Older players / disabled will struggle with dragonriding

Well crap.

I understand that players who get motion sickness are a minority. I guess I will avoid dragon-riding and take a long time to get places? I wonder how impossible the game will be if a player doesn’t do dragon riding.

I am so prone to motion sickness that Minecraft can occasionally trigger it if I am tired and am hopping all over. Sucks. Pretty soon I’ll just be an old lady playing solitaire on my PC. :sob:

the main questline requires dragon riding.
Youre also required to fly to many of the quest locations…like you need to fly to get up to a high spot…there is no walking around to the quest location in many of the quests.
So if it takes 8 months or more to get normal flight, you wont be doing pretty much anything IF you cant dragon ride.

My wife is as well. I doubt she’ll be playing DF much unless I chauffeur her around.


I’m 100% disabled. I have problems that will most likely effect my ability for DF. I’m not going to fork out $50 to find out if I can make it or not.

So if Blizz doesn’t give an option to DF or use our own flying mounts, I’ll have to un-sub. Simple as that.

BTW, I’m 75 soon to be 76 years old. I’ve been to hell and back. So couple that with my disability, I ain’t in very good shape.


What stories ya could share I can only imagine. Not being snarky or anything. Really just find being able to live to such an age amazing at times.


Some people shouldn’t comment with inane replies just to get post counts up. Go talk about Transmogs or something, that seems more your speed.


Has that ever worked?

Good. now sit down and listen.

I don’t know if you are purposefully not reading or may have missed what I noticed.

OP asked for flight at max level.
l shall repeat: Max Level

Apparently, that means they don’t care if the disabled have to deal with Dragon flying for how many levels before that.

Hence, I believe that the OPs claim, and only their claim in this post is disingenuous. they just want flight at max level.

So go on without me if you like, I’m continuing just fine without you and your blinders.

Nope. I tried to give you respect, you refused to do the same. Not reading anything further.

Sorry to hear that.
I donʻt believe you though. You read it. but it matters not.
Blinding yourself to the truth won’t make it go away.

I do hope that there is an option for those who will find Dragon flight difficult from the start of the expansion due to disabilities and or age, myself included, to enjoy flight in The expansion in some form. Not just at max level.

The loss of flight form is one of the reasons I am not planning to buy DF. I am not ending my sub though since I can play Wrath.

Honestly, the new flight mechanics reeks to me of the changes that have come over time where Blizz has not wanted to make old models usable, even though some of them look and move better than the new ones. slouching NE males cough kitten looking cheetahs cough There are lots of little reasons, and some big ones, that I have no plan to buy DF.

There are people with vision issues that it can cause problems for. I am lucky that one of my eyes is still pretty normal, because, if it was not, I would have issues with quickly noticing changes. A faster mount would not be such a good idea.

So yeah, I am unimpressed with dragon riding. It maybe quicker. It might make getting places more interesting. But it also illustrates the problem with WoW devs throwing out old content. Some of that old content looks nicer and plays better than what is in retail. I will never understand why they do that.


Man I haven’t even looked at how it works.
The flying itself looked fun but now that this is mentioned I wonder if the arthritis in my thumb and wrist are even going to allow me to interact with this feature.

honestly, you can get away with pushing the space bar/Skyward Ascent to lift off, then pulling back on your mouse to nose straight up, then using your space bar to fire off your remaining Vigor charges to climb VERY fast.
Once up, nose forward and glide to your destination.
If you keep slightly nosed down, your vigor will recharge in flight once you get so far on the talent tree, which isnt hard to do. Many of the glyphs for dragon riding talents are VERY easy to get.
Get those first, then go for the harder ones as you built up your dragon riding.
If you can use your mouse, back and forth…and press your space bar…you can dragon ride. :+1: :grinning:

There are like three abilities that you dont have to use at all.
Skyward Ascent is the only ability you NEED to dragon fly. Its pretty much all I use.

I’m sure all the old players love being used as a shield.

Could always just speak for yourself, it’s a secret GD strat that works out 99.99% of the time!

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I hear yeah Tenshirou…

They were here because of toxic ableism. I have a connective tissue disorder that has led to osteoarthritis, neuralgia, carpal tunnel, fine motor control issues, etc. Double jumping is a nightmare.

So is the community feast, for that matter. I got “spin to stir the soup” several times, and that one is awful for me - difficult and extremely painful, and it affects my game play due to pain for a while after.

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It doesn’t necessarily make it any easier, but you can just hit it once and get credit. Same with some of the other objectives.

I have my F key set to interact with NPCs and objects, and that helps me even despite not having a disability (for now, at least) that inhibits my ability to move about and interact with the game world. I would suggest doing the same under your settings.

Regardless, I do think that some real and extremely helpful accessibility options should be made available. People of all ages play this game, and I don’t think that a portion of the player base should struggle any more than needed, if at all, with the simple things.

I’m not struggling and I have MS,COPD,cancer & Heart problems.

No one said take it away, we’re asking for normal mounts IN ADDITION. Then everyone can play how they want.