OMG just do it already

Because server identity is what makes vanilla vanilla. For the longest time you couldn’t escape your actions, and then you could, and the player base has gotten more and more toxic ever since.

Go look at my posts going back to the beginning. I rerolled Horde Stallagg to Netherwind Alliance when i starting see how unbalanced it was. Then some other friends left Herod and now we are all on Earthfury. I aint leaving. In 6 months I will still be on EF. This server is too good. I just want my druid with me.

I get it though my reasons and line of thinking are solid and legit so you gonna bust out the ol chestnut of “i must be lying.”

Sad troll, no leg to stand on. Your floundering has become death throws and you are no longer amusing to me.

We are done here, Cya

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Dumbest argument ever when free transfers happen every week.

I didn’t think you could hit a new low but you did.

Free transfers you dont control. You go where they tell you. If someone dissapears from your server, right now you know EXACTLY where they went. It’s not hard to find them after that.

Keep up with the ad hominem though, if you ever actually have a point to argue i’ll be sure to return the favor.

And how does that help your community if people are coming and going and they have 6 destinations they can duck you on?

Oh right you that stalker guy aint ya. You good at following people around.


To maximize server transfer revenue, Blizzard should wait until the honor system goes into effect. More players on pvp realms with 2-to-1 or higher faction imbalances will be thinking, “Maybe I should transfer to a different server” during corpse runs. That’s how it often turns out.

Because server identity is what makes vanilla vanilla. For the longest time you couldn’t escape your actions, and then you could, and the player base has gotten more and more toxic ever since.

The problem I have with with this is that the power of people to “blacklist” another individual is so egregiously cringe worthy to me. There are just too many people on a given server for this to be an issue.

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So childish.

You’d be surprised what word of mouth can do.

Dude, just no

Why just no? The OP is completely valid.

There WAS paid transfers for servers in 1.12

Only restrictions was you could not transfer from PvE to PvP servers …


that was in response to:

You’d be surprised what word of mouth can do.

Blizzard is trying to make things better, not worse. Smaller realms need more people, not less. Large realms need less people, not more.

Players have it upset down because they are selfish and only care about themselves. But you are already part of the problem, or the solution. You can’t be both. “I want to do what’s best for me and pretend it’s best for everyone else too.” Doesn’t work that way.

Ahahah, the fool continues to pave his dead ended path of cringe and humiliation.

Ya done bud.

Your troll game is weak, and your attempt to make any sort of logical argument when called out is even weaker.

On ya bike.

Server transfers were part of vanilla and they will be again In classic, it isnt a question. The fact that you admitted to simply getting your jollies off literally by watching other people here mention that they are eagerly waiting for it makes for one sad, sad person…

Makes it slightly harder for you to keep an accurate server player log in your diary about every player who has been mean to you so you can exact revenge unto them in the future months and years i get that but you’ll live princess.

please please please open faction change
will pay, serious offer Bliz

I’d like paid server transfers. This method is how a lot of people found guilds to raid with when their own server didn’t have anything.

All i hear is wah wah i can’t do it yet.

Golf clap for you kiddo.

The best thing is i’m not even trolling, simply stating reality. Feel free to test it if you like, no paid transfers for you.

Oh another point, paid transfers let you skip the nightmare realms leveling process. Level on some dead pvp realm then transfer to the most populated one? You gotta take your lumps if you want on the good realms. For now at least.

You could however, just make another character on your desired realm. Then this thread wouldn’t exist. So hop to it!