Once again, punishes casual players!

I did not make any claims or state any opinions, aside from an observation that I freely admitted was anecdotal (and thus not valid). So I’m not sure where you’re getting that I view my opinion as valid, lol. I’m simply questioning your assumptions, which you obviously do not appreciate. If you make a statement on public forums then you should be prepared to defend/prove it.

But since you seem to be focused only on ideas that fit your narrative this conversation is pointless. So with that, I will say that I hope you have a great rest of your day.

If you look at raider io stats everyone but maybe 20k players worldwide are casual. And statistically 20k non casual players is generous.

Worldwide only 8920 different characters not accounts have cleared mythic CN. That’s .0017
Of the player base worldwide.

Hardly anyone statistically clears plus 15 daily.

We are all casual.


if they did it exactly as you set up in your post, you’d be complaining about about not being able to upgrade your gear because of the valor cap.

How much gold did you blow on your Heroic Nathria run?

The fact is hardly anyone clears anything in this game in relation to how many people log in.

I’m a casual and only solo. Has to do with my health. But you people that tell players: if you don’t raid you’re peons and should only have like 150 iLvl gear because WQ’s are sooooo easy. Who made you guys god? I have no desire to have you’re petty 230 gear. I’d be perfectly happy at 205 max. That would make playing WQ’s much more fun. You can have you’re raiding and pound on your chests all you want telling everyone how great you are! Geez, if you raiders would just stand back and take a look what you’re saying. A bunch of self centered , egotistic, stingy players. It’d be nice if I could just get my weapon and one of my trinkets upgraded to 200. That would put me close to 200. I’d feel like a champ. I don’t want your raid gear because I don’t raid. Good grief. Some people need to grow up.


The only argument I see for the system is people wanting to restrict top gear to themselves thinking it makes them superior. They are too worried about other people on a level field because they know competition would show their flaws. The game can survive without mythic 15s, but not without everyone else.

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Raiders want to be special like they were back when they were 1% of the player base. Now they are a dime a dozen, since they make up half of the player base, and some desire to find a scapegoat to look down on - the vocal casual minority.

If casuals had more content more would play and raiders can be special again.


OP is asking for 220 gear.

It’s the same quest. The gear is already more than adequate.

You already get a 197 set and an essentially free legendary that goes all the way 235.

And now with Valor, you can run low keys and upgrade to your heart’s content.

You already have exactly what you’re asking for.

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Hambamfu, you don’t read very well.


Honestly, I would rather go back to Vanilla WoW dungeon farming methods and rewards that had meaning behind them, as opposed to the current gating methodology they’ve imposed on everyone.

The quests/story weren’t that interesting or developed for quite a few expansions. Insert “damsel in distress, world is burning, save us “champion”” here every expansion with some apocalyptical event unfolding.

Gating for mythics even, M0’s has left me unmotivated, and honestly the dungeons i have ran, didn’t even look that appealing to me the few i ran weren’t that interesting either.

With the way things are, even in pvp which is one of my favorite parts of endgame, seems kind of busted with the heartstop aura “Bug” stacking and other degenerate cheese.

I’ve found myself farming old content and wondering azeroth, as there is more to explore and experience in contrast to this “new world/realm”.

The Maw? Just another grind that is ‘voluntary’.
Torghast? I don’t see a point, just an additional grind and worse than visions in my opinion because you’re power gated and even to some extents progression gated harder from groups for M0’s/Raids.

I’m not sure what people find interesting about it.


LFR ilvl for casual is very bad

In BFA, LFR was harder than a LFG H Nya. Not because of the difficulty of the dungeon, but purely for the facts of:

  1. No communication.
  2. lack of leadership or willingness to listen to leaders.
  3. lack of comprehension of how to do rotations/addons.

mostly #1 and #2.

Progressing through SL for me is like watching mold grow on a rock.


Slambang, what you want is right in front of you and youd still rather complain than put forth even the smallest amount of effort.

Not generous, I would say adequate. The 197 level of gear is available to everyone has been used by most players as a stepping stone towards their preferred mode of play and gearing systems it was not solely for the benefit of world content only players.

197 is absolutely more than enough for world content. If you can’t complete world quests with normal raid equivalent gear, it’s a skill issue.

to compete with gladiators in my casual battlegrounds.

This right here, do away with open world mobs scaling with ilvl and let players who do that feel like they are getting stronger. If the mobs scale with your ilvl to a point, you aren’t gonna feel like you are progressing your character until you hit that point. Hence why casuals ask for higher ilvl, so they can start to finally feel stronger against those mobs.


Ummmm…sir…this is a McDonald’s drive-thru…

Don’t you like killing mobs faster?


I concur
I personally found the tipping point for world questing on most of my characters to be around the 170-180 mark, this is to say I felt confident in my ability to kill normal world mobs with out the fear of dying the 197-207 gear from world quests and callings means most people should be well ahead of the power creep curve and feel power progression.
Maybe Blizz made it a bit to easy for players peak once they hit the soft power cap. That is a Blizz problem to decide. I am a huge fan of this type of gearing system for world content and would love to see more of it.