Once again, punishes casual players!

We are (at least I am), but mostly just the mythic gear on the players in my random BGs. I stick to my content, and don’t complain about getting crap gear, and no way to get better gear without becoming more HC, but I can’t enjoy random BGs when some overgeared player joins something way below their ilvl (which offers little to nothing for rewards), and gives absolutely no chance to compete against them.

I don’t blame the players, I blame the devs for all their “innovative” ideas, the pointless changes (just to change), and their inability to balance this game and its many modes. I have said this before, but if I knew I would only be going up against 2-4 ilvl players, I would be fine with a 1 ilvl myself. As it is now, I have to hope they give casual players more ways to gear, or fix the BG grouping system.

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Its been pointed out many times but it’s really more of a “nah nah, you don’t deserve it” argument from most folks who do the content. Proof? Tell them you don’t want M or H tier gear, allow us filthy casuals to increase our gear SLOWLY via tokens ala Benthic or Covenant to 10 or 15lvs below top available gear. they still whine we “want freebies”.


You have a car? A bicycle would get you where you’re going fine, you don’t need a car.


While I agree with some of what you said, most in fact, anyone who has never stepped foot in a mythic raid does not need 220 gear, there is an argument for 215, but not 220. Also, tying the upgrades to that toxicity-encouraging, pestilential, infectious cancer m+ was pretty much the nail in the coffin for me. Two words and one finger to you ActiBlizz.

Semper Fi! :us:


Because they know the people that are hopelessly addicted to this game are going to keep playing regardless :laughing:


Hate to sound like a broken record, but again, the whole we don’t need higher ilvl gear would be fine if Blizz removed the ilvl scaling of open world mobs so when casuals get better gear from those WQ we would actually feel like we got stronger. As it stands now it doesn’t really feel that way since those mobs are scaling with you to a point.


ilvl scaling should never have been a thing.

Kinda like level scaling personally, but at max level scaling should stop


Put in effort to earn the best gear, just like every game with gear progression ever

I’m happy with the covenant set, but it would have been nice to be able to upgrade them to 207 or 210. They give valor for callings and give nothing but mythic+ gear to upgrade. We get valor for the easy content but can’t upgrade the gear we get from same content.


You want high end gear? There’s a path for high end gear. 3 of them in fact.

You can always use your own key. I mean all that you need to do is take it from your bag and put it on the pedastal.

another major component of valor that screws over casuals is the account wide valor upgrade feature. So, if you have KSM, you can upgrade your 180 ilvl alt with 220 gear.

If you were a more casual main and were already having a hard time getting into groups, you can’t upgrade anything.

Think about that, I’ve done +9’s, am 211, but I can’t upgrade anything with valor. I can’t get into any groups at all this week and I my own keys haven’t allowed me to do PL or DeO. A KSM alt that’s done a +2 can upgrade to +220.

Ya, thanx Bliz.


As per usual thanks for not understanding what I wrote at all. You even make my point again for me by claiming I want “high end gear” We want a SLOWER path to HIGHER level gear. The ability to get within 10 to 15 ilevels to top tier OVER TIME. Stingy children and their shinnies, good grief.

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I agree with your post the gear should be upgradeable to 226 and valor shouldn’t be time gated and gear we already had should have been upgradeable


Just wanna day buying 15s is cheaper than buying 2100 pvp boost

bwuahaha maybe you don’t deserve heroic raid gear for doing… dungeon content. It goes on and on, just because your excuse works in your favor I’m sure you would be quite the cry baby when you got heroic and mythic raid gear taken away from your mythic+'s.

Casuals don’t want your mythic dungeon rinse and repeat crap. It’s garbage content, not fun and it’s no wonder subs are leaking like mad right now. Some people just want to do top content with 1 close friend, or 2 friends. or even solo if need be.
Just because blizzard bent over backwards for elitest dungeon crazies after so many expansions, doesn’t mean you DESERVE It either. Ya remember when the only way to get the highest gear score was to raid? Oh how things change.


Casual players are fine , if it was a problem decisions would have been reverted in under a week. Guess its not a problem then

Your alts don’t need mythic raid level gear, bro. You’ll be alright.

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The new Valor system really reminds those of us who have family guilds and are casual players that don’t M or M+ raid and don’t PVP that we are playing the wrong game. Don’t give me currency for something I’ll never get.

Valor is yet another feature that is rubbing my face in the fact that this game is now totally built around the M+ power-gamers. This a socio-economic system problem, not a gaming balance issue. Get some devs who understand that aspect of the MMORPG environment.

Here’s the way it looks to those of us who have been around a while, but haven’t maxed our characters in prior expansions: If you don’t have the mythic equipment, you can’t get into a mythic raid/guild (or even a PUG group). If you don’t get into a mythic raid/guild, you can’t get mythic equipment. We’re shut out from the start.

This is what comes from having devs who don’t really understand the gaming experience for anyone who doesn’t play the game the way the gamer-devs play it.

Blizzard, you need to manage your world better, starting with managing the dev team so they aren’t all hardcore gamers. You really need to do focus groups or have user panels with people who aren’t just the types that sign up to beta-test. Relying on volunteers to do beta-testing skews your sample toward the min-max gamers. You have a much broader demographic than the folks who are developing and testing your product, and I’m guessing that it’s actually a majority of the subscriber base.

Service those of us who have been with you since the start. we’re the revenue base that keeps coming back, but you keep leaving us behind or making us feel like you think we’re not playing your game right.

You don’t have to break the high-end game. There’s enough room that you could include all of us who pay and play. It’s just really poor management on Blizzard’s part if we don’t get the sense that you even give a damn about a major group of loyal customers.


Loved this!

"Aristocracies and hierarchies don’t get people into games. They turn people off from games because new players rightly assume that they’re never going to be able to catch up and former players don’t want to waste time climbing again. The endpoint isn’t a whole bunch of people admiring the gear that you, by an arbitrary standard, “deserve” to wear; it’s a lot of people leaving because they recognize that they exist only to be grist for the mill.

So stop being an elitist turdwaffle or be prepared to be laughed at."


Effort does not equate into only M+ or Mythic raids. You can put effort into basically anything. I support that people should have to put in effort to get Mythic level gear… even putting in effort doing WQ or some other non group activity. Thank you for your support.