Older players / disabled will struggle with dragonriding

I get awful motion sickness to the point of a migraine within 5-10 minutes of dragon riding, and once you get to that point it takes a while to get back to normal. The ‘fix’ in the game to reduce motion helps a little, it makes it take a bit longer to build up to that point but still it doesn’t solve the problem.

There are some REGULAR flying mounts that I can’t use because it also can set off the same thing, but thankfully I can straight up avoid that issue by not using that mount.

Dragon riding is something that’s VERY centric for the expansion, it’s hard to get away from as it’s even used in a dungeon, some quests, and of course it’s the ‘main’ way to get around now even larger zones.


Got a few posts into the thread. Kinda strange how the group of people supposedly effected most by this problem don’t care and have workarounds, whereas plenty of people are tripping over themselves to talk down to anyone who doesn’t consider this a warcrime against disabled people.

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I mean, look at where we are as a society these days. People love being professional victims and sticking up for groups that aren’t asking for the help. This is typical of the world right now.

Have I said anything to the contrary?

If I posted anything stating that regular flight is not easier for those with disabilities or advanced age I would like to see it quoted.
I have not tried Dragon flight yet so i donʻt think i have an opinion wether it is the only good option for everyone.

But I am an old cow and forget things sometimes. So I may have… but I dont think so.

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Yup… dragon riding is a complete waste of our time.


it sure is - most people can do it - sure some people aren’t going to do everything involved with it - never claimed they could. There is no need to be able to do everything - races are optional and if there is a dungeon that is optional as well. Some expansions people with disabilities didn’t have a game at all to play. Legion was one if you couldn’t do dungeons, there was almost nothing in that expansion for you.

Anyway my intent wasn’t to insult people but to encourage people - it might not be as bad as you think if you haven’t tried it because you have a lot of control over things and you are basically only using it to hop from area to area.

Stop trying to take a GOOD new change away from us.

It’s not happening and this new flying mechanic WILL happen.

GW2 rocks, and I’ve always HATED the flying physics in this game.

This was a much needed update.

lmao…dragon riding isnt ‘some things’ and you saying that tells me you AINT on the Beta lol.
Dragon riding IS the main questline…you CANT get thru it without dragon riding.
Try again?

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yes you can’t do the campaign if you don’t do the basic quests and I have suggested on beta that if people fail those quests 3 times they are giving an option to skip the initial ones. However, there are plenty of other quests that can be done in the game to level up. I already mentioned in this thread at the start that the campaign can’t be done if you don’t do it at all.

Whether or not you are gated by that campaign later, I don’t know at this stage because I am only 69.

Yeah and me not buying and playing the game until I can unlock regular flying also will happen.

Only Ion could take an expac with the name DragonFLIGHT and come up with some unnecessary flying mini game instead of going back to the much better system of just letting us get normal flying at max level.

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again…lmao…dragon riding IS the issue some are having…dragon Riding IS the MAIN questline. Its not some SIDE crap you can do…or not.

I have a disability that eliminated large parts of the game from me already for years. People with some types of disabilities have put up with that - missing that campaign is nothing in my view providing it doesn’t gate the end game from people.

People can decide for themself if it is important or not.

mandatory nice statement

The problem will be when you come back when flight can be unlocked and find out that you CANT get to that point at all unless you do the dragon riding thing anyway.

Hes proven he hates flight, so I dont know if DF is the result of that hate…his screwing with players yet again…OR if they guy finally caved and decided to give flight but with some disadvantages/annoyances…OR…if in his mind this would be the greatest thing since the automobile and we’d all love it.

Given his history here Id say #1…but Im hoping for #3, which is better for us all at the end of the day.

Anything they add to the game will have negative effects to some groups of the community, Instead of rag dolling good and new systems that make the game better for everyone a better solution is to add more options for people with disablites

If you have to level dragon raiding to get standard flying, I will never play Dragonflight, period.


what point? all they need to do is make sure there are ferries everywhere and so far I haven’t spotted an area that doesn’t have one.

I fear my wife is going to say the same thing. Shes seen dragon riding and hates it. She knows her limitations very well. I have to say I agree with her that she ISNT going to be able to do the dragon riding thing…and so she might not be buying the expansion for her account over it.

Right now as it stands you CANT progress thru the main questline without dragon riding. Its literally ABOUT getting your dragon mounts and learning to ride them. Not some side stuff…the MAIN questline. that stuff we HAVE to do.

This likely will run a number of players off from WoW if they dont figure something out


What part of that fact is too complex here?
YOu HAVE to dragon ride to get thru the game…its NOT a side thing…and you CANT get to any achieves to get any normal flight LATER if you DONT do the MAIN questline

Are you being intentionally obtuse here?
Let me know so I can prepare the list if youre just trolling me.

This honestly feels like trolling from Ion. I have like 100 dragon mounts I already know how to fly ok thanks. Stop trolling people who love flight the way it was ffs.

I have beta and haven’t touched it so maybe I should see now whether I can tolerate the amount needed to level up. I know I won’t be able to stand it as a primary way of transportation and I’m not dragging myself around on a ground mount in zones that size.