Older players / disabled will struggle with dragonriding

Do you want blizz to pay for your contact/glasses appointment or what? What else can they do? They aren’t removing dragonriding. This is a video game and this company cannot cater to everybodies needs.

This is just a petty forum topic from someone who doesn’t like the feature. At what point do we say enough is enough and just make the gd video game already and quit trying to please everybody? That is what is currently ruining WoW, them trying to cater to every little group and thing.

(post deleted by author)

I don’t understand. Maybe after I try it I’ll see what you mean.

I don’t mean to derail the vision topic but this is somewhat related: Is anyone having motion sickness with the dragon riding feature? That’s my big fear. I know I couldn’t play a console game – Spyro – because the dragon flying made me feel sick. Something about the swooping visuals.

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:thinking: :thinking:


I would rather just pay someone to do it than feel obligated to someone. I think there might only be one or two I can’t get although I did almost them all on beta and I was getting more and more tense because of the heights so hopefully it will just be one or two I need help with but I can do without them all as well.

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The wife. She about puked.
Shes so bad she has to turn mouse sensitivity down all the way so the screen doesnt spin overly fast just running around and in combat.
Your fears may play out in the worst way…or maybe they wont.
There is one 5 man run in particular that I had a blast doing, but its so fast paced I can see someone literally vomiting if they have motion sickness.


i ain’t seen no one saying remove dragonflying people ain’t dumb and have done did this kind of flying in other games sorry if you only play wow but it sucks causes me issues and i flat didn’t buy it and have no plans to if it ends up like shadowlands a ghostland. why would i buy a expansion if it basically dead cause i have to wait for my parent blizz to tell me hey you can regular fly now sorry were trying are best to force you to dragonride.


Yes, and there’s a setting to help ‘reduce’ it for some but it didn’t particularly help too much for me. The sudden jumps, the big dives, swoops, trying to make turns to get back around to where you were.


“Assumption is the mother of the screw-up.” – Angelo Donghia

This isn’t true. I still have depth perception issues and crash everywhere. The new ride along feature only is good if you are with other people. Otherwise it can’t be used.

Because that’s what they need more of in this game.

it actually is true - I qualified that with what I have seen. I haven’t seen anyone admit to not being able to do it.

I’m in beta, I’ve left feedback and have seen plenty of similar feedback. So no that isn’t true.

so is complaining about something that DOESNT affect YOU at all…but you CLEARLY want to DEPRIVE HANDICAPPED human beings of something to aid them.


The raid ending in Nexus makes lots of folks motion sick too…I had a guild mate couldn’t do that raid cause of the ending … The Eye of Eternity.

Thats no basis for anything, sorry to say.
My wife isnt on that team. Put her in there and Im 100% positive she AINT going to be able to do the DRing thing to the extent it NEEDS to be done in order to run all of the relevant content.

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Nothing different than today happens with the camera doing the same movements.

I guesssss…

Ehhh not really but ok, at least I know what you’re talking about

And no need to be rude about it.

I LOVE flight sims and that particular run ended with me bailing and taking my 30 minutes every time Id see it come up.

They come in here bashing HANDICAPPED players then whine to moderation when we call them on it.
They need to STOP trolling this thread and go play their games

so you are going to called me a liar about what I have seen when you can’t know what I have seen.

In addition, you crashing into things isn’t really what I consider not being able to do it. My mouse button sticks so I often crash into things as well but I would have to be flying in the first place to crash using dragon flying.

The thing is blizzard claimed the tuned it down some but it still makes some players sick as all get out at the end…there are many flying mounts I can’t use cause the movement makes me sick to my stomach…most of them are the dragonling type ones…the up and down motion just makes me sick…