Older players / disabled will struggle with dragonriding

Moused, I was wondering if you have your camera follow set to never adjust. That helps me a ton with my motion sickness. I just can not have my camera snap back, it gives me that disorienting dizziness.

Some of the dragon riding I can do, but have only been in the first zone with it. I do have a difficulties speeding around corners some of the and some of the higher drops, but I was able to zoom my camera out just right so it didn’t have as big of an impact. As a result, sometimes my orientation isn’t near as steep as I think it is. I read that there’s an addon for that already.

Text contrast is indeed very easy to fix. It’s simple enough that they could probably task the newbie UI engineer with the task of adding a high contrast text toggle to the game. Very surprising it hasn’t already happened.

Text size settings would more involved but I doubt there’s any serious technical blockers.

I have it at never adjust as I like to adjust it myself…its the up and down and side to side that makes my stomach go floppy…I have tried everything even zoom in and do it as first person and still makes me sick…one of reason I stick too smaller flying mounts esp ones with no wings too…the flapping noise drives me nuts with my bad case of Tinnitus, certain sounds just set it off even more …mine is so bad I can’t wear headphones cause it hurts me physically…I have even removed sounds from the game or aka blocked them from being used.

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Lord yes I wish they make it able to increase text size…I would love that feature for sure…

No one is asking for it to be changed. Just regular flying to be available with it.

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As long as it doesn’t come from my gold

I need that for candy

did not expect this thread to become so toxic

generally I see most players being more supportive of accessibility

the default bliz interface isn’t any wonder of UI design, it isn’t particularly impressive in any way, and it could really use a number of enhancements to help out players

got these toxic players acting like the slightest change to the UI is gonna be a personal affront to them because the UI is perfect - which is just not remotely true in any kind of objective sense

Over 5k posts and you’re surprised by this?

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At the end of the day ultimately your limitations are up to you to overcome.

There is nothing wrong with asking for things. But not getting those things should be a reality we’re all gonna have to wrap our minds around. You can’t accommodate every esoteric situation.

That is not toxicity. that is most likely reality and limitations of funds/resources/priorities

on the chat box? theres a setting to change the transparency of the background. make it solid black. that will help

I absolutely never once said it should be removed.

Very wrong. When you hit the two buttons for speed, the camera surges forward for an additional speed effect.

There are a lot of visual disabilities this can effect.

i have terrible arthritis in my fingers. i want a scotty computer. hehe

left 10, run, stop, jump, run, right 4, right 8, back, stop, cast 1, use 13, etc

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I am subject to vertigo in certain situations. If I get a vertigo episode while flying the dragons, I guess I have to…not fly them anymore…and skip whatever requires it.

If skipping dragon flying interferes with how I play this game, I will have to leave. This isn’t a complaint, Blizzard can do whatever they want with their game, but if I can’t play it, then I’ll not play.

Usually you are quick on the uptake but iʻll explain since you did not get it.

I believe that the main point of everything the OP said in the first post was to shine a spotlight on “Just give us regular flying already.”

It is my opinion that the OP was not concerned about disabilities, but instead used them as a platform for their crusade to instate flight as they want it in game.

They surrounded their demand for regular flight in a shroud of “disabled and old folks”

That is what I meant by “Fluff posting”


I am disabled and didn’t have a problem with it.

Optic neuritis to start with.

What hobbies do you feel you could do blind?

I’m so sorry that you’re dealing with all of that. The dragon riding is definitely going to be difficult with those issues in its current iteration.

I can understand some of your struggle. For me, certain repetitive sounds are extremely aggravating because of Misophonia. Loud sounds physically hurt me because of a sensory processing disorder that also happens to affect brighter lighting, like in Bastion.

I have motion sickness riding in cars and get migraines frequently. Some are developing into a different type called vestibular migraines, that can be milder in pain but still suck because of the other symptoms.

I do hope you can find some relief and hope they will be able to come up with something that will be less nausea inducing.


Maybe I don’t see anything because I have my graphics turned down :laughing:

:person_shrugging: I’ll take your word for it :laughing:

I get that it’s your opinion, but you also need to understand that normal flying is the easiest way to help those wirh disabilities that can’t dragon ride.

Normal flying is a disadvantage anyway. No one is going to purposely ask to be at a disadvantage unless there’s a good reason for it. And there is in this case.

That’s possible. There is an option to turn down the camera movement.


Perfect solution.