On behalf of all Australians, your price hike just made us flaccid for SL. Good Job

Good for you, then perhaps go and enjoy the game instead of making threads such as OCE player stop complaining about price changes - I don’t see how I or any of the other people who do have a gripe with this impact on your ability to pull out your credit card for Mr Kotick.

Unless of course the fun part of paying for your subscription is coming on to these forums and defending Blizzard. In which case you’re a sad person and I don’t envy you.


Just like you I can say whatever my opinion on the matter is.

Shadowlands is looking awesome. So im going to pay for it. If you dont like it you can Unsub. You dont need to make a forum post about it. When you unsub there is an option to tell blizz why you are unsub’ing. Your forum post is more about fishing for comments than actually trying to make a change


You can definitely give your opinion on the matter it is a public forum after all, however, it’s an unpopular opinion that many would not agree with and makes you look like an absolute d*ck head so I’ll point that much out to you.

I don’t like it, and I’m not purchasing Shadowlands. I will however make a post with my grievance because myself like a lot of other’s will air their grievances so Blizzard understand that what they’re doing is not a good decision. For whatever reason, you seem to believe it is (which you still actually haven’t clarified in any of your posts that I’ve seen as to why). In fact, all you do is reply to threads with what appears to me is either blind stupidity or trolling.

This is how changes are generally made in video game settings just fyi, except the company you have put on a pedestal doesn’t even bother to read these forums and hasn’t in a long time :^)

Also, here’s an article of the guy you’re trying to defend saying “he would raise the price of his games if he could” (during the global financial crisis). What an upstanding guy you’re standing up for <Just realised I can’t even link things here but you can look up “Kotick jokes about ‘even higher’ prices”.>

So yeah, basically you’re just a tw*t with nothing actually constructive or smart to say in regards to any of this, instead telling others to “stop complaining”. (because apparently complaining doesn’t lead to change?)

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Do you have a source on it being an unpopular opinion?
You talk like you speak for the entire community. But you dont. Come tomorrow on release the game will be packed with ques on login. Blizz wont even notice u gone

Yeah my source are these forums, the responses on wowhead, the responses on mmochampion and the people I know who play the game. Albeit it’s not a large enough sample size to draw any remarkable conclusions, it’s enough anecdotal evidence for me to confidently make that statement.

But hey if you have seen a single post on this forum besides you saying “wow I am resoundly glad that I am now forced to pay more money. Thank you Blizzard you absolute kings BFA was such a homerun success and this game is just at its peak performance right now, why don’t you charge me $30 a month instead” then I will gladly retract my statement as to your opinion of it being okay to charge people more as being anything but unpopular.

I don’t care if they don’t notice that I’m gone, they weren’t ever going to notice. I have been around for far longer than you have judging by your account achievements and have seen the ups and downs of this game. This is the first time I will not be participating in an expansion launch, and the fact you’re saying “come experience the queue’s” is just a laughable statement. If my money were going to improvement of the game maybe I wouldn’t have to sit in a queue now would I? Makes you think doesn’t it…

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You sound really mad? If you really dislike this game so much why dont you learn coding and make your own game. Until then leave the let the designers do what they want to their own game.

Nice source though. Glad ur not in charge of blizz

Lol having a go at me for my source?


You’ve also been using anecdotal evidence as a source in your thread. Honestly every counter argument you bring up is either self contradictory, hypocritical or just plain dumb. I’d be better off having a reasonable discussion with Trump before I get an ounce of logic coming out of you.


Yeah dude you’re right. You are very intelligent.

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If you didn’t end up getting Shadowlands, I’d say you made the right choice.

Bro, just let it go. You got rolled by an intelligent argument.

Just give it up.

You’re wrong, stupid and by the looks of thing willingly ignorant. Just log off the forums already.


Bootlicking Blizz isn’t going to give anyone any favours.

They are increasing the cost but not giving us anything more, OCE region has always been neglected. This is from a company that makes billions in revenue in each year (with profits still in the billion range) with a CEO taking tens of millions while firing employees and cutting costs for the consumer.

Sure, it’s their business and they can legally do what they want. Still doesn’t make it okay to me. The argument that “Aussies now paying what everyone else pays” means nothing when other regions get a cheaper rate. Not to mention things are generally more expensive here and it’s tough times for many people.


Yeah man sooo intelligent. Nobel prize worthy. I am in awe of both yours and his intelligent argument

They should quit the game if things are that hard or look to make in-game gold. People can be upset it’s not going to change anything.

Maybe the dingo ATE your Baby?

It was good of them to inform everyone before the release of Shadowlands and to allow the players who wanted to refund.

Thank you for acknowleding that i’m right that’s a step in the right direction.

As for being intelligent I would say not really, I’m just not coming off as dumb as you appear to be.

Also, saying “people can be upset it’s not going to change anything” is also incorrect. People being upset has changed things before in fact didn’t Blizzard receive a lashback in saying covenant abilities were only allowed in Shadowlands and they revoked that change almost the same day.

So I would say that speaking up and saying something is far better than staying quiet and being stepped on.

But hey feel free to keep posting and trying to validate your invalid point.

Thanks for your input intelligent one. Good luck trying to get blizz to reduce prices.

Keep fighting the good fight dude, i’m happy to pay for the price increase but they need to start communicating with the oceanic community better and improve server performance. The OCE technical support thread for server latency/game delay has been ongoing since August 2018, people are still posting in the thread to this day primarily i believe because Shadowland has reignited the problems with the influx of new players.

You can make a decision with your wallet but you should make your voice heard. You don’t have to be a game designer, artist, whatever to have an opinion and provide feedback as long as it’s given in a constructive manner.

We need to ignore people like Zeno who would prefer to forego discussion and would rather you unsub from the game and like to gatekeep community discourse.

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I agree. The fact is there are many things wrong with the game we all once loved and we feel let down by it and by the fact that we don’t feel our complaints and suggestions are being heard. It just means we need to do it louder.

I cant believe they hiked the sub cost yet still haven’t fixed the world lag problem, what a joke :frowning:

Why necro? If u don’t think ur receiving what ur paying for then just unsub.