“Yeah just dumpster your raid or M+ preformance to do a different five minute questline about the fairy people or whatever.” Stop man
If all you choose to do is raid or M+ and then complain about a “content drought” when you’re actively ignoring the wealth of content that is out there, then I don’t know what it is you’re expecting.
We’re expecting both. The content you are singing praises about was available at launch. We lose time (people who raid or do keys) to do things like this as we progress into endgame and usually won’t complain about it because we’ve made our choice. That’s how it should work; I should have to choose between things to do–not be forced to do “other” stuff b/c the endgame content isn’t being kept fresh or challenging. Endgame content should be king as an expansion ages, otherwise people lose interest and un-sub.
As stated before, there have been expansions that did this but Blizz just doens’t seem to be capable of keeping WoW in the gravy-train mode it is capable of being in, every expansion.
Shadowlands was notorious for being the worst expansion in existence. We lost over half the player base due to its existence.
Actually what REALLY caused people to disappear was that one season was way too long due to work being done on Classic. It was sheer boredom.
One other thing to consider: people who are dissatisfied are usually much louder than people who are fine. So trying to estimate popularity by what people are yelling in trade or posting forums is a non-starter.
I can agree to that… I just know it was the most miserable I ever felt in wow.
In terms of unpopular opinion BFA was actually my favorite expansion. So it’s not too far fetched that people liked SL… I just can’t comprehend why.
Well second favorite. Legion will always be the best.
tl/dr “I disagree” would have covered it just fine, but as always, you do you.
I mean if they enjoy Shadowlands, I’m fine with them stating their opinion, in fact the only things I liked from that expansion was Castle Nathria and M+ being better then Dragonflight.
But then you have people coming here with rose tinted goggles on saying “it wasn’t that bad” when we had most decisive expansions to date.
I like M+ so I am pretty much fine whatever expansion it is. However, the legendary system was annoying and not fun for me at all. I’m of the opinion that the second you hit max level and pick your last talent, your optimal rotation should be fixed for the whole expansion and no piece of gear or tier set should ever change the way your character is played optimally for the whole expansion. Passives that don’t change the priority at all are fine (proc on all spells, flat damage increases, etc). I also dislike annoying trinkets or any trinket that requires thinking like IQD. Small QOL or balancing changes that make rotations smoother or remove clunk (between patches not during) are fine.
But how can you prove that it was Shadowlands itself that caused a decline and not outdated technology as users turned to consoles and mobile devices where WoW doesn’t play well?