Most raiding guilds probably aren’t willing to wait for me to level another character to 60 over several weeks.
Please no. There are far too many non RP players on BB already. Many of which are quite disruptive.
Retail proves otherwise.
Just cataloging what transfers are and are not allowed. You can transfer PvE to PvE or PvERP.
Doesn’t mean you can get away with non RP behavior.
Opening up free transfers isn’t doing anything to the population. Instead, it’s creating an extreme population imbalance on the realms people are fleeing off of. It’s no longer fair to the players.
If they’re offering a form of transfers, make it paid. Otherwise, it’s self-destruction.
Thanks for clarifying. I was referring to the free transfers.
No one wants to do that if they can just pay 25$ instead of 6 days of /played that’s why they are invented and where back in vanilla because common sense was a thing. Not everyone lives in their parents basement and have all the time in the world to just keep re rolling all the time
If they don’t open transfers soon, I’m done too. You can’t farm a single valuable item on Kirtonos, as every location is horde dominated 24/7. Every instance is camped, flight paths are camped, “PVP” consists of 10v2 gang bangs, and all the while, the parrots here just repeat the same old tired “git gud” nonsense.
This company had 15 years of experience to address the one aspect of the game that will ruin it for all, severe imbalance. I wouldn’t even mind just a slight Horde dominated experience, but as is, not much fun.
Go ahead troll kids, spout your NPC response, but enjoy the server experience when it’s 95% Horde and you’re all just circle jerking one another in front of BRD. I hope more alliance do quit and the problem is brought to a head, maybe then Blizzard will do something to facilitate some semblance of balance.
whats with all these weird retards against paid transfers even thought they were in vanilla
Oppositional defiance disorder, most likely. If you pay attention, you’ll notice it’s the same few who feel the need to respond negatively to damned near every thread here.
I think its only fair if blizzard atleats gives us a timeline
I don’t have all the time and live in my parents basement, but I am a cheapa**
Like I said and now the time has finally come to say I told ya so… PAID TRANSFERS ARE AVAILABLE SU(K IT!!
AHAHAHAHA you lose! eat sh!i loser. Go ahead ban me from the forums couldn’t give two craps. don’t need them anymore! was only waiting for paid transfers AND telling you to eat sh!t LOL
Go back to drawing organ elephants outside the lines you social justice garbage. Wont even bother looking for your response
,l, ,l,
10 char
Get rekt.