Once again, punishes casual players!

Well clearly your friends are violating The Rule!!!

I can’t. Restoring an item is simple.

People would rejoice if they could bypass a grind by restoring an item. Same thing happened with corruption in bfa.

The people that are saying non competitive casuals deserve lower rewards, will be the same people asking for higher rewards when they no longer want to devote themselves to being competitive in WOW.

Non competitive players are just people that still want to play wow and would like to see some higher gearing path outside of competitive game modes.

The question lies in do they want non competitive people to move on from wow or not? It’s a good question and maybe they do and maybe it’s more profitable to keep wow the way it is right now.

I think for players of all levels it’s beneficial to have more people playing wow so it maintains it’s popularity.

Also I agree wow is entertainment and should not be confused with real life but that is just my opinion.

Real life example

Do you know who won the shuffle board national championship last year or know anyone who does? There is some real skilled people but reality is no one really cares cause it’s not popular.

I think you might have taken mine out of context. While his may or may not have been directed at you, mine was not if that somehow wasn’t obvious. It was in response to the thread topic. I’m casual. I don’t feel entitled. No one should. You are not forced to do any content, and you are not forced to acquire any gear, nor achievements. I have no problem with how you play your game. My comment was directed to anyone who expects/wants better gear, and is not willing to put effort into acquiring their goals. Apparently that isn’t you.

Let me help you with some context.

Way too many people sit around and state they are casual and they have no gear paths. That’s deceptive. Casual has the same gear paths available as anyone else, and they all have the same requirements. Casual doesn’t mean you only do wqs, pet battles whatever. It means you don’t invest as much time (may or may not raid/do mplus/ pvp) regardless of where you focus that time.
The extremely vocal minority who come to GD and whine that they are getting nothing for nothing claim they are casual and it paints truly casual players in a very negative light. They are the ones my posts are directed at. This isn’t you? Cool. Have a good day.

yep, valor was suppose to help! not make it sad.
i have to finish all 10+ so i can get crappy gear if i am lucky to get loot at all!
and they expect with that crappy loot be able to finish 15+ on time???

Blizz! wake up!!! valor should not need the achievement, ppl should be able to upgrade as soon they get enough valor points for the first upgrade!

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Haha you’re 213 that is plenty enough item level to time 15s, your inability to get ksm has absolutely nothing to do with your gear


Worth pointing out that 1) Torghast has been severely gimped and 2) difficulty in there is hobbled further if you enter as a healer.

But I dont disagree - Covenant gear is more than enough for all the solo content out there. I see no need for them to offer another level of upgrade until 9.1 drops.

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CASUAL IS NOT JUST ABOUT TIME SPENT IN THE GAME. Good lord… how many times do people need it spelled out… People here are morons. They look at “casual” in one dimension when in reality it’s multi-faceted. I know this will go over a lot of people’s heads so I’ll stick to a low safe number: 2.

Being casual has two aspects. The first is casual on a skill level. Not saying that there is something wrong with that, people suck at some things and are better at others, but they peak extremely quickly in skill on WoW or video games in general.

The other aspect is time spent. The “I have a family/job/social life/all of the above” crowd fall in to this category. Again, circumstances are different for everyone so obviously some people have responsibilities outside of WoW so they can only play… an hour? Two? I mean at that point why even play an MMO but que sera sera, I guess.

So you can have one “casual” player who tops meters in all classes but only plays a limited amount like the person you described, and you can have a completely different “casual” player, who can’t do endgame content but still fervently plays the game for all the brownie point stuff like collecting mounts, pets, cause they can’t settle on one class like some sort of ADHD kid deciding what ice cream flavor he wants a scoop off… It’s nowhere as simple as people make it out to be. But like all the other idiotic buzzwords the internet loves to toss around, they do so with barely any definition or context, and simply because it’s the word everyone else is using.

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Yes, this is the issue I think that is causing the problem.

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So in effect, are you saying people who have peaked (extremely quickly-which I think is kinda narrow, because we are all still learning) are what? Entitled to gear they do not possess the skill to acquire? I’m not pro, will never be pro, but I don’t need pro gear. Why? Because I’m not doing the level of content that requires it.

people here are NOT casuals. They spend time arguing on forums. They spend alot of time playing the game. THAT IS NOT CASUAL GAME PLAY. They just choose to not do what the game is designed and complain they have NO path to progress. All they are are entitle little brats.

Sigh get a new excuse. We all have families. We all have jobs. We all have responsibilities in the real world. It’s just prioritizing on how you spent your game time. You want to do mog runs in your game. So be it but dont complain you’re not getting current gear content. Just because you have limited play time doesn’t mean you can’t do contents that mid tier players aren’t doing.

then that’s fine. That’s their game play. But no they’re not casual but also not hardcore. They’re just player who choose to play the game by farming things that doesn’t give them player power but more aesthetic looks.

But it is that simple. Just stop hiding in the word “casual” because you’re bad or lazy.

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All I’d like is to get gear that’s past the ilevel scaling. I’ve professions left to level in Legion that require dungeons/raids, and I can’t queue for them, and the guild is me and five other people who are never on at the same time, so alone is my only option. I want gear that will let me one-shot the ghost spider in my garrison again.

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the issue isn’t the gears then. W/ old xpac (legacy content) we should be able to kill things so easily we can close our eyes and not think about it. The problem w/ there are on blizzard end because they screw-up the scaling. Even w/ my gear I am having a hard time w/ legion raid. And these raids are so old that I should just come in sneeze on them and they’re dead.

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Indeed, indeed, which makes it not the players’ fault, but back on Blizzard, for making content that requires the highlevel gears. Ion said that while prepatch would weaken us, we’d still be about as strong as we were, but has more recently said that he expects we’ll be able to clear the content by the end of this expansion. That means we’re expected to gear through the scaling, no?

This is not casual

That’s not how everyone else defines casual, but you can make up your own definition I guess.

Someone pass the popcorn.

When did I EVER say that people that don’t do the pro content deserve the pro gear?

Hahahaha see what I mean? People like you two ARE a morons. I’m 100% AGAINST gear of this kind being available to people who don’t do the endgame content. If you don’t raid why would you need 210+ ilevel gear? I’m 2/10 Mythic bosses down. Look through my history, I always criticize the whiners who make posts about it. I’ve said it ever since vanilla. I never raided 40 mans, I hated them and what a zergfest they were with just a few select people actually making the real impact. And yet I never cried about the gear I got because I knew if I don’t do the raid why would the best gear in the game be available for me? Once the dungeon 2.0 sets were released, that’s when I made the effort to acquire them. My point was “casual” cannot be defined by one attribute like so many idiots (like you) try to do so. Think of it like this


Just replace “tasty/untasty” and “difficult/easy” with “skilled/unskilled” “busy/not busy” As I explained it doesn’t even end there. You could always add a third axis, and label it “socializes via game” and “doesn’t socialize via game” since a lot of “casuals” could see WoW or most games as a means to interact with other people.

Perhaps take your own advice and check our posts. Adilith is opposed to welfare as am I. So u think you are special and we are going to , like, investigate you? Oh honey. Welcome to GD.

Hey genius, my post was PURELY about people throwing the word “casual” around like they have any clue as to what it meant, not what gear they should or shouldn’t get. I’m sorry your reading comprehension is stunted, but that’s not on me.

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