Older players / disabled will struggle with dragonriding

Dear god rofl. Please no more :rofl::rofl:

Why do people always use disabilities to make bad faith arguments about in-game systems in WoW ffs quadriplegics are streaming themselves beating Elden Ring.


Show us proof of all these supposed oldies that are complaining about Dragonriding. Because a lot of the older people in this thread seem to be saying they’re fine with it so far. Seems like you’re over-exaggerating in an attempt to validate your complaints about the system.

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What does being a quadroplegic have to do with eye sight issues and other disabilities? They aren’t interchangeable. And it’s so weird that people find feedback on accessibility to be insincere. Or act like it somehow inconveniences you, like you’ll have to code the fix.


“here…we know you cant PLAY the game we made for you so let someone else play it for you”


50% of my household is in that category son.
why are you even here?
this affects your sort in no conceivable way.


I’ve seen you in other threads defending Dragonriding. Maybe make up your mind on where you stand?

Old gamers being left out because of dragon riding is new. ROFL.

That is inherently how the OP framed it. Dont be daft. If you cannot read between the lines I feel bad for you.

I said as much. Target the real issue and solve it. No need to say in effect old(inclusive) gamers will struggle which is stupid for reason said above.

Who are you to say what I can do you pompous clown? And what are you talking about taking it personally? Dunning kruger effect in full swing right here.

Get out of here with you lists style response like you are crayon drawing things out for people when you have no idea what you are talking about.

The only issue is when normal flying will be released. I wish they’d just do it once we hit max level. But sadly probably won’t be the case.


unlike YOUR single minded, self serving sort, son…I CAN see MY perspective AND those of others.

Whatever you say, boomer.

Well dragonriding is new.

Not being daft. Even if you have some beef with OP, it is still a legit problem people are having.

Wow, right to the insults.

You seem angry.

Maybe you could use a Snickers.

You aren’t yourself when you are angry.

I’m all good brother, your assumption game is 1/10.

thanks for confirming my point, son.

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I constantly have floaters in my eyes lord Blizz, it’s hard to play your game… You need to develop some sort of accessibility option for me, no I don’t know what, but you do, now go!


Couldn’t tell by the sudden jump to aggression.

I wouldnt expect folks like that to have conscience enough to consider how other people are affected by anything lmao.


I guess your passive aggressive strategy is much better… LOL come on man.

Not passive aggressive about anything. I’ll tell you straight up you need to relax. People giving feedback on something not involving you doesn’t require any sort of viseral response.

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Googly eyes fixes everything.

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