Once again, punishes casual players!

Tell you the truth it is pointless to argue about the gear upgrade like someone said it’s all an illusion because of diminishing returns but go ahead and chase all the waterfalls and rainbows you want.


Translation: You don’t actually play the game at all if you don’t play it exactly as I want you to, slave. So you don’t deserve any rewards for the time or effort you put in, unlike me. Admire my purples and whisper me to tell me how awesome I am, slave!

That must be your playstyle, quitting the instant you finish your gear. I’ve never heard of a casual saying that, but raid loggers who unsub to play other games between tiers are common. Have you unsubbed yet?


:point_up_2: :heart:

Yes, you don’t actually play the game if you don’t play the way it was designed. The designers have provided a very clear gearing progression path.

But instead of participating, you are demanding that they change the game around you instead of actually playing the game you payed for.

How is this a new concept?

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“I demand to be able to order a whopper from pizza hut!”

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Do you want pizza sauce on that sir.

Imo. Not too much since they don’t log in as often as everyone else. I’m really casual as in I log in as little as once or twice a week. And pop into the forums of course.

This. It’s amazing that people will try to deny players the privilege of getting better gear if they don’t play the game exactly how they want you to play it.


If funny that you give credit it to “people” when the actual developers are the ones who designed the system that denied you gear.

We have no power to deny you gear. So the OP is right, it is Blizz doing this.

I just think you should play the game instead of demanding that the developers cater to you. And if you don’t like it, find something you do like.

Frankly I don’t care if they give everyone 220 gear, but there should be a reasonable investment on our part to get it. Gearing has been an issue so far, but time all your +5’s and you can upgrade to 207. That’s not bad if you don’t plan on doing anything more difficult than that. 207 is probably good enough to do keys twice as high and it’s good enough to do heroic raid.

The game can’t cater to every single person.

If you want better gear, do the content that awards it.

If you refuse to do so or are incapable of doing so, you don’t get the reward.

Enough of the participation trophys, enough of the whining.

Do what you you have to do to get what you want or move on.


I don’t like the gearing either, they should give more options for casuals to gear up.

But I have to tell you people don’t invite anything but the best because they can and it the best way to ensure people don’t waste time failing. It’s the way the world works.
“If you can’t convince them, beat them or join them YOU HAVE TO LEAD THEM”

i haven’t read the rest of this thread, so forgive me if i’m out of context now… but here goes.

Not to defend this stupid system that only works for those who do mythic+ a lot - but you don’t need the achievement to upgrade your gear to 220 merely to get into higher tier content unless that higher tier content is high end m+.

If your alt is in full covenant/world boss gear, you’re nearly 200 already. Normal raiding is higher tier content to that, while LFR is not (dumb too). Or, you can do +4-6 for great vault rewards that are upgrades and decent drops you can easily upgrade to 200 filling in slots. Then your choice, move up with your keys or swap over to raiding - or do both.

Even better, skip the BS and just PvP if your goal is merely high ilvl gear.

No, but it should be able to cater towards a large chunk of the playerbase; arguably one of the largest demographics of WoW players. I’m allowed to criticize a game that avoids helping this portion of its community.

You’re aggressively defending that notion whilst ignoring any of my ideas, meaning you disagree with change just because.

No one is asking for participation trophies, we are asking for pathways of progression. And if you think I’m whining, you’re clearly upset that my ideas hold weight. I’ve been nothing but respectful.

Again, you’re against change just because it’s change apparently.


Or get to level 200 somehow and not do the content on upgrading because it is pointless to fight a system that was developed against you.

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The developers are to blame, as are the people who defend the system. They both play a part in this, in my opinion, since the developers are creating content for us—their players. They listen to us.

That’s true. But there are still plenty of people in this thread who support the gate keeping and those are the ones I’m referencing and having conversations with.

I’m not demanding anything. I’ve mentioned some ideas I think would work and instead of having those ideas critiqued or evaluated, I’m being told to just suck it up. That’s not a good system, in this game or in life. Ideas should always be heard.


lol, that too. technically, it wasn’t designed against you though, it just wasn’t designed with you in mind. There’s a difference.

I’m 195-197 on all my alts which is a stones throw from 200.
There’s several avenues that don’t involve M+ should anyone wish to hit 200.

220, there’s limited ways, but even if we went by some of the proposals to remove the achieves and just grind it out, it would takes literal months to get there. By that time next tier will be out and freebie higher welfare gear will be tossed to us all anyway. I don’t know why anyone would want to do that to themselves.

You do know that KSM is account wide right? Fresh 60s can take advantage of the valor system for easy gearing.

Not to be that guy l…but there’s WAY better games to play if your casual. Like amazing games like Zelda breath of the wild for example.

You’re not being “that guy”. The system is actually so poor for casuals right now that I’ve gravitated towards games like Valhalla and ESO. So you’re right, other games do it way better.

But that’s part of the problem, isn’t it? That instead of helping casuals, they’re being told to go to other games. And it’s working. My fear is that the overall community may suffer if Blizzard and high end players hold onto this mindset of, “Do it my way or the highway” and casuals say, “Bet.” And leave. :sweat: