Once again, punishes casual players!

Yes mate, everyone doing higher keys than you is paying for carries. How about you get gud.

LMAO your title is too funny and so false. Once again? You do realize since Wrath to the insane loot pinata in BfA that they catered hard to “casuals” right?

But it is funny. You are whining about top tier gear to upgrade and the only reason you would make this post is because YOU CHOOSE to NOT do the harder content. So why exactly do you need this high end gear if you don’t do high end content? And people need to stop using the term “casual” as their argument. Any “casual” can do m+10-15 and even do normal raiding.


Allowing us to use Valor to upgrade World Quest/Adventure Table gear would have as well.

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No, I really don’t think normal raiders are doing 10s. I think you’re out of touch. Normal CN is really easy - +7-10 is not even close to that level of ease unless you’re with equally geared people on their alts.

I’m sry man idk what to say, I’m just here trying to throw these solo players a bone, upgrading covenant gear to 203 over time seems like a very simple solution to the people who don’t wanna raid or do dungeons I mean why does it matter its 203

I also fail to see how im out of touch when I say normal raiders are doing 7-10s they aren’t exactly the most challenging content ever and basically require a simple understanding of basic wow mechs and how to plays ones class and are def on par with the difficulty of a normal raid.

Adding an additional way to get something doesn’t negate the other ways. If it does, then you weren’t doing the content for the content anyway.

Getting Glad in arena doesn’t negate mythic raiding or vice versa.

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I get that you’re trying to throw them a bone - but after a painfully long time my raid group has progressed to finally heroic sire attempts. There are some in my group that can clear normal fine, but literally can’t time 7-10. They dont have that basic understanding of mechanics.

Well then its not a gear issue so why not give solo players a way to get some 203s., you can say that having to grind let’s say 2000 Anima to upgrade one piece to 203 would invalidate a normal raid progression but if your telling me members of your group don’t have a basic understanding of mechs no amount of gear will fix that. And a solo player having a couple 203 pieces from doing what they like also wont make your raid team worse

I mean let’s look at the ops post. He’s very upset about having to get ksm to upgrade gear to 220 but hontesly even if the dude had full 220s he prolly still wouldn’t be able to time 15s cause its not a gear issue as most things aren’t, so he will keep raging about this wall he hit and blame everything he can expect himself and his inability to time keys

They did, you can 203s from covenant caches. Problem solved right?

Of course not, because they want more…

You can get ilvl 200 gear from Time Walking, 213 gear from M0 week, 207s from world bosses

There are plenty of options to get gear above 197 without participating in end game systems.

But its not enough.

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A couple pieces is fine. A full covenant set is every slot except jewelery. 203 in a couple slots I’d be perfectly fine with. I honestly believe 200 is a better number for covenant gear rather than 197. I mean it already invalidates LFR gear. Normal, where it’s not queued content, shouldn’t likewise get invalidated and a full set would do that.

If we’re compromising to just a couple of slots at 203 via anima or valor, I’m on board.

Casual players punish themselves.

I’m just saying like 203 item level for the covenant set were it takes like 2000 Anima to upgrade each piece would take a long time to do for most, its a progression path any player could accomplish and it would give them something to do steadily and by the time they had the full set anyone who plays at the level above the solo player would alrdy have more gear then them

Yikes. That’s a lot of negativity, friend.


Yes. I’d have loved to see the valor system implemented a little better than it is.

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To be fair tw is for the badges for toys and mounts, I have never seen a world boss loot drop on any of my toons, but yes the 213 for 4 zeros is dope and I always take advantage of it even on my 220 lock cause u never know it could be that sweet 220 ring from sire

So you weren’t happy with the last to dumpsterfires you started, and thought that third time’s the charm?

Not everyone is supposed to even reach the KSM milestone. It was not designed so someone with gray parses could walk around in mythic raid gear.

Seriously, save yourself some grief man.

ouch… at least this thread didn’t turn out only about him. he’s good at making hot topics though - give him at least a green parse on that!

Eh, I’m not sure that you can really compare the difficulties since the affixes change for m+. What if you’re running the +15 on a push week? At least raid bosses don’t generally vary from week to week in difficulty.

True, but all of the heroic bosses pre-SLG are quite easy now that the hard ones have all been nerfed multiple times. Even SLG is pretty easy with the nerfs/adjustments for smaller raids.

For me, specifically as a healer, doing a 15 regardless of affixes is vastly harder than any heroic boss besides Sire. Even “push weeks” include something like bursting, which is absurdly punishing for healers.

He doesn’t deserve it.

It’s not hard to start a dumpster fire when you’re an entitled casual that wants free stuff.


This would have been a better idea than the pity bags of crafting mats, and given casuals who don’t do Mythic plus a albeit slow sense of progression.

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