OMG just do it already

Just open paid transfers and let people play where ever they want to. Balance is never going to work and dead realms will still be dead and full will be full. How many times will you open up free transfers to servers people do not want to go to?

People should have the freedom to play where they want and paid transfers have been a part of the game since vanilla ffs.


If you don’t want paid transfers don’t buy it. Its ridiculous that this is still not available or any info available at all.





Makes sense. Paid transfers were in the game around this patch. They had a six month cool down though.
Couldn’t go from PVE to PVP.
But you could go from PVP to PVE.


Yes add the same restrictions fair game no changes


They actually started in mid-2006 with a six month cooldown between transfers. However I don’t see any problem putting them into classic now and I’d even support three month cooldown. Six is kinda high, one month I could accept but not the current 3 day (I think?) cooldown. That’s way too short.


That’s exactly what I said.
Patch 1.12 was released in August 06.
That’s the patch we’re currently on.


Oh yeah derp on my part, I was thinking Blizzard’s “phased content” plan.

I remember transferring off of my PVP realm. (Daggerspine) to a PVE realm. It was such a wonderful experience.


I would take this a step further and say the lack of paid transfers DISCOURAGES people from accepting the free transfers.

It’s a one-way ticket, and if you then find yourself unhappy, too bad.

I’ve already seen posts on here from people who regret taking the transfer, and they have no other option than to start again on a new server.

Another popular MMO will even let people VISIT another server for free, just to check it out for a while, before decided to pay for the transfer.

Honestly, this whole scenario demonstrates blizzard’s arrogance combined with its misbelief that its audience is STUPID. Maybe that works in retail, but Classic is predominately older players who either played this originally or have played WoW off and on over the years. They KNOW the blizzard tricks. They KNOW blizzard hasn’t made an effort to ensure transfers will lead to balanced servers, or that people are transferring to servers where they’ve ensured the experience will still be good. No, people KNOW blizzard did the laziest thing possible:

-Open new (i.e.dead) server, send all the people annoyed with over-crowding there.

Which is horrible because the people experiencing oversaturated servers don’t want to move to servers that are empty, like all people, they want a godilocks server: not too many, not too few, just the right amount.

Worse, Blizzard has the numbers where they could combine or split servers in a way that servers like this would exist. Another popular MMO, for example, will just shut off certain servers at a point to keep them from overcrowding.

Honestly, playing WoW with the current blizzard is like being a gay man at chik-fil-a: love the product, hate the company.


Lol OP… So your argument is that transfers won’t do anything to address balance or longevity, so they should do it anyways? You actually are free to play wherever you want. None of the servers are locked. Go nuts.

We need paid transfers. One month cool down be about right. Since they changed dire maul. Might as well change from six month cool down to one month cool down.

This will allow people to ninja loot and drama around and find new servers every month.


Please explain.

At this point I’m convinced paid transfers would let the community balance itself better than blizz can apparently do with these free transfers. (Pathetic)


Nothing stopping players on a dead server from leaving and playing on a more populated server. You fell into the trap Blizzard set by overcompensating with new servers at launch rush, something they have done so many times over the years, that you should have learned from it by now. You wanted shorter queue times, and you got them. You want more players, suck it up and move back on your own. Everyone here has probably had this happen to them at one point or another, so you’re not unique. Enabling paid transfers 2 months into the life of the game is just silly.

Insert Shia Lebouf meme here.


no no no and no. People should be able to play where they want. You are obviously where you want so stop talking, doesn’t affect you move on


You’re level 20. Quit crying.


No my argument is people should be able to play where they want

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And you have the choice to play where you want. It’s your fault for moving. Deal with it.


S. T. F. U

/4 characters

I support paid transfers. Part of the original WoW vanilla for an authentic experience.
