Shadowlands is so bad BFA is still the default for new players. That should tell you everything you need to know.
Yeah when they didnât update sadlands to be the default starting experience, thatâs when I knew they knew they screwed up.
I found two or three things from the covenant stuff I could stomach.
Looked like cheap knockoffs of real mogs. Like shiny chrome over plastic instead of battle worn wood and metal and armor.
The bastion stuff I get it looking like that, but I went Venthyr thinking itâd be a bit gothic ragged, lol.
Looked more like Count Vlad went shopping for gear and weapons at some posh NY City boutique, lmao.
You can grind renown in every covenant on every character you want to use vendor transmog on. So engaging!
SL is so bad it took a worldwide pandemic and lockdowns to keep us playing, lol
SL was bad for more reasons than what Iâm seeing here
The Jailer was the most one-dimensional character theyâve ever made. We were led to believe he was some mastermind but âŚthey just went nowhere with the story on him. I still donât understand why he was supposed to be such a badass when he clearly wasnt. Someone on here called him âDollar Store Thanosâ the other day and they couldnât have been more right.
Sylvanasâ story arc. Oh lord. So a character in one patch thatâs been morally grey and mostly black for years is suddenly âredeemedâ in a cutscene I really wanted to like and then punished for all eternity and just accepts it? This should have taken the entire expansion but as usual; the story people try to condense things down to 1 cutscene at a time because they think we have the attention span of fruitflies. I actually cheered when we saw Garrosh in hell b/c the mofo was STILL not sorry. THATâs how you do a character if youâre going to write them off.
Biggest problems for me in SL?
Covenants were way too restrictive. I think itâs BS that I maxed everything out in Bastion and Ardenweald on two characters yet I still have to slog through the ENTIRE campaign for the other covenants to open their mogs AND play a class that has the armor mog that I want. There should have been ways to bypass this after the xpac was no longer current.
And finallyâŚthe BIG elephant in the room - we were in the first season for 2000 years due to COVID. The fact that a tech company couldnât operate during a pandemic when most of them were able to easily pivot to remote work was just un-f-ing-believable. It took way too long to release Korthia and HALF of its content was cut so we just got this tiny little island with zero explanation as to how it existed and what it was forâŚetc.
This whole thread is hilariously full of multiple different groups of people all unable to accept that others have different opinions.
In my opinion Shadowlands was a failure because it lost market share compared to its competitors during a period when one heck of a lot of people were looking for in-home entertainment.
I donât accept that
We played different versions of shadow lands.
But to each their own.
Iâm assuming you donât have ZM flying. Itâs not too hard. Just use gliders and slow fall potions or gust potions. I did it when it was current without flying or any of those things.
Or unlock flying first.
SL was one of the worst expansiosn EVER.
The simple fact they immediately moved Shadowlands to Chromie time and chose not to make it part of the leveling experience says it all. It was a very bad not good expansion.
Shadowlands literally had the longest content drought in wow history in order to replace old paintings with fruit and give us Korthia. What are you on about? âContent wiseâ. 9.0-9.1 damaged the games playerbase and its yet to be seen if it will recover.
Only if you didnât choose to engage with the content. There were 4 covenants yet people were whining that they already had to do one. There were 3 other covenants to enjoy.
That was before they made swapping covenants free. Cov swapping was massively detrimental at the start.
Furthermore a lot of people didnt get to play the cov they wanted due to the ability power being waay stronger than the other options.
9.1.5 made swapping for free. 9.1.5 came out while SL was less than a year old. I fail to see this content drought youâre referring to. Even before the free swaps, it was not difficult to swap, just a little more time consuming, which was fine.
9.0 was longer than any other expacs .0 patch and was even longer than most other expansions .1 it was the longest wait for a content patch ever that gave Korthia which was completely awful.
Content droughts to a lot of us are primarily measured by how long a season is active.
Right now, DFâs current season has been out way too long. A season should be 3-4 months tops. Aberrrus launched in what? May? Itâs October; itâs been out too long.
The other way I measure content droughts is by peopleâs performance in pug keys.
When youâre struggling to do 17s with pugs and you wonder how in the hell they even have those keys when theyâre that bad @ them? Season has been out too long.
When everyone and their mother has the mythic mount in a season diluting its rarity? Seasonâs been out too long.
If I can succesfully gear 2 alts during a season and have them either mirror my main or even surpass it when I work full time during the day? Seasonâs been out too long.
I can go on. Legion and Wrath were both great at ensuring a season/raid tier wasnât too long. They each had 3-4 month windows where they were active. There were also 3 meaningful content patches that moved the story along.
These xpacs that have the nerve to charge full price when they launch but the team can only get out two actual raid tiers before moving on? Thatâs garbage, period.
Weâve yet to see that since Legion. BFA started slowing it down yet again and then SL was the worst on record for these things.
It was a little longer, but there were 4 covenants worth of content to do. Swapping also was not difficult. Initiate the swap the day before the weekly reset, finish it on the day of the weekly reset. There was plenty to do.