Older players / disabled will struggle with dragonriding

I dont get how you get the conclusion when dragonriding is just a better form of flying and everyone universally loves it. I have disabilities myself in IRL but that doesn’t mean I hate anything which I cant do/access cuz of them. I you just hate the idea of needing to work a bit more vs just afking while flying to A to B then sure but dragon riding actally feels dynamic and cool

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It’s not universally loved and it’s not objectively better. It’s all subjective. I prefer the things regular flying can offer. I’d rather go a bit slower but be able to take off and land wherever I want to whenever I want to, with exact precision. I’d rather be able to hover waiting for a rare to spawn. I’d rather be able to chat with people while I auto fly. Losing that to go faster and have to deal with buttons while traveling around a zone isn’t for me. Since they want to force it, I just won’t play at this point but might when regular flying is added. If you prefer it to regular flying good for you I guess? You get something you enjoy. Unfortunately right now I can’t say the same thing for myself.


other than the initial quests campaign quests I have not come across a single thing that requires dragon flying. there are ferries all over and if i come across a quest that doesn’t have one i have been providing feedback with a suggestion to - however, so far I haven’t.

And you are saying for sure you need dragon flying achieves to get normal flight? Where is that said ?

With his behavior with flight since 2015, I cant even argue a case for him to be honest.
If Im ONLY looking at evidence itself, your statement would stand up in my court of law, lol.
I am just having a little hope that we’re wrong and he really has changed.

If you do have beta access just try it out.
When you use flight use the Skyward Ascent to shoot up, then just glide in the direction you want to go in as normal.
you need to be slightly nosed down to keep in the air or you’ll start dropping.

Hopeing you can handle it at least enough to do the main questline

so blah blah blah…im right, youre wrong
And sorry, but you are either lying or ARENT on the beta. There are number of quests that REQUIRED flight to get to the objective.

lmao…main questline…you know what that is correct?
how far do you get in ANY expansion i fyou dont do the MAIN questline?

We’re done here…im not being trolled all night with your nonsense

they are sure bound and determined it is required - I was nervous about this but when I got beta and after trying it out a bit it isn’t so bad. Now if that poster is correct and you actually have to have certain achievements then I might change my mind about buying Dragonflight but I really can’t see them tipping their hand that way so early this expansion. They usually tell us that stuff later on.

From the 1000s of people including myself who have beta from what i can tell everyone loves it outside of a few folks who have their own reasons.

Point proven

At the end of the day Downtime in the form of fly masters who do 50 loops over your place before landing or flying has always been needless downtime that is fully boring outside of using it to do something else. Being able to be rewarded for able to use your mount efficently and see you just ZOOOOOM over places is something amazing, but at the end of the day we all have our own likes/dislikes what is good is being able to choose what you want to use which is normal flying which should be out at lanucch imo.

I’m fine with dragon riding being in the game for those who enjoy it…but i dont like it and i really would like to just use my normal flying mount.

If blizzard is so sure that dragon-riding is amazing and everyone will “want” to engage with it, then they can give us normal flying as well and it won’t affect the widespread engagement of dragon-riding, right?


I am also fast approaching old age. 60 in a week. To even think that I can do what I used to be able to do would be shear arrogance.

Bliz should not have to cater to me because I can’t do what I use to be able to do . Once I can longer do something I stop doing it. I have already dropped out of any mythic raiding and M+ because I have slowed down and reacting to mechanics isn’t good and my eyesight isn’t what it use to be. I don’t whinge to bliz to slow things down.

Two older members of my ex guild stopped raiding altogether for the same reasons. I will be doing the same when I can no longer perform at the required level , I recon I have one more expansion of heroic raiding left in me and maybe a couple more at normal. Blizzard should not have to cater to me or anyone similar to me.

you need to do a small questchain to get dragonriding it seems and normal is probably the achivement since the selling point is easy to get which is good. Since most people wont bother getting normal flying which how dragonriding is

Well it’s not just for AFK reasons but also for being able to easily land and take off from a node or a chest or a quest objective. Things like that.

In any case we don’t really disagree after all since we both think normal flying shouldn’t be time gated.

yet you won’t tell me which they are. It is possible they added more things after you leveled up. I can’t tell or maybe you just missed the ferries.

the main campaign this expansion isn’t typical - they may purposely avoid making people do it. You are just fear mongering without any basis at this point.

yes but that is more just gliding that anything special - that initial bit - in fact if you treat it like flying that is when you run into problems. But again I suggested they let people skip that if they can’t do it within 3 tries just in case.

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Good for who? Obviously not good for everyone.


lmao…last I checked NO ONE HERE is saying get rid of DRing.
they are asking to not have to do it themselves.
YUUGE difference.


They act like dragon riding is akin to pet battles we ALL can just ignore lmao.
Not even close.
Its intregral to the MAIN questline and if they arent allowing normal flight for 8 months or so…which is very likely…EIGHT STINKING MONTHs these players will be waiting to do what the rest of us will be doing day one.

What makes me sick is how cavalier they act about it.
“I gots mine so I don care bout yous”


My cataract surgery (just had the second eye completed a little over 45 days ago) my out of pocket is going to be $4,000.00. Just to help you with that flippant reply.

Have a wonderful evening.


Are you purposely not reading? You’re claiming it’s just a ruse to get normal flying. I’m explaining why normal flying is being asked in the OP due to disabilities.

Seems to me you’re just here to stir the pot. Go ahead without me. I’m not continuing with you.


Ok then.

Did you read what I wrote?

Here let me help you

So how many old wow players with vision issues? plus where in the hell did you pull 4.2 billion

where I looked could find it was 2.2 world wide…
And tell me how many out of that 2.2 billion play wow and are old and have eye issues that effect their game play