Older players / disabled will struggle with dragonriding

If you are gonna keep saying that feedback that happened on the forums didn’t actually happen, yes.

Yes it absolutely is when you can’t get where you need to go.

Everyone wants to be a smartass until someone is a smartass to them then they want to play the punk victim.

I never said that. Again I said that I SAW. There is a difference.

more than one route to anywhere


I’m not talking about routes. I’m not sure you understand.

yep never replied to that post or liked it - didn’t read it.

I don’t understand you are correct there. Getting the glyphs themselves was the time that happened to me most but glyphs are a one time thing and you can get help perhaps.

That has nothing to do with not being able to tell the distances between things because of the speed of dragon riding.

have you run The Nokhud Offensive yet?
With the rushy player attitude of this game lol…that one was a BLAST for me to play…but there aint any way in hades my wife will be able to play it.
you are on your mount, dashing around trying to keep with the group at 100mph in some visually foggy conditions, trying to hit a small spot very quickly while not pulling side mobs, fighting at normal breakneck pace, back on your mount to do it all over again.
VERY fast paced and it aint on the ground like usual, lol

I can see many players not being able to do it at all


You will be able to tell who I am in the game. I am the one on the dragon with the permanently smushed in face from all the face planting I do. I will get the hang of it eventually. I hope. :grin:


I’ll be right there with you. Our poor dragons, lol.


I am constantly getting snagged in the trees.


I may regret buying Dragonflight by seeing what is being said about flying…I can’t stand up and down motions on my screen esp if its like some of the dragons mounts we have now…


I’ve had that, and missing my landing, falling down the mountain and having to wait for vigor to try to fail again, lol.

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same problems I have

No I haven’t I don’t do beta’s anymore cause it ruins the game for me when it goes live…and that dungeon sounds like its not for me either esp seeing I am physically disabled too with my left arm due too a stroke.


Nobody is. Why are you misrepresenting what they said?

The fact is that older people are more likely to have vision and dexterity issues.


yeah…thats really getting to me now. Really going to be burned out on DF by the time its live.

there are some youtube videos. I couldnt find any that were as fast paced as when I ran it.
MAYBE if a tank isnt rushing like these M+ jokers bringing that crap to the rest of the game for no reason, it’d be a lot easier to do, I dont know.
I only ran it once for the quest…maybe I got one of the m+ sorts tanking when I did it and thats why it was so fast.

Lots of fun on my end, but like I said, my wife wont be able to keep up.

Bingo you hit the nail on the head Murdercarpet…esp some of us that have had strokes …its killing me to play anymore now…


I think alot of players are going to dislike this feature personally. They need to get over it and just let people start flying at max level for a trivial gold cost and be done with it.


You seem like the kind of person who gets offended and breaks down by wind blowing against them

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You sound like the kind of person who is offended that everybody else isn’t just like you.

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