Once again, punishes casual players!

but then if you’re already clearing mythic 15+ and raids, why do they complain about loot droughts? afterall, why do you need more gear for content you can already do?


Yeah, a lot of affixes are not fun for healers, lol.

On a related topic: grievous can just go #$%@ itself.

and yet they’ll just handout legendaries to anyone. far too generous IMO.

Are they really the majority of people complaining about loot droughts though?

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are they not?

maybe bc that isn’t for CASUALS


Mythic is the highest difficulty.

+15 is one of the most challenging keys of the highest difficulty.


We are back to raid, mythic dungeon, or die :rofl: Pretty sure they will do like previous expansions, in that as the expansion moves along there will be catch mechanics implemented. Covenant gear more, or less is like Legion class hall gear. Would be surprised, if they didn’t implement some sort of a Timeless isle, Broken Shore type deal where you you can upgrade stuff with gear tokens eventually. If folks hang around that long that is. Doubt non instanced content players would complain so much about gear progression, if these devs would do the right thing, and either tone down, or just do away with open world item level scaling. That is the real character progression killer imho. Leave the item level scaling rubbish in instanced content where it belongs. My 2 copper on the topic anyways.

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I don’t know. And I honestly bet you don’t either. Most of the complaint threads I see about gear is from people claiming to be casual. But again, that’s anecdotal evidence based on a vocal minority (a.k.a. the forums).

i see way more “loot drought” threads. just leaves me scratching my head wondering why you need more gear for content you can already do, it’s weird

People would lose their minds if we had legendaries like Shadowmourne, Dragonwrath, or the rogue daggers today.

Everyone needs to have everything or people will rage

That’s anecdotal evidence based on a vocal minority, which is hardly proof for anything quantifiable. And again, how many of the people in those threads that are complaining are geared raiders and high level m+ players? Do you truly check everyone’s achievements who posts in them?

you seem to have your mind made up as to what the answer is, so how do you know?

Actually, I don’t. Which is why I was asking you. Obviously you don’t like me pointing out the flaws in your arguments.

You do have a nice transmog though.

Just assuming this is in reaction to being declined? Have you even done a 15? Pushed your key? I’m not top mythic runner dude but really…208, not even all the dungeons ran on mplus…do you even try before you make these threads or just expect to be carried or accepted for a someone else’s key just bc you applied? I remember reading your raid post. You kinda are the role model for entitled. Js.

A casual player who doesn’t feel entitled.

then ya, i stand by what i said. people doing mythic 15s are complaining about loot droughts, they dont actually need the gear though so i dont understand the complaints

About rewards… yeah.
“Do you want that keystone master cool mount? Put a minimum effort on it lolkekrofllmao, it’s very easy!”. “Oh 10 keystones feels stressful and hard? Well git gud lmao it’s easy af”.

In the seasonal game, for some reason, only very skillful and experienced players, who for the most part have excellent guilds and friends, receive the reward.

Have you noticed that there is no reward for the achievement “keystone explorer” (all 5 keys)? Do you know why? Because it’s “too easy that it doesn’t deserve any reward at all”. In a seasonal game. For casuals.

Developers don’t really care about casuals, it’s obvious.
Casuals in this regard are at some communist level. They have what others have and what will not be unobtainable next season. They do not have something valuable and memorable, so to speak.

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Stand by it all you want. That doesn’t make it true. Thus far all of your arguments are based on flawed data. Again, do you personally check if all of the people in those complaint threads are high level/geared players? If you don’t, then you’re just making assumptions. Assumptions aren’t facts.

Even if you do check everyone who posts in them, the forums don’t represent the majority.

because it’s fun? apparently they think that once people hit that gear wall they should be fine cause you can go collect pets and transmog and stuff.

diablo 2 was great, you didn’t need high caliber gear, but you could infinitely farm it forever. now the WoW playerbase is like, you dont need better gear, you can collect pets and stuff. and dont even need to worry about world pvp because the forums basically whined that out of the game.

personally i find 18 levels of the same dungeon dreadfully boring. it’s obvious where this game is headed, you basically have 2 paths to gear outside of raiding and both of them have world championships streaming broadcasts. get on the streaming train or get lost. they want fans and participants.

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i understand. my unevidence opinion invalid. your unevidenced opinion valid. good talk.

Nit free terminator comb, and Rid shampoo should cure it. Or maybe some Head & Shoulders :laughing: