Older players / disabled will struggle with dragonriding


And if that much of the regular population has eyesight issues, it’s very reasonable to assume a large amount of WoW players do as well. Since it has a larger portion of older players.


Eye issues is so f’in vage…i am talking about issues that effect game play I have issues I wear glasses but that does not affect me playing wow

Then that means that threads like this are important if you have no idea how many there are that have issues.


Neither do you how many wow players have it that it effects game play…

Which is why threads like this are important. It’s feedback. It’s there for a reason. Let Blizz worry about the numbers and assisting in accessibility. Unless you are the one coding things, it shouldn’t bother you.

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It’s impossible to adjust for every issue every play might have.

Not all feedback is good feedback but you do you and we will agree to disagree

And still did not see that 4.2 billion number

This isn’t a complicated issue. It only requires them making both modes of flying available and dragon riding an option. People are acting like they have to solve world hunger here.


Let Blizz determine that.

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It seems they have

im a little confused on how bad of vision you are talking about. I’m blind in my right eye and have poor vision in my left eye. In the beta it doesnt seem terrible to me

They have not responded to this. So no one knows what their feelings are on it.

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It’s going to be a core element of the expansion. They can’t just let anyone who wants to disable it do so. Be reasonable.

It’s the same system GW2 uses for flying. It isn’t hard to do. I’m older and partially blind in one eye now and it just isn’t that difficult. Are you so insistent on this because you are having issues with it?

ELVUI. lots of options there to make text and such clearer/bigger/etc.

I was never able to find a beta version for beta. While older and weak eyed (insert old school meme coke bottle glasses…that elune for thins lens technology!) . So I did not like the beta stock UI. Not a df ding…I have always hate the stock UI.

ELVUI will need to be pried from my cold dead hands really.

No one has asked for it to be disabled.

Yeah and can’t use that mode of flying too.

All situations aren’t equal. I have depth perception issues. You might not.

Yes. I’ve also tested it on beta.

Because they only listen to esports wannabe type of people now. This is why I won’t be buying dragonland. I want to have fun not be frustrated 2 minutes after I log in. It baffles me that they want people to not have fun just to engage a small group of sweatie type players.

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No one asked for it to be disabled. Normal flying cannot participate in dragon races and is much slower. It will not move them forward in the content that requires it, which right now, is three quests in chapter one to go from one straight point to another with just simple glide.

The best way to release normal flying for those wbo will not be able to handle advanced dragon riding is to make normal flying available either when hitting max level or at the end of a renown point.


Bad news for the OP: we all age. We all die. And we all gradually erode on our way there.

I’m 40 this year and developed emergency diverticulitis shortly before my birthday. I’ve since had 3 major surgeries, and have a 4th looming sometime in the future. I will, literally, never be the same - never really be able to get back to what I was.

And that’s just life. We don’t improve with time - whether it’s vision, fertility, mobility, digestion, etc. - you WILL experience some kind of erosion of who you are. And, chances are good, you won’t really recover. It’s not up to video games to account for that - designers mostly cater to the healthy; to the young. And that’s fine. They have absolutely no obligation to develop content for every infirmity. That’s not ableism - it’s just freaking reality.


If that’s the problem how is it any different from regular flying? All dragon riding does different is you have to use “currents” and can’t just stay aloft as long as you want. Regular flying still requires you to fly over, around, through objects.

Keratoconus; a degenerative corneal disease that is more common now than when I was diagnosed. In some instances, you can use contacts, but I have this disease progressed to a state where I am unable to wear contacts and have never been able to wear glasses since my diagnosis.

ps im 33 and was diagnosed at age 18

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