OMG! The Rondure Alcove. Are you kidding! Who comes up with these or thinks they are fun? What does it add to the Game? Nothing. I am really disappointed with Blizz. I did not want to play Mario brothers, if I did, I would have bought that game.
Shadowlands was one of the best expansions we had content-wise. It had some janky zone disconnection things going on which didn’t feel great, but otherwise it was pretty rock-solid.
Systemsland was and always will be a complete dumpster fire.
Hard disagree. There was tons to do and it was a godsend for collectors. I’m still enjoying ZM and Korthia to this day.
Shadowlands was so bad gameplay wise they did a 180 on their design philosophy.
Shadowlands story was so bad they time skipped 5 years and barely mention what happened there at all outside specific instances.
You don’t have to defend Shadowlands, it’s okay. Even Blizzard knows it was bad.
No it wasn’t.
WoW story isn’t usually known for being very cohesive, but Shadowlands did a very good job at storytelling.
But it’s not.
This right here. Blizzard sends brand new players to the game through BFA before they go to DF. Wonder why they don’t start them in the xpac before DF.
I liked BFA, Legion, Northrend, Pandaria etc. But Shadowlands is very disappointing. Can’t que for Dungeons or raids. Exalted with all but the 2 factions because I need to do Dungeons and raids. Wasting hours on Genesis Motes. Some materials only available in Dungeons! Why? if you can’t que why do that?
Meh I have to disagree. There’s lots to do if you engage with it. The covenant features are really cool too. I love doing the tea party. One of the best game features, besides mission tables, Blizz put in the game. Wish they continued it.
People are still playing Shadowlands?!
I have no idea what world you live in bro. Shadowlands was notorious for being the worst expansion in existence. We lost over half the player base due to its existence. Everyone was stressed and fed up across the board. You should of seen the forums during Shadowlands. The amount of people expressing relief that it was finally going to be over by the announcement of DF was overwhelming. I will say that the best part of SL was in fact it’s pre release content. Running around infecting people, turning them into zombies was pure joy. AH areas in major cities was never safe. They should of made the pre content the main content.
I’m doing maw/korthia/torghast for mounts/pets/toys to count towards my collections.
This I can agree with. Even though it wasn’t to the scale of the original Scourge Invasion, the pre-patch was a lot of fun.
It was literally the most fun I ever had in wow lol. I wasn’t around for the original scourge invasion sadly.
I’m not sure why you think that. I had tons of fun and still do to this day
Both invasions were a bunch of fun.
Did you play the content when it was current? So far you’ve expressed glee to maybe the very last patch before pre patch. Did you remember the Maw? Or Torghast? Stygia? Literally every little thing you were forced to farm to excel as a player. Players literally felt like they were in hell. Most expansions had maybe two things to farm. In SL you needed to farm Stygia,Anima, Soul ash, cosmic flux, and stygia you could lose if you died, if you died too often in Torghast you had to start all over again. Effectively making it feel like a retro game. Try playing the SNES lion king for the same feel. Cosmic flux you needed to grind in order to fly. My point is, this is the only expansion that had layers to grinding for its currency. You had to grind to just earn the ability to more effectively grind for the same thing.
with the other expansions you could generally get to the point and raid pretty fast and devs used this method to keep people in the game longer and it didn’t boad well with anyone.
Yes. I got Veilstrider well before it was removed.
The only thing good about shadowlands was it made BfA seem better.
The only redeeming qualities that I would agree Shadowlands had is Castle Nathria and its M+ scene, idk about Zereth mortis as I basically didn’t bother with it after a couple of days.
Other than that, pre-9.1.5 was just despair with the amount of issues of each system of Shadowlands had…
You had covenants that are tied to player power and you were pretty much forced into a covenant that you don’t like aesthetically when Shadowlands was still current because they gave you your bis class ability and since covenants are tied to player power, an adjustment to those abilities can cause issues. Covenant swapping at the time was if you haven’t been with them, you can swap freely but you had to grind all over again but if you want back with your previous covenant, you had to 2 weeks of weekly quests.
Remember you want to swap out a conduit for a situation but you need conduit energy and you need to wait 24 hours for it to recharge? yeah I do remember and I don’t remember anyone asking for conduit energy.
The maw is the worst zone to be ever put into the game and at the time in 9.0, it was the only place to get 213 ilvl conduits, no other source to get them, just the maw and if you want to get 213 conduits have fun in there because when I was doing the grind, I never had fun and when I got all my conduits to 213, I never felt so free in my life. The fact that you cant mount unless you have the twisting corridors mount or one from the beast warrens if lucky or you are a worgen, druid or a shaman to an extent just made the zone even worse then it is.
The acquisition rate of anima was bad, most of the content that reward anima was so unrewarding for the amount time you put into it.
The rest of the content for Shadowlands 9.0 and 9.1 can be subjective and its just my opinion, Torghast is ok but and I wished it offered more variety. Legendaries is eh, your pigeonholed into one anyway and crafting to level up the base item is often a net loss of gold because there is more supply of them. Korthia is despair. Domination gear and shards aren’t interesting and I remember there was some controversy about it overriding some legendary slots.
Since because of the negative reception of Shadowlands, there was some mass exodus to other MMOs at the time such as FFXIV, myself included hopped onto the FFXIV train as I wasn’t enjoying WoW at the time and I was burned by Shadowlands.