Once again, punishes casual players!

It’s one of those personal preference things, if i’m going to lose i’d rather just get it done and over with lol.

My boy Wirt finally found his leg! Yeah, I honestly think that upgrades past 180 covenant gear should have been done with tokens from Torghast (depending on layer like soul ash) . Torghast could be a very good delivery method for casual gearing. Bringing 1 friend or 5 totally your choice and more enjoyable for some casuals that like doing things small with friends you care about. Or other casual ventures. I found Visions in BFA less enjoyable but they were something I could work on myself and conquer as difficult content and get awarded for the effort.

While I can understand that valor may be useless to some, I can’t get behind this statement. You don’t need high end gear to start on raids or mythic plus. You work your way up. So many seem to overlook that. Everyone started somewhere to get where they are. If your statement was true, no one would be able to do what many are currently doing and others are just starting to do.

No one likes to hear it, but this is true. No one is cut off from following any path in the game. Some have it easier than others, because they have friends or guild groups? Of course. Does that mean you can’t do it or that you can’t build up friend’s or find a guild? Of course not.

If you’re not going against a person in PvP, then why do you care if they have a high item level?

Harder content should provide a faster way to get great gear, but not be the only way.


Seriously, except for PvP, why does it bother a “hardcore” player like you if others are able to get gear like yours at a slower pace. I can’t understand that mindset.

I’ll turn your question on you. Why do you think only “hardcore” people are entitled to certain gear? If I’m casual, my high item level doesn’t impact you at all and gives me a sense of progression. It’s not my fault that ilvl is the preferred method of character progression in this game. You can still stomp your mythic raid regardless of my casual item level.

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I can answer this. Character progression, a game like this has to have it even for casual players. It may take them a long time but it should be there.

If a brick wall is hit players get frustrated(yes there should be some challenges) often times the Casual player will leave. The mid causal semi hard core grind it and we know the hard core steam roll it.

The casual needs the progression to have a goal even if it takes 3 months longer. Then are casual so it doesn’t matter as long as it’s there.


To…enjoy…the…raid. Imagine enjoying content for the sake of the challenge. Better yet, imagine being a person who equates all things good to item level and then wondering why casuals want item level as well.

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dude this game is FOR casuals as it is.

the more hardcore ppl have to run 12 alts to feel busy (okay maybe not 12).

honestly… you have to get creative to be busy more than 2 days a week on a single char…

I agree with this…at my job. This is a nearly 20 year old video game. Fun is the central tenant, not “hard work”.


It isn’t a job. Therefore, optional. It is a game you can choose to play or not. I’m casual as well, but agree with the quote. I do not deserve mythic raid gear. I don’t need it. I don’t mythic raid. Having rewards fit challenges suits me fine. Those paths are open to me as well as anyone else willing to rise up. Games by nature are competitive. If you spread rewards among all, they become meaningless. There is no point. It’s not a difficult concept for those who weren’t a part of the gimme generation and I’m sure Blizz realizes this. So I expect complaints will continue regardless of what you give, because it will never be enough for those types. Why would they (Blizz) put in effort to reward you for not putting in effort to achieve your goals within paths they have clearly defined in their game? I sense you may be waiting awhile.


No they aren’t. I’ve never played WoW or any other RPG and cared about competitiveness other than PvP. A FPS, I get. Maybe you are just competitive by nature.

I can have 207 gear and you can have 48472847 gear. I don’t care. I want chances to progress and customize my character in any RPG I play.


Straight off google, type in “game definition”.

a form of play or sport, especially a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck.

Simply because you don’t play that way doesn’t negate the design.

wanna know why it’s impossible for you? Because you haven’t timed anything above +10. So why do we want to invite some1 who obviously doesn’t have the right experience. And even if you get invited tbh you’d probably screw the key anyways that it’ll get depleted. Know why? Coz you can’t dps. Yes I remember you w/ your grey pharse and making it sound like it wasn’t your fault

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One and the same yes lol.

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need to change the description there. They’re not “casual” more bads.

Look up video game instead:

: an electronic game in which players control images on a video screen

And competitive can mean merely against yourself. Think Tetris.

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Can I ask you a question. So how much did you pay for your 2 +10 carries?

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You can argue all day. It is not relevant. I said games are competitive. You said they are not. I provided you with common knowledge that you apparently lack. Beyond that, I’m sorry, but I cannot help you. Continue your way, receive less than you feel you deserve, whine, see how far that gets you…in any circumstance. Glhf.

P. S. “a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a television screen or other display screen”–keyword you missed in that definition…“game”.

Keyword you missed there as well, “game”.

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So explain how me playing Mario is competing against someone else.

Mario is a video GAME. Some games and or video games are competitive. Some aren’t.

I mean, who is the competition in solitaire? It’s you. Just like WoW can be.

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