OMG, Shadowlands

Ok, I’d like to say, as probably the only other person in existence that enjoyed SL. It was bad, I know it was bad, and I know people didn’t like it. I still enjoyed it.

I would have liked Blizzard to have stuck to their original idea with the two week cooldown on covenant swaps, and the conduit energy that prevents people from changing their conduits too often. I thought those were the perfect amount of annoyance to make people play like filthy casuals; that nobody could have the “best” setup for everything. Then, they changed it, and people would hearth out of raids to change covenants depending on the boss.

I remember that one. shivers

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I mean, the forced campaign in SL was awful. I hated Bastion, hated Maldraxxus. Liked Ardenweald and enjoyed Revendreth, but the story was trash. That’s pretty much what I have come to expect from WOW ever since I jumped on the bandwagon in 2004 though, so the terrible story was utterly irrelevant.

I got sucked back in with SL because the level squish was great, and I enjoyed a lot of the post-campaign content and really think PVP started to get to a great place and has improved since.

Yeah there’s a lot of bad in SL, but other than WOD most of the complaints are just boiled down to “I liked a different story and have a hard time acknowledging they’re all equally terrible.”

This game has never and will never be anything more than turn-brain-off fun popcorn.

looks at the calendar

There is not a shred of credible evidence to say Shadowlands caused that large a drop in the player base. WoW is an old system that doesn’t run on consoles and doesn’t do mobile well. Still many sources talk about it being one of the top video games.

In your opinion it was one of the worst expansions but in my opinion it was one of the best so those two opinions cancel out. You claim “Everyone was stressed”, where do you see any evidence to back up that ridiculous claim?

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You obviously didn’t play it while it was current to assume that.


I started playing Shadowlands within days of it launching. I went through the main story with my main and signed up with the Venthyr in Revendreth.

Priro to Shadowlands I had leveled three alts which I then ran through the story or Threads of Fate and signed up for the other three. I was in the new zones as soon as they went live. I had a blast, it was among my best experiences in video gaming.

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Thats an interesting way to say you’re trapped in your own stockholm syndrome…


I wish they were that astute, but this company has a tenancy to dig in its heals on the strangest thing. The Nightfae are involved pretty prominently in this Emerald Dream patch, which is shaping up to be the climax of Dragonflight’s narrative.

On one hand, I respect their willingness to stand by their guns on an unpopular issue. On the other hands, I really wish they’d find better hills to die on.


Cuz it at least explains the whole sylvanas thing before you go after her in shadowlands. And see a bunch of characters that were from BfA

People on the forums are unable to have an opinion without thinking that everyone who plays the game secretly agrees with them.

i think you disagree with me.

nearly puked in my mouth just reading this joke, lol


LMAO…of course it didnt drop. Covid lock downs ensured SL’s success…even if it sucked. lol

Story was trash.
Anima grinds were abominable for the overpriced garbage mogs.
those system consoles…geeezus…like a cheap low budget movie that just wont end for god sake. lol.
Separated land masses causing more annoyance, thank odin for engineering wormholes, lol
The maw. Good GOD, the maw. Nuff said.

Mogs were mostly crap.
That Slow/Root/Stun/Circle of death crap on so much world trash was just lazy and time wasting.

The ONLY positive thing about SL was Revendreth looked awesome.

There were far too many currencies, but i did enjoy shadowlands.

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No one enjoys Korthia

I’ll give you a pass on ZM, ZM was a nice zone (except those friggin birds) but no one enjoys Korthia.

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Some of the covenant mogs were great.

The dungeon sets and questing greens were awful.

Who thought “Destiny vex goblin” and “Battlestar cylon” would make for good armor sets?

Since you brought it up…I highly recommend Super Mario Bros Wonder.

The shadowlands Mogs are some of my favorites. DF has great mogs as well.