Once again, punishes casual players!

What on Earth are you talking about. My comment was in general not to the OP. I was nor am I complaining about anything but hard core “raiders” and THEIR complaining about casual players having an iLvl more than 150 or so. I’m perfectly happy with solo questing. If I ding 200 ILvl that will be great. Not really looking to go any higher for what I do, which I like doing. I do not like raiding. I have my reasons, and I do not feel the need to explain them to you. Dang, try reading closer.

Me thinks you be a Troll, or just looking to argue. Meh. I’ll just skip over you from now on.

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anyone else seeing an old man shaking his fist at the clouds?

I worry about having interesting, fun content to do. Or at the very least content I don’t mind doing or can tolerate.

Okay, I’m going to say it. I’m casual and I don’t feel punished. In fact I feel like I’m doing really well. I like to casual pvp and the honor gear system is great this time around. I can split my time between PvP and raids and stay geared with just one set. Don’t have to carry lots of extra pieces around anymore.


I think Blizzard’s idea is that you can easily gear up to 197 without setting foot in an instance, and then from there earn the vast bulk of all the achievements, mounts, pets, toys, transmog, and other collectibles in the game again while continuing to avoid (current) instances.

I disagree. Doing 15s are NOT impossible, but it’s not handed to you. You need to work for it. That means more than just your ilvl. You need to climb your io to a respectable amount and push your own key. Being selective with who you being and bringing meta specs certainly give you the best shot at it. Don’t give up. You got this.

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I don’t.

Otherwise I wouldn’t be using Chromie Time in the older expansions.

That answers your own question. They don’t, and they still make banks. Sub loss is not a bad thing to the game as many believe it is.


The folks crying so hard over gear aren’t casuals because, by definition, casuals aren’t serious players and are just in it to have fun.

The folks crying are tryhards looking for a free ride in order to create a false image of in-game success.


It’s because players need to get special rewards for completing more difficult content.

I’d like to see a freely upgradeable system regardless of what level of content we do. After a tier, I can decide which side of the fence I’m in. Right now, my goals are ksm and aotc. Could care less about the gear other than getting it to accomplish my goals.

How would I feel if my raid teammate got 220 by just doing world quests and completing heroic raids while I’m busting my hump doing 15s’? Idk till we try it.

don’t worry before you could every fully get that gear they will have another ladder to climb.

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It’s also factual.

Not everyone plays with your perspective. Not everyone is a raid logger. Probably more people than you would expect actually like to play the game. We have really small windows of time to enjoy each gear season. Raiders especially get a really long portion of each season to be completely OP farming everything faster and dominating world pvp. Having such extreme hard ilvl gaps this patch has been a cancer. It has made rated BGs and arenas a nightmare and empowered paid carriers to the extreme. It has made world pvp nearly impossible to enjoy. It has made just general farming and progressing characters miserable because of the horrible balance and drop rates. The game is just a hopeless mess because of your perspective on the game crushing Blizzard’s customers. A game should be fun, they made every system in the game crushing misery to involve yourself in “trying to appease” your perspective. Playing at the highest levels awards huge amounts of prestige awards, there will always be interest in that aspect of the game. I have no problem with people playing the game at a high level having the most efficient character progress. Having absolutely nothing to work on that isn’t a competitive mode beyond ilvl 200 is just broken, though. Even beyond all the above issues, it empowers paid carriers to the extreme, which is the obvious goal (token sales). We’re all suffering from underhanded p2w tactics, and they got quite a vocal crowd white knighting it as justified exclusivity when it really isn’t either justified or exclusive.


I don’t understand it either. They seem to have a big problem with pugging, you cannot do +15’s unless you are in a guild group. I can only conclude that they want players socializing, but the problem is many of us don’t have the time for it anymore. My problem with guilds is that they’re always so full of drama and backstabbing, it’s been that way since vanilla. It is for that reason that I avoid them, I suppose this game is no longer for players like myself.


I’ve geared my main completely from pvp but for my recent hunter alt I decided I could farm some m+ and upgrade the gear. Then I saw the valor drop rates and upgrade requirements (this isn’t even factoring in you have to actually loot an entire set of m+ gear in the first place) and it’s actually so troll. I like to play the game; I don’t understand why they do what the players want (add vendors to pvp and m+) and gate it behind an amount of currency that will take forever to grind. I love WoW, and in previous xpacs ive done some fairly challenging content. But the raw amount of time needed to grind gear from scratch (without the assistance of friends/guild) is actually insane. I just want to play the game man


Unless said casual content is a random battleground :laughing:

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The new valor system is not for you. It has been very carefully and specifically designed to not allow you to benefit from it. It’s only there to cater to the hardcore crowd.

Casuals need not apply.

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To everyone who thinks one group “deserves” something over another. Please read this. You wont change your minds, but it makes a decent point of how your mindset is unjustifiable.

Vague Patch Notes: The sneering elitism of the MMO term ‘welfare epics’ | Massively Overpowered (massivelyop.com)


I’m casual, barely have played this expac due to IRL obligations. I understand the hardcore raiders point of view of “why do you need high Ilvl gear just to do world quest”.

You don’t. Raiders are, and should be the best geared players at any given time. But there is also a sense of progression that comes with getting gear that shouldn’t be forgotten.

A mythic raider in a sufficiently skilled guild could invest 5 hours a week and clear the current mythic raid, I see nothing wrong with a casual grinding dungeons for valor points and saving up for a few weeks to buy a piece of gear that is high item level. It gives casuals a progression path. You will still vastly out gear the casuals, but both can have a feeling of progressing towards a goal.

I’ve never understood how a casual getting a piece of good gear tilts people so badly, it doesn’t affect your game at all. Yes I get the arguments of exclusivity and a feeling of being elite, that’s where armor sets and mounts should set you apart. Even when I used to raid back when I had time I didn’t understand the hate.

Also gear covers skill gaps, so maybe someone who isn’t as skilled will dip their toes into mythic plus or normal raiding when they acquire enough farmed pieces, so they don’t get flamed for their dps,hps, or mitigation.


Blizzard thinks the casuals will be happy with things like LFR, when they really should be making more interesting world content.

I’m not a casual but if I was, I’d be incredibly frustrated with the world design philosophy the design team has been upholding since Legion. Incredibly small zones with little to offer.

I think it’s reasonable to give content dedicated to casuals, either through crafting or something else that they can grind. Make it just long enough for them to pursue and feel accomplishment from, but not quite good enough so that all the non-casuals feel required to partake in it.