To you. You can’t apply your personal definition to the game when the Devs have already told you what their vision is.
No. There’s a reason 226 gear doesn’t exist for casual content, because if it exists for casual players it exists for the top end too and would just create a ton of stuff that we view as chores to do. If you want to make raiders burn out, this is how you make raiders burn out.
If you’re really so casual that you never see yourself stepping into a mythic raid, +14 or higher, or pushing duelist, then 226 gear is huge overkill for what you’re doing anyway. They should’ve made the solo path to 200 longer so people didn’t run out of forms of progression rather than just giving access to a higher ilvl.
Well to be fair, they wouldn’t care. They’d just say “nobody’s forcing you to grind this.” and remind you again how casuals keep the lights on and should be cratered to the most.
What is their vision? And wouldn’t what you say apply to everybody?
Yeah, I already know. It’s the expected response from people who don’t understand progression raiding. I already felt compelled to do arena for my BiS trinket. If there was a way to upgrade that mastery WQ trinket from Bastion to 226, every Shadow Priest and Aff Lock would be spamming whatever they needed to do to get it there.
It’s a different mindset that “casuals” don’t share, but I hope they can at least see it from our perspective. Adding a solo path to 226 is basically asking us to do island expeditions again, because it’s going to be a grind. It has to be a grind, a long one too.
the only thing not friendly to casuals is switching the weekly key system back to the old one. It was great not getting screwed over because my team’s real life schedule gets hectic one week.
Well that hits everyone when we constantly swap between push weeks and non push weeks.
what they need to do to keep casuals happy is make legion raids fully soloable
none of that “wait until shadowlands end to solo it maybe”
SIgh. Atm I don’t care anymore. Maybe we can just ask blizz to create a really hard content. Mage tower-ish encounter when it was originally created and lock good gear at the end of it. And watch all the bads (take not I said bads not casual) QQ about how hard it is and is only meant to people who’s raiding/high m+
Hate to say it but a measured form of titanforging would help this issue.
There should be a titan forging cap that automatically and slowly increases as the season progresses, and players can do certain things to speed up the cap.
Something like the cap would start at 200ilvl, and increases naturally by 1 ilvl per week. Killing bosses in normal CN and/or completing all +5s would unlock the TF cap up to 207 then 213. Completing +10s and/or heroic CN bosses pushes the cap up to 220. Same deal for +15s and mythic CN bosses pushing it up to 226.
The natural weekly increase would not apply until it caught up with your progress. So for example, if you cleared heroic CN in the first month or so. Your TF cap is 220. You won’t get any of the weekly natural increase until 20 weeks into the season.
Just my 2cents.
Sure does. If they tell me I need to do X to get gear Y then that is their vision. If that isn’t what I want, then I am free to stop playing.
I don’t get to tell them “imo, games are for fun, so you need to align your version of fun with mine specifically”
Hate to say it but I’d rather deal with the current system than need to grind every WQ that drops gear, LFR, and more dungeons hoping for a TF.
Correct, this change is one I dont get for new or returning casual players. I dont run mythics and wont as my only raiding is LFR so being above ilvl 200 is really pointless. Valor have a bunch its a useless currency.
Can you imagine the uproar if they told us we couldn’t upgrade our pre-9.0.5 gear, we vendor it all, then a month later they change their minds?
there is always item restoration. lol
If they make it really easy to get 226 gear, and everyone has it, raiders will be decked out really fast and it won’t even matter. They raid to clear on mythic, not for the gear.
Anyway, if they want the game to be an esport then everyone ought to have roughly equal gear.
I see. Total list bloat if you’re going to be including LFR and normal as separate additional “progressions” from heroic and mythic, which a lot of people now feel is the only progression, normal, heroic, and mythic 0 dungeons as separate progressions, even though most people admit they are all trivial, and random pvp which has been turned into a currency dispenser to feed elites’ need for easy upgrades.
Basically no more types of progression than ever: still just raiding, dungeons, and rated pvp.
Torghast is also a currency dispenser.
This sounds like a “you people should be happy you got content I turn up my nose at” post.
Jee, it almost feels like the goal of the system was not that! Oh, wait a minute, it wasn’t!
At this point I think blizzard’s mistake was to let people get 197 catch-up gear way too fast.
I engage in all difficulties of all areas barring pet battles and high end pvp. This sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder.
I have sat and listen to people bark on this issue daily and I understand the pros and cons of it. do you wipe out a raid tier so people can upgrade? I don’t think that is the soulution.
Blizzard has given us a small path of progression but they can’t force you to leap on it. and that is TW 5 dungeons for a 200 level from CN Normal and if you do the weekly event where you do 5 Mythic 0 you get CN Heroic. Is the cut off good for basic gear? it’s weak but the content is slow to complete and even I would agree to that. Some mobs are brutal and no matter what your going to need to group up.