Older players / disabled will struggle with dragonriding

you have to wonder about anyone who is this concerned about OTHER people asking for some kind of help or concession that dont affect said anyone(s) in the least.

Disgruntleds or Ion alts, no doubt.

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Ion has never acted like that. These are trolls.


Haha, nice troll attempt. I don’t want to waste an ignore slot on you, considering you barely post here anyway.

and at least ION seems to have some semblance of a shred of humanity whereby he DOES seem to care if less abled players can enjoy the game.
These clowns are…well…it seems to be some sort of psychopathy of one kind or another, if Im playing the psychobabbler game in here.

Psychopathy is a neuropsychiatric disorder marked by deficient emotional responses, lack of empathy

NORMAL human minds CARE about other human beings…even if its something as trivial as a video game.


Some of us like DF flying. It shouldn’t be removed because people don’t like it or something.

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damn this so much i have my yearson and my vision isnt that good anymore, but the dragonflying isnt the problem, its the freacking typography thats is too small to see, plz let us increase the font size

ruk, 69

dude. I enjoy some of your posts…but WTH.

she didnt even come close to saying remove DRing

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Blizz hire people with disabilities to do internal testing. They are definitely trying to help as many people as possible play their games. It’s not always gonna be perfect. But it’s why threads like this are so important. They’d be absolutely open to the feedback.

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I think dragonriding in the beta,
if it’s reflective of what will launch,
is tedious…Feels like a super mario
experience…not at all wow.


LOL play dumb all you want like you have some sort of zen high ground. Good for you.

What’s dumb about telling you that you need to chill? You came barreling through here like OP kicked your dog.


well thats cool. thats good to know.
What I dont get though is how they made it thru alpha and beta and didnt pick up on very simple problems that should have dictated that normal flight would need to be enabled, even if restricted in some way such as not being abled to AFK on a mount as I mentioned previously.

being able to take a passenger is great for maybe grabbing higher talent glyphs, but I doubt any player wants to chauffer players around all day


I agree that they can not stop adding new stuff to the game,BUT… they did not have to make DR mandatory to advance in the questing. This will be the first time in 17+ years that i will not be buying the latest WoW expansion, and also the first time i will have ever not had an active sub in those same 17+ years.

Its really, really sad for me to have to miss out because they couldnt just make it its own thing, and not tie it to the quest chain to actually level my character. Yes i have had the beta for a month, and still can not deal with DR.


I don’t get the visions issue either and I have vision issues. Dragon riding is fun for me. I can see people with any impairment that makes hand coordination difficult having issues with dragon riding though.

Blizzard will allow normal flying for sure but likely not until 10.1 at least.

After your condescending crayon list failed you are pivoting the argument about my personality instead of how poor the OPs and your arguments are while also making yourself some sort of victim of aggression due to my “visceral responses.” ROFL

You have the same behavior pattern as the op so I’m not surprised you disagree with me. Not wasting my time in the ceespool of gen chat anymore lol. GL out there.

You came in here claiming this was something false and then resorting to personal attacks. You got the attention you sought out. Don’t cry about it now.

I’m not the one playing victim here.


Yea pirate!! If you can become a pirate always be a pirate!

I agree, the game should have an accessibility feature for people who can’t handle the faster flying and also for people who might have a harder time seeing.

Honestly, this game has been slowly getting more and more inaccessible since it’s release. The more it moves in that direction, the more the playerbase shrinks. I don’t see anything wrong with adding something like a Speed Slider or even Speed Toggles to help people out. There is nothing wrong with it.


I think people can really just skip this. So far I am 68 and haven’t noticed any areas/quests that you can’t get to without dragonflying yet.

I also haven’t noticed anyone actually not being able to figure their way around doing this. I am having to buy another mouse but that probably was inevitable anyway. I probably won’t be able to do everything because I just hate heights even in the game and this expansion is really bad for this as well as a lot of dragon flying glyphs are on top of things high peaks and towers.

I don’t really care for when they force content on people though and if you want to finish the campaign you have to partake in this system.

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