On Twinking: Addressing Misconceptions

PTR is irrelevant. Twinks have no business playing with non-twinks.


That’s your opinion. I would argue that it’s ok to have characters that are powerful so long as the power differences are within an acceptable ranges. I think this is where Blizzard is at atm. It doesn’t matter if you gain experience or not since thats not the root of the issue.


We had that with templates. People complained they didn’t feel powerful.


I have along with others. Where were you? Or are you just listing the only reasons you interpreted or disagreed with?

Quality of life for both sides astronomically improved. You got to do BGs without levelers ruining your experience by doing nonvalue-added things like taking objectives instead of focusing on the middle or GY battles.

Levelers could BG without some guy with glowing weapons with a name like “Expartgamer” in a guild with a name like “Dun wurry we r pro” playing whack-a-mole in the GY while spamming emotes like /spit or /flex and bragging about his feats.


Even Hunters and Disc Priests?

e: I guess this just moves us to the category of, you can’t make everyone happy. So far I think the complainers are in the minority here. Twinks are ok, non-twinks that don’t have a problem with twinks in BGs are ok, complainers though…


Oh, yes.

Forum posters are always a minority. There’s more people who don’t want twinks in XP-on bgs than people who do.



I seem to run into more folks that don’t mind the twinks being there, especially the healing ones that keep them alive :slight_smile:


The smaller population refered to is for the XP off queues, although assuming the whole NA+OZ and Kiwi population were sharing a queue it’s hard to belive there wouldn’t be enough twinks unless the play style realy is much less populer than some belive.

I have no desire to twink yet not discouraged.

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You report your own teammates? :joy::joy:

Who else would you report?

Report someone on the other faction AFK in BG?

Personally I only report AFK if someone actually is AFK, but I can see why someone would want to use the report for someone who was farming HKs and ignoring objectives.

That’s what it’s for.

Sadly, this is not a reportable action. People join BGs for all reasons, and as long as they are at the keyboard playing, they shouldn’t be kicked.


You can report them afk for any reason except playing objectives. Farming HKs isn’t playing objectives.

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If it’s keeping the other team away from objectives, then technically yes it is

The bitterness sustains me


Muggle, please. It’s not, and everyone knows it.

Of course.

The point of battlegrounds is to win. If they’re not there to win it, they shouldn’t be in it.

Wpvp is for brainless killing.

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https://imgur.com/a/etZzm7E Another handful of BGs done. Not going so bad still. Aff still seems a bit weak compared to some specs, but I also have a missing ring/no enchants/bracers and gloves still ilvl 5 since I’m not questing. All in all, been some good games! I should hit level 30 after work tonight.

But I thought twinks were unbeatable? If that’s the case, wouldn’t they be going 1v4 or something? Or are twinks not as bad as people have been claiming :thinking:


You didn’t read his full post did you?

He carefully explained the problems we had back then, queues never popped after the split because there were like 12? battlegroups back then. If ten twinks IN MY BATTLEGROUP didn’t queue on my team and ten twinks ON MY BATTLEGROUP didn’t queue… then nothing popped.