Older players / disabled will struggle with dragonriding

This isn’t right. A lot of the older players with vision issues on the beta are struggling mightily with the dragonriding ability.

Why did they have to introduce such an unnecessary feature? Just let us fly our regular mounts as soon as we hit level cap.


:face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

Already we have ableism.


I am a 69 yr old player with visual problems, but flying isn’t my problem in the Dragonflight Beta that Yes I am currently playing also. My visual problem is the Color of the printing on things in the game and I have a Hard Time READING things. The Quest Log book and similar things I cannot see or change the color on. I CAN change the size of the FONT on the Chat windows that helps a little bit. But In NO way does learning to fly have much of an impact on my vision unless I try to FLY in an Area Swarming with Tree’s or Things Above me.


As “an old” and someone with a vision issue from a brain injury I get where you’re coming from, but at some point it’s like, what else can they do? There’s always going to be people who can’t do some game mechanics due to age and disability. They can’t really just stop adding new stuff to the game.

I tend to rag on Blizzard a lot for the stuff they get wrong, but honestly, they’re pretty good about trying to make the game as accessible as they can. They added the two-seater function to Dragonriding. They didn’t have to, and they didn’t lock it behind any rep grinds or big gold cost. I think, correct me if I’m wrong, they added a less visually intense version of Dragonriding for people with motion sickness and that sort of thing, and at some point they’ll be adding regular flying back in.

Maybe it would be nice to have regular flying too from the get-go, I know I’m not super excited for the new flying myself, but I think they’re doing pretty good. Of course there’s always room for improvement and I hope Blizzard continues to make the game accessible to more players.


I’ll be 70 in 6 days (if I don’t drop dead beforehand lol) and have no trouble with the dragon flying. I agree with Wynndy however, some of the text is a pain in the eye.


Methinks this has nothing to do with disabled individuals at all.

But im a suspicious sammy


Glaucoma, crossed eyes, lazy eye, eye injury, eye removal, DR, AMD, severe cataracts, and more.


Surgery, become a pirate, slap on a googly eye.

These are solveable problems that are not blizzard’s

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Oh man i called this, i totally called this was gonna happen.

You are gonna see people complain more and more and they are gonna demand either dragon riding just be nerfed or regular flying buffed to dragon riding.


These problems are not corrected by glasses or contacts.


So actually all about this huh?
Dunno why you thought you needed to disguise this in a bunch 0f fluff posting.


I know that’s why I gave you a comprehensive list of all acceptable solutions

This is irrelevant to the post I was replying to.


If there isn’t one, I think it might be good to make a thread about the issues we face due to age or disability and suggestions on how to improve the accessibility of the game for us. Seems like it could be very useful feedback for Blizz. They’ve definitely shown a willingness to listen and improve when it comes to this sort of thing. Plus, let’s face it, a lot of WoW’s playerbase isn’t getting any younger so it’s in their best interests to keep us able to play as long as possible. :grinning:


technically your post was irrelevant to the topic. But here we are

Life amirite?!


There are options to fix this, but I am a bit confused as to what vision really has to do with flying. If they can fly normally in-game right now, then I don’t see how this is a problem. It’s just going up then down. But if you’re blind or have a hard time with your hands or whatever, different story


I can’t take you seriously right now.


You should never take me seriously

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Okay, noted.


Brain damage, for one. Ask me how I know.