On behalf of all Australians, your price hike just made us flaccid for SL. Good Job

I have been around for ~14 years on and off. Definitely off for BFA. But this is actually going to be the first time I have decided not to participate in an expansion launch. My girlfriend was going to get me shadowlands as a christmas gift and I am really glad that she hasn’t got around to doing that yet, because this is honestly the most garbage play I have ever seen.

You provide nothing in terms of better service to Oceania in justifying this change, and if you look at the strength of the AUD to USD it’s really not that different from the past 10 years, in fact its slightly stronger than last year as of writing this message.

Get your head out of your a$$ blizzard and reflect your price hike with a reason besides buying kotick a new yacht. You already shut down the main EU headquarters which I’m guessing was purely for better profit margins and no other reason.

I realize this message doesn’t actually mean anything because who cares about one less sub is how you’re seeing it, but for real. I was actually looking forward to shadowlands but this just made me incredibly flaccid.


They dont have to justify it. It is their game. You dont have to play if you are unhappy.

But as always to anyone who is saying they wont be playing shadowlands, i say to you “See you in shadowlands :)”


nah, you’ll see me on osrs though where jagex actually seem in touch with their playerbase :slight_smile:

But hey if you reckon demanding more money from customers doesn’t need justifcation lets just raise the price of a standard coffee to $10 a pop and a bacon and egg roll to $25 and see how people respond to that


The justification is that we are now paying equal to what other countries do. Yes, during the time of a pandemic it seems to give the low etiquette impression but it is what it is.

Imma guess there ain’t Starbucks in Australia then

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There is a couple, But better coffee to be had elsewhere and cheaper.

So you think Australians should pay less for a subscription than the rest of the world do you?
Maybe what you should be doing is asking why your Nation’s currency has devalued to the point where it fell to a 17 year low and is only worth .73 of a US Dollar instead.

That stable exchange rate for AUD vs USD is why they’re changing your pricing to be in line with US, EU, and NZ. AU was previously charged $11USD/mo and now is being charged close to $15USD/mo like the other 3 regions. Still sucks to normalize the price during a pandemic, but that’s the most likely justification.

They failed. We won’t buy bad coffee.


[quote=“Linii-cairne, post:8, topic:721508”] it fell to a 17 year low and is only worth .73 of a US Dollar instead.

Its not at a 17 year low.

They shut down the EU branch because of the labour laws in France being too favourable to the workers. Rumour has it they’ll reopen its EU HQ in the UK where it’s not as worker friendly.

No, it is climbing back from the 17 years low now.

You are literally typing this on a machine that has access to google…

At present the Australian dollar is in fact pretty much EXACTLY where it was relative to the USD when the game launched in 2004.

We took a slight dip in march, which ended pretty quickly. Can’t think what world changing event caused that…

But if you want real talk: The Australian Dollar has for the majority of WoW’s existence been at this level. However for the two years when AUD was equal too or higher than USD they still charged us the same amount, and made a lot more money off of us. They sure as hell didn’t adjust for that did they?


Yes I am and so are you. Maybe you needed to use it.

The article was written in July 2020. He states in the article “But Judge says the strong AUD may not be here to stay, with more volatility predicted for the second half of 2020.”

We are now reaching beyond the second half of 2020 and his prediction was wrong, our dollar has increased since he wrote that article in July. Try reading the articles you searched in to google because linking it thinking people will only read the article title and thumbnail is child’s play.

If you’re going to throw around ‘facts’ based on your assumptions try to at least not to make yourself look like a complete jacka$$ about it.

Also, imagine being so incredibly brainwashed that you’re standing up for the company demanding more money from people in the middle of a pandemic saying “wElL n0W yoU suFFeR as wE dO” like, are you that much of a blizzshill that you think this hike in price is anything but greed? You sir also need to get your head out of your a$$ because I sure as hell would be on your side if the rolls were reversed and americans were paying less than aussies and they bumped the price up to match ours for no reason. (this is ontop of the fact oceania is largly ignored)


Well holy snappin’ duck’s shiz. Finally, someone with a modicum of sense and the ability to write in well structured paragraphs has arrived.

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You won’t. No matter how many times you repeat it.

Enjoy paying more for less.

Spot on!

Remember also, OCE loses a lot of peak time play whenever there is server maintenance and have done since vanilla. For that alone we should not be expected to pay more, aside from the fact that there was no need for this increase, they fire staff every other day so their costs are getting lower.

I enjoy the game so im happy to pay


I dont buy much store bought stuff unless I really like it. WoW is fine for me. I will keep paying until I dont enjoy it anymore