number of entitled players are the ones whining, to be fair, claiming they are casual and turning the entire playerbase off of casual players.
This is why it’s so hard for real casual players to propose ideas; because the whiney ones have made everyone else mad at us.
That sucks for them then, doesn’t it.
You don’t deserve heroic raid gear for doing world quests.
No? not even remotely close. it was to help with drop rates for people who were already doing Mythic+
I earned Mythic gear for doing queued PvP last expansion. What changed?
Clearly their entire thought process about gearing changed from BFA to SL.
To me, it’s a good thing that gear isn’t falling from the sky
I agree that gear falling from the sky was problematic.
I also think it’s problematic to try and funnel players with varying play styles, time commitments, and passions into one end game for gear. We’ve seen it work countless times where casual players were able to obtain higher level gear, albeit slower and with more resources (the compromise), but SL has crossed that out.
I find that troublesome.