Once again, punishes casual players!

I started looking into the statistics based on raid completion and mythic plus completion.

All of us are casuals. Very very few people actually time a mythic 15 or above. It’s clear blizz isn’t going to change the gearing in WOW.

If you want to have that 226 loot in your vault, play the game earn some gold and buy a carry for gold. Or do everything you can to put a group together and start smashing mythic plus. It’s the only way your going to get that sweet loot that almost no one has percentage wise in WOW. I think last I checked you can get carries for like 100k gold. There you go play the game farm mats. Blizzard isn’t going to change the way the game is set up.

No one attacked you?

Yes, there very much is.

Correct. Because higher content is released.

Ummm… no.

It isn’t.

Also no.

If that were true, people wouldn’t be calling TC a waste of time. Rewards are part of the game. And these rewards are part of getting to the next level of content in order to work on progressing through that content to get better gear for the next level of content.


I understand you probably only replied just to +1 your post count but for a lot of people, new players included, it’s not an option. Its not exactly easy to get into a tight knit m+ group. I’m lucky enough to have a group of friends I’ve ran with for multiple expansions.

Low keys is irrelevant to the topic, the same problem doesn’t even exist there, I’ve had no problems getting invites to a low keys.


Yup,and all the streamers seem to say it’s easy to do. What they should have done like most people wanted a vendor for valor.


No… I replied to drive home the point of how important it is for people to realize they shouldn’t rely on pugs for higher content.

Find a guild, find a Community, find a discord, ask around the server, find people in good pugs to keep statically running with.

There are always options. People need to use them.

Not sure why you had to pull out the snark.

It’s a bummer but yep it’s almost like a professional hobby to get the good loot in WOW. And if you look at the stats almost no one is getting good loot. If you want that gear you gotta become just like the “ELITES”. Use raider io go to WOWPROGRESS and recruit people. Find discord communities. This is what I did for a few years and it took a boat load of my time. When I mythic progressed I would have conversations with college professors and astro physicists while we where all at work talking about RAID MECHANICS. It’s really that crazy to get all the good good now. I woke up one day and realized I needed a new hobby so I don’t do it anymore. Plus you have to be cutthroat and only play with people that can get the job done in wow. It’s not something I enjoy anymore.


I never once said you attacked me, I said it would begin.
Which given the short responses you gave, is close at hand.
I also said there’d be no way to discuss this given the sheer difference in thinking.
You don’t think it an illusion, that’s on you. It’s also a fundamental difference that’s not going to be worked out by any civil means in the long run.
I’m simply not going to argue with you over a video game.
I’m happy to discuss things, and that’s as far as it goes.

Nothing anyone does or doesn’t do in game effects you in the least. It’s never happened in the 13 years that I’ve played, where someone inspected me and said “how’d you get that, you aren’t worthy, scrub.”
You know why? Because what I have or don’t have makes zero difference in your game what so ever.
Given that’s truth, there’s zero reason to hold back the same rewards just because you went one way and I went another.
The only reason to be upset about what I have goes back to the illusion, which you think doesn’t exist.


You don’t have to do 15’s to use your valor. If you time all the 5’s, can’t you rank gear to 207? What’s wrong with that?

What’s wrong with it is that it’s not good enough for some people. People like OP always want more. People like OP want all the rewards without any of the effort.

It will never, ever be enough.

You basically are telling people how easy it is to get into content you yourself don’t even have any experience talking about.

So yeah, it sounds like your usual +1 must post gotta post on every topic norm.


I’m not sure why you’d automatically jump to this conclusion. Your post was incorrect, but I see no reason why you’d get attacked. Seems a bit dramatic.

No, it’s pretty much factual that it isn’t. Everything you’ve said is quite incorrect.

Okay, so we’re going the drama route. I’m done then. You clearly don’t want to have a discussion.


People can’t accept how much effort it takes to actually get good loot in this game. You have to be constantly recruiting or looking for people that can clear content. You have to realize it’s about the skill of player not if you like playing with them. RAIDER IO is probably the best thing to happen to this game. The vast majority of this player base cannot do high level content. And if they can do the high level content it’s even harder to get people to show up consistently. You have to constantly be only grouping with consistent players regardless if you like them or not. It’s just how it works if you want the good loot.

Except I never once said this. So now you’re twisting things.

And yes, I used to run progression content. So I do know what it’s like. Which is why I always like to emphasize how important static groups can be. I didn’t say it was easy to find, just that it should be something people try to find, because pugging isn’t easy.

shakes head

What is with people today… oi.

I can tell you I have enough gear to get me by in the sl ,yet I would like to have some to make me feel a little bit comfortable doing the dailies .In the long run I’m happy with I got just don’t like the improve going lead.

They don’t, they get an ilvl equivalent which doesn’t really mean much with stat priorities. You can’t get Mythic raid gear from Mythic+, vice versa.

It is incredibly easy to get into groups doing high end content you just have to meet the standards. People who play at the hardest level make these standards because they have learned the hard way. It is a total waste of time to play with people that don’t meet high standards when doing high end content. It looks sleezy and it kinda is sleezy but everything in this world done at a high level is like this.

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But PVP does? bad logic

I’m a shadow priest and I managed.

Get KSM on one character and all your alts get the upgrades.

Checking my post history… When did I ask for that exactly?

So basically you want to upgrade your gear to the same level as people running 15s or doing mythic raiding, but you don’t want to do that content. So I have to ask why do people want their gear over 220, when they aren’t going to do content that requires it? You basically want 220 gear handed to you with no effort so you can do any content in the game on any character, instantly, with no effort put in to it. You know how ridiculous that sounds? not thay I’m saying the Valor system is great and the way loot works is fine… But your solution is for them to just hand it to you so you can be the best at content that you don’t want to put effort into doing.