Omg, seriously where is BWL?

I’ve read it and re-read it. And I get the argument of why you think it says what you think it says. It’s possible you’re correct, but if that’s the case then it’s at least very poorly worded.

Regardless of who is ‘correct’, I understand the confusion by both camps. Hence why clarification is needed.

I doubt that because you have already said in an above reply to Xaidie , also again that wager would be lost. but no one would really want to start classic at patch 1.02. Although I still have fond memories during beta of GM’s giving away epic gear in IF just to murder everyone near right after.

Read the thread, it’s cited (and discussed) above.

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But it’s not because it was never stated. That’s the point.

You member when Blizzard cared about us? Yeh… I member…

I’m the moron, but you fail to realize they just released more content in December. You don’t like PVP and battleground rep grinds? Too bad. Keep waiting for the next PVE content then…

Would be cool to at least be able to do BG’s while we’re waiting, but over 12 mins for WSG and then when you do and horde you get to enjoy having no heals going up against 5 holy pallies and 3 priests may as well not even log on until raid reset. Guess it’s that time for me to make an alt, but I reallllly don’t want to hop right back into questing, gearing, and attunements.

Looking at the state of the community that churns the filth that they have thus far on this forum its not surprising they’ve stayed tight lipped and haven’t dared make a move.

Blizzard have made two fatal errors.

  1. Rolling out content way too quickly.
  2. Rolling out content way too gradually.
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  1. Rolling out content on time, because it was not someone else’s time
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Blackrock Mountain

  1. Listening to the loudest, most entitled community voices instead of staying true to their original vision (it’s still not too late).

If they accounted for the 1.12 client by offsetting the better classes and itemization, then there wouldn’t be such a demand for BwL. A lot of guilds would be farming it easily, but you wouldn’t be able to throw a pug together in trade chat and clear most of if not all of MC/Ony. It would be ok if the PvP was actually done properly, but the best way to get honor is to wait half an hour to do the abomination they call AV and hope for the best in team quality. That is as Horde. As Alliance, you need to join one of the toxic premade Discords or you are going to get steamrolled.

bwl shouldn’t be out for months, there is no need to rush.

you are the wrong type of player for classic. you play classic to play classic. it’a not about new and exciting it’s old and familiar. that is the whole point.


Nonono Ellisande. Don’t you see, it’s about whatever they want. Participation trophies and all that.

Alas, rage does not power any priest abilities.

It may not be an unreasonable thing to want, but it is an entirely unrealistic one. Blizzard has never announced one of their patches more than a few days in advance. There is no reason to expect they will say when Phase Three is coming out until it’s “Phase Three will come out this Tuesday, day after tomorrow!”–and when it’s that, don’t expect them to post it on this forum.

I never used a consumable in raid except 1 week I got the things from winterspring and blasted lands, realized it was a waste because the int doesn’t even stack with mage buff… then never bothered to buy a flask or anything for content we were clearing 3-4 weeks in as fresh 60s

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Get over it. Once they release it, it will just get facerolled in 1 day anyway and people will be in here with the same posts about AQ.

I’d like to measure dicks over something more interesting than who can kill 2 minute boss fights with no mechanics in 30 seconds and clear a 2 hour zone in 30 minutes.