Older players / disabled will struggle with dragonriding

Because with regular flying it does not go that fast and you can hover to better judge landing.


So the speed is the issue.

Speed and lack of hover ability.

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Just shutdown the business of WoW I guess

This old person isn’t demanding to remove dragon flying. Just don’t tie major storyline and advancement to it.

This could lose me as a customer. How disappointing!


Changing how flying works was a design option. This change didnt need to be a “reality”


Are we seriously Talking about older players struggling? are you serious?
with all respect like play the game but same time you should not be playing for long time also, you might not enjoy some content of the expansion which sucks but that’s life…I hope everyone stays healthy

Yes we are serious. why not?

When Blizzard make a design change that people with vision and/or motion sickness issues have a problem with, why not talk about it?


Basically, to sum up my situation, I’m playing this game for one reason. To get The Loremaster title. I’ve completed SL, BfA, and Legion and with the level and gear I have now, I can complete the other lower expansions very fast so basically except for the new expansion, I can complete Loremaster easily.

I have vertigo episodes and if I end up vomiting over my keyboard due to vertigo, then I can’t complete the quests in DF therefore cannot get Loremaster. I’ll have to leave this game.

Letting us use regular flying to be able to complete quests, is the perfect answer to mine and many other people’s issue(s) without changing anything regarding dragon flying. Maybe I/we can’t participate in the things specific to dragon flying, but I/we can still play the game without our medical or other issues preventing us from enjoying the game I/we love.


Nope. Dragon riding rushes the camera forward when speeding up, has the speed lines and the blue glow. Only one of those can currently be countered.


so one, I’m not asking blizz to do anything for me. I will say that wow’s general population is not nearly as young as they were once, I personally know very few young people who willingly play wow. most of the young ones i see are streamers… and even then they don’t seem to stay very long except for a fair few.

that being said, I agree that blizz doesn’t have to necessarily cater to everyone’s abilities or non abilities, but if the group that is having a problem is large enough, then perhaps they can take a look at it and see if there are maybe options to keep those players being able to play.

it’s called empathy, and good companies will have some.

second. my comment was more directed at the fact that basically it was said that once we get old we should just basically roll over and die because we won’t be able to do anything.

now, I try and be a reasonable person, and yes, there are limitations as we age. but I’ll be damned if you stick me or anyone else that’s older in a bed and say this is all you get for the rest of whatever life you have left is. well frankly it’s rude. we’re older, we’re not dead. and many of us have played games as a way to get away from the pain we call life since some of our first memories.

so basically,

you can take the game controller from my cold dead hands.


Some ppl have such bad vision that corrective lenses can only do so much.


I have cognitive vision loss. My brain does not process visual input properly anymore.

I am not playing another game.
I’m asking for better telegraphs and my friends to lend a hand, which they do, and I’m doing fine. Sheesh.

The asinine thing here is THEY are PRETENDING like anyone here is asking Blizzard to develop new technology to assist the blind L M A O

Dragon riding NEVER NEEDED TO EXIST and IT CREATED this issue that DIDNT EXIST BEFORE ION and crew decided to screw with flight…yet AGAIN.

Their laughable hyperbolic horse droppings in this thread is both nauseating and entirely lacking in any semblance of INTELLIGENT discourse.
Asking for NORMAL FLIGHT that has BEEN IN THE GAME FOR MANY YEARS INSTEAD OF having to partake of a NEW method of flight that never needed to be changed in the first place ISNT EVEN REMOTELY comparable to asking blizzard to ‘cater to handicaps’…its asking to RETURN what Ion TOOK away.

yet ANOTHER case of a POINTLESS ION CREATED PROBLEM over flight that never needed to happen, with shills and knights entirely unable to form coherent, intelligent arguments to defend


having had horrible migraine related vertigo since about 1987, I can feel your pain.
Mine can be controlled to much degree by controlling my migraines.
Thankfully mine are generally related to not getting enough fluids, so drinking a lot more water helps tremendously with both migraines and vertigo.

I can, however, trigger them with some types of artificial lighting at times…and just sitting here thinking about it.
I havent yet had a problem over video games, but not everyone has the same cause for their vertigo that I do.

Contrary to the shill/knight claims, no one is demanding dragon riding be removed. lmao.
Simply asking to NOT have to wait 8-10 months to do the all that content that the REST of us will be doing starting on day one.


Irl we make accommodations , and we should do so here. As the population ages video game companies need to address this, and hell anyone of any age could need a little extra thought from the devs.


And what about us Druids…are we to lose one of forms ie Flight form and not be able to flying in flight form and herb where we don’t have to dismount and no I am not going to use that noisy tin can mount to pick herbs either…Druids herb picking is why I have 4 druids , two on Alliance side and two on Horde for a reason their ease of herb picking in flight form or travel form.

I may regret buying this Dragon Flight …


Hey, try an Addon called Leatrix Plus, it will let you change the font size of the quests.

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One could say that some people in here are very… near sighted in understanding other people’s issues


They’re probably just farsighted in thinking, and some people can’t See the forest through the trees.

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