Omg, seriously where is BWL?

anyone else get a update download just now?

yes, sure did .

OMG it updated to patch 3.3.5 WotLK!

Kidding :rofl:
Im at work, tell me what we got?

i dunno it was to big to be a hotfix, and bliz hasnt said anything kinda weird

You seem to REALLY love throwing around Retail comparisons as insults, yet we probably both dislike Retail for the same exact reasons.

I’m just calling you out on your vague non-arguments that aren’t actually making any sense. I’ll ask again, are you just arguing with me for the sake of arguing? I still don’t even know what you’re trying to say.

What do you mean by “these threads”?

Content is “in development” in almost all games these days, especially Classic. There are 4 more phases coming. “Upcoming content” is not exclusive to Retail? So what’s your point?

I haven’t “steamrolled” anything. I hit 60 like a month after most. I’m happy for you that you’re able to play this game at a pace I consider slower than most. I’m not being sarcastic. Hell, I’m even envious of you for that. But don’t be naive in pretending that you’re the majority here. Almost everyone is in full BiS gear and waiting around for new content. There are barely ANY sub 60s left in the world and those that are are more likely to be alts than a main. You’re the outlier here, not me.

And what the hell do you mean by finite content? What does that have to do with anything? I’m simply saying there’s no content for me to do NOW. Which makes me sad because I like this game and I’d like to keep playing it.

So I’ll say again… What are you even arguing? Do you know? Because I sure don’t. All I know for sure is that you think I should play Retail even though I’ve stated multiple times I hate Retail?

I get it, you want to finish Classic and move on.

Ohhhhh, my bad. I didn’t realize you were the “true” classic player. I didn’t realize that I was playing the game all wrong and only you knew the correct way to play.

My sincere apologies.

We may not be the majority, but there are a lot of us.
For us, we will have new stuff long after AQ opens it’s gates.

I can not play like how you guys do, oh i have tried, but it is too much like a dungeon speed run where you skip everything.
But then, the way i play might be terribly annoying for you, i rarely even mount cause i might miss something interesting

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Fiasha, you need to worry about beating The Deadmines before you worry about BWL.

People like you simply don’t understand how they operate.

8.3 Comes out next week. BWL was never going to come out in January, and it’s likely not coming out in february(unless its the very last week.) The most likely date is early march. When most peoples 6 month sub runs out and players are ready to move on from 8.3 content.

Every major raid is going to revolve around the 6 month subscribers and getting them to come back.


lol… yeah??

You wanna play it forever and ever?

Until a better MMORPG comes out.

You realize it now! Yes I will be that a-hole. You want, want, want…can’t wait… need it now! :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: So much in hurry to finish classic off. Begs the question of why even play. The nostalgia of it? Highly doubt that.

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And this is how false information gets circulated on the internet folks. AT the time of my posting Niia has 5 hearts next to their post. Unfortunately, they’re completely wrong. Blizzard never once said or implied when they’d announce BWL.

Too bad we have Cross Realm implemented already along with the nerfed version of MC.

Another retail baby is stamping his feet over something. Business as usual I see.

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Buddy, I’d wager almost anything I’ve probably played Vanilla WAY longer than you. And I don’t want anything besides Blizzard to communicate and share the release date for BWL like they said they would a month ago.

Why would you doubt that, Mr. Only I Know How to Play This Game?

Citation needed.

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If it doesn’t launch before the new raid in retail it probably will a few weeks after.

They seem to be timing the content drops for each version between each other.

They did not say that a month ago
Re-Read the blue post.

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