On the Mythic Raiding convo - mythic lockouts must change

I said that multiple times but it got twisted into so many other things, mostly about difficulty, which it isn’t. Any player can eventually perform on these fights. It’s really not THAT hard. The hardest part is requiring a guild to have 18-20 players that can perform so consistently together. That’s a recruitment hurdle that hurts the game, not make it better.

Those things make sense in the right setting, a company tries to find the best employee for every role, a sports team tries to find the best player in every position, etc.

But this is a game for fun for 99.9% of the population and there like .05% of the population is demanding that they be allowed to treat it like a job and put money on the line in the game that was once made for you.

I think you understand, and I appreciate that you listened and engaged. I am concerned because I care and I’m sitting in fallout zone right now and it’s not pretty. I think it’s being dangerously ignored and will be too late if it isn’t addressed soon.


more than 95% of the playerbase never clearing mythic are having fun however, its the minority between 95 and 99% who seem to be bothered that they can’t clear the hardest content when the reality is they can just find a better group of players to play with if they think the fault is on the rest of their raid / their raids inability to to do the background work necessary to clear.

Its an ego bump and nothing else by asking blizzard to constantly retune things within the tier that it is relevant so that B tier guilds can clear it and be top 300. I see no difference between going in now after months of nerfs and clearing mythic tindral and going in next tier, you’re not doing the relevant content as blizzard produced it, you’re doing an inferior watered down version. If there were no fights that separated the people willing to put in extra work behind the scenes then top players would leave in droves, and for what? So that B tier guilds can get an ego bump and “clear” easier raids? I don’t get the problem pve players have with not clearing a tier on mythic, plenty of pvpers understand they’ll never get glad but have fun and enjoy pushing for duelist every season, I think a lot of players and guilds need to realize just how detrimental it is to have a duelist on a gladiator team and if you’re trying to max you have to cut them loose.

Gotta love it when the LFR heroes posting on their lowbie alts talk down to everyone else who’s actually playing the game.

To quote Asimov, “the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

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This right here is the problem with the system. Not my problem. Nor the fault of my team of WoW players who are capable of performing at the level required by the fights.

My personal progression isn’t my concern. My concern is the ever-increasing cost of buy-in to mythic raiding for guilds because of the trends being set by world first teams and Blizzard’s attempt to satisfy their needs within the context of mythic raiding.

The fallout that is creating concerns me enough to talk about it here.

You can dream all day about some fantastical self-correcting population where players seamlessly organize themselves into guilds of like-skilled players akin to a model of standard distribution, but the reality is that every time a player joins or leaves a team is a point of friction. The harder the content becomes the more this occurs and the more friction is generated by the system. There is a limit and unless we remain conscious of that fact we’re gonna be left fixing a much bigger whole in the ozone than we can handle.

Make raids super hard but let me carry a few very good but imperfect players in mythic so that raid teams can finish content without needing 6 bench players and rotating cast of recruits because the content sucks their will to live.

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If you’re unwilling to replace people you’re carrying in your raid you shouldn’t expect to have the same performance as guilds who do. Your inability to move on / recruit replacements is a you problem not a blizzard problem and whatever damage it does to B tier guilds will not have an effect on the guilds above and below, sweaty tryharding mythic through months of nerfs is not the target audience

I’ll try to spell it out again:

We can replace people all day. I could easily find a more progressed team and perform and succeed. That’s not the issue.

The problem is that the game is now taking this requirements to heights that I don’t believe are sustainable and are actively harmful to raiding in general and specifically mythic raiding.

I don’t think THIS game should be designed in such a way as to promote turning players into resources that you use and abuse to reach the pathetic goal of defeating a computer game.

I don’t think it’s the nobler path to abandon your bond with your friends and the community that is created around that little family just so Blizzard can keep making bosses that require 5 different weakauras and bossmods in order to manage a single mechanic.

I’d rather be an imperfect team that has room to compensate for our different weaknesses and still have room to succeed, than be presented with bosses like Tindral. None of us want an easy ride, we want a good one that goes out of it’s way to help guilds thrive and prosper, not grasp and claw every inch of the way because the path for the HUGE MAJORITY of mythic raid teams is being built for giants.

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Then don’t abandon them and be fine with not clearing mythic. I don’t understand why people can only feel they succeeded if they clear a tier, it just sounds like the game is too difficult for them and you’re trying to make it so its not… which makes no sense. The players stuck in that between space should move on, the game shouldn’t adjust to accommodate the playerbase who is too stubborn to admit expecting to clear mythic is beyond their capabilities.

Spoken like someone who thinks this game could survive with 10 players just because they’re all happy still.

Let’s just watch Blizzard stomp all over raid teams in the name of satisfying a few players who are too short-sighted to understand that this is a business that needs to leave customers satisfied, not unserved, or even hampered by a system that is working against them.

Let’s just squander all our customer loyalty by showing them how little they matter. Good call.

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The people you’re advocating for make up less than 5% of the population, the minority mythic is designed around is the minority who is willing to put in more effort than everbody else to accomplish their goals, the minority you’re advocating for is the group who is unwilling to put in the effort required to accomplish their goals and want to be rewarded for half assed efforts. Blizzard wont be hurt if the mythic raiders who rely on nerfs and ilvl creep to clear mythic leave the game because they’re no longer rewarded for half assing progression.

They very definitely will. When weakauras and bossmods become so necessary that people start getting kicked from LFR until nobody has the desire to go that hard for something that pointless.

You’ve clearly missed most of everything I’ve said. These bosses aren’t that hard. They’re a nightmare of stupid organization and recruitment requirements that suck the life out everyone.

The required investment cannot continue to evolve at this pace because the game can’t attract enough new players to keep churning and burning them.

You pulled this from no where.

Nothing you said makes for a healthy environment. Mythic raiding works because a bare minimum amount of people participate in it, if it falls to 50 guilds clearing it(extreme example) then it isn’t worth designing anymore and it dies off.

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If wow has 7 million subs then 5% would be 350 000 mythic raiders, so actually I was probably very generous with that number

I bet someone at Blizzard said this about the Maw. “They won’t be put off by a dull, relentless grind that like 5 people will enjoy, and if they do they deserve our content anyway.”

“Hey where did everybody go?”

Then it turned up on their list or regrets

Can tell you’re lost in your argument since now you’re claiming multi difficulty game modes are the same as content made everyone. Mythic raiding isn’t for everyone, some people just have a hard time accepting its not for them.

In your mind please the bulk of that community is less important that the .207% of the population that has killed mythic Fyrakk.

Your logic confuses me.

One group is a minority that doesn’t matter, but a even smaller minority within that group DOES matter.

The top 2% in anything are less important than the top .1%, even though they are 20x as large. This is true for every field of entertainment and academia.

I haven’t lost an argument. Nobody knows what’s best. I’m making a point that your just throwing made up numbers at and gambling the health of game away as if customers were freer than air.

Get outta here.

Edit to say. What SHOULD happen and what is best for the game are totally different and I think you can’t see the reality of that.

Sounds like you can’t let go of a game and need it to be made easier so you can fulfill your ego.

I spelled exactly how I feel, but you haven’t taken the time to read it, after I just explained it all again. It’s not about the difficulty of the content. The road to get there is starting to make the journey too costly, at the risk of the game’s health.

I apologize, but I don’t want to keep repeating myself against the same lame, totally inaccurate nonsense accusations so I won’t be engaging them anymore.

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All you’ve done is spew the fallacy that the top 5% not having their egos sated by easier hard mode raids will cause a trickle effect on the whole population of the game, which it wont. The players you’re talking about are in the slow crawl of death stage and need to accept they are unwilling to put the same effort other players are for a completely optional pastime.