Older players / disabled will struggle with dragonriding

In my opinion it’s because they spend a majority of their day playing wow. It’s their life, so they expect it to accommodate them with how they’ve adjusted to real life. A few years from now there will be a wheelchair mount and an option to link your disability so you can receive a weekly in-game social security check.

Mandatory for quests, and for some dungeons. So you’re wrong.


They could just do regular flying? :dracthyr_shrug:


which quests? and people who have disabilities that would cause problems with dragonflying aren’t likely to be doing a lot or any dungeons anyway.

Quite a few.

Quite a lot of assumptions there, very clear you don’t suffer from any so have a good one


lol - I am both older and have disabilities

I asked you to name them - like I said they have ferries to areas and I haven’t noticed any areas you can’t get to.

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The game hasn’t felt like WoW since Cata. We might as well toss all the mini-games we can into it and turn it into a Fantasy Saints Row.


“mini-games”…yeah…that’s a great way to describe it.


I can’t tell if you are being sarcastic. What’s wrong with the phrase “mini-games?”

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I was agreeing with you…
That was a good characterization
of the situation.


I don’t come to the forums often…
But, thus far, I can understand why you
might expect a snarky or belligerent
response…Seems half of the people
here have come to hone their contrarian


I got to be honest, I really do appreciate threads like this. As an abled-bodied person it’s really hard for me to realize how much someone with a disability might struggle with things I find routine, especially in WoW.

Not sure how to be a good ally on this one, other than to advocate for better accessibility changes, though I don’t know if/how I can be specific.


there are so many different limitations, I don’t think they can actually accommodate them all - they should just make sure content is optional and there is always different ways to achieve things. I personally would feel a lot better if they stopped making so much content for people who like to be ‘challenged’ because that type of content is rarely compatible with accessibility.

I encourage everyone who thinks they might have problems to try out Dragonflight on the PTR when it becomes available so you know what you are getting.

i meant for the ppl that disliked it but for those with disabilities different story im saying we should have an option of both traditional and df flying i couldnt finish typing this out because i was forced to put my phone away. That and I was rushing to finish the text.

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there are threads on this in beta but so far every single person who initially had a problem because of a disability (that I have seen anyway) were able to find a solution that worked for them.

there are people who can do them all in less than 30 minutes so I suspect people will sell carries for this. That is IF you can collect the glpyh on someone else’s mount. I am not sure that works.

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If I can’t just click my mount move up on my spacebar then forward to fly why bother with it. No thanks not buying the expansion

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What is the problem? Do you fall off the mount if you don’t do something correctly? Why are people struggling with it?

It looks like… interactive flying.

Im conflicted. I want their gold, but can I really take advantage of disadvantaged players. :thinking:

someone one beta said they were doing it…and I swear I think I heard that repeated in here too. But I havent tried it.

Mr Magoo said back in his day you just ran into things and you were all the more happy for it!!

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:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:
motor skill issues.
motion sickness issues.
to start…