Older players / disabled will struggle with dragonriding

I don’t generally fly fast unless I’m traversing a great distance, I generally just glide along. If a person plays in a way intentionally that doesn’t benefit them when the option to not play that way exists then that’s on them.

Bingo Gargella I have been saying for months now how I am not going to like this new dragon flying mess…I am old school wow I played when you reached max level of that expansion you just went and brought flying for all your characters…I am done with this grind fest of time gating me for months and months before I can fly…


And they have been up until now. Now changes have been made that make it less accessible.

“All these people who claim that these changes make it harder to play with their disabilities are lying, or using this as an excuse for no reason but to annoy people like me who are opposed to accessibility and think it should never be a thing. Disabilities are never an excuse. They need to git gud or git out of my game. Trust me, they’re all making it up.”

And if they designed this feature without consideration of how it would affect these customers, and don’t want to pay to come up with a solution, those people should just quit, because they can’t play with more than 2 buttons anyway."

Right in the paragraph above.

Right there.

Yep, you said that disabled people and those with coordination problems are incapable of playing the game with more than 2 buttons. How can they possibly do mythic raiding as they ought to be in order to deserve to be allowed to play?

To be fair, the OP comes off to me as concern ableism. They’re very not specific about the problems, it just seems to be using the concept of age/ability to shield their request to get rid of a feature that they don’t like.

Controlled flight isn’t really that complicated, and while I haven’t looked them up, there’s sure to be plenty of resources to make it as friendly as possible to people without needing to just skip it.

The OP did ask why they had to introduce such an unnecessary feature, but beyond that, I don’t see a request to outright remove it.

If so, wonderful. I was more responding to ableists in this thread than the actual OP’s concern. That sort of thing tends to happen a lot.

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Its those old and disabled that brought video gaming to point its at today…without our work years back there wouldn’t be a Blizzard or WoW…I learn my computing on old Punch cards …not many here can say the same thing today.

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I dont know, calling the feature unnecessary and asking for an alternative seems to be asking for the features place in the game to be changed to me. Although personally I don’t care either way what they allow at level cap. My original response to you was screaming ableist over someone stating a simple fact. If you are physically incapable of doing something, then maybe it just isnt for you. Thats just a simple fact.

What exactly does this add to the conversation? Turn motion blur, a graphical feature of the game, off to reduce motion sickness. Thats not an accessibility feature. That was not implemented to make flying the flying dinos more accessible, that option was implemented because its literally a default setting in unreal engine (which ark uses) and motion blur is just annoying in any situation to most people. As someone who has sunk over 1000 hours into ark, i can promise you, the ark devs are not thinking about accessibility with any aspect of the game.

Not sure how that responds to that quote in any meaningful way, thats already been stated previously in this same response.

What disability would prevent you from using dragonriding but not any of the other, far more complex and visually noisy activities in the game?

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That was a good field of work while it lasted. I remember rows of people punching cards all day. For nostalgia, I have an old punch card phone bill. That’s how they used to do the bills way back in the day. :grin:

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It’s like you didn’t read anything you wrote before hitting ‘reply’.

You’re fine with accessibility features as long as devs are free to ignore them as a consideration when designing new content, remove them, or make the game less accessible on a whim.

This is what is happening.

That have accessible considerations built in.

I see reading comprehension is not your strong point.

Devs had the choice to make this accessible and chose not to.

So okay to design the entire system around being inaccessible, and oh! Now it’s too late, it’s already done, do no reason to undo it.

Everyone is reading what you have written. Your intent comes through clearly. Nobody is under any obligation to agree with you that accessibility features should be optional, and changes to the game that make it less accessible are simply unreasonable expectations by the players you have stated can’t use more than two buttons and refuse to raid, as obedient drones like yourself.

You are outright saying that people who have been playing all along should have the game made less accessible because of your lie that they can’t play with more than 2 buttons.

That’s an outright lie.

What does this even mean? I don’t play demon hunter or ret paladin. I don’t have the hand to eye coordination to do fast air races, trying to fly through hoops that are out of our range of vision or have little contrast with the background. And you’re saying that I haven’t been playing the game at all on half a dozen classes because I’m not able to play. At all?

Which right wing nutjob organization sent you?

You two are headed for a forum vacation :joy:


Do you support or oppose accessibility? I’m not talking about this game. I’m talking in general. Accessibiliy requires planning. It costs money.

So they could handle the games other activities, a lot of which are a lot more complex and visually noisy than dragonriding, but suddenly now dragonriding is too much? Says who besides this OP?

I never said these people were lying, I said OP might be making this issue up. This is the first i’ve seen on dragonriding being too much for ye olden bones. Again if dragonriding is such an accessibility nightmare, the rest of the game should have been long before it, yet nobody talks about that.

Twisting my words again? I didn’t say they should design it without considering the players, they should design it around considering the players who can actually use it and have fun with it, you know, the grand majority of the playerbase. You design your product around the majority of your customers, if you can find ways to accommodate the minority without upending the entire system, then thats great too.

Still don’t see the part where I said all disabilities are the same

Right there what? You already quoted this exact same sentence previously in this response, what have you added with this second one?

I also said dungeons and raiding period. Any activity that requires you to keep track of multiple mechanics while spell effects are going off

holy bat turds…I swear Im the ONLY person here who READ the OP lmao


imagine all this bickering when all the op asked for was regular flying at level cap while not affecting anything about dragonriding lol. i’m with the op i already know what this flying is about from other games and the issues it causes and it sucks if y’all think it’s to much to ask blizz to do this there’s no hope for ya.


It’s something they could have made optional. They’ve had flying that worked in this game since TBC. This isn’t optional. This isn’t anyone choosing to play a way that doesn’t benefit us. It is a part of the main story progression during leveling.


Nice leaving out literally half of that part of the response where I addressed my stance on accessibility.

I’m fine with accessibility as long as it doesn’t involve changing the entire system to accommodate the minority group. Dragonriding as it is, is pretty cool and fun. If blizzard can add optional features to make it easier to use for people with disabilities, that is fantastic, just don’t ruin it for the people who can handle it in the process.

Okay give me an example of me saying that, because “this is what is happening” proves absolutely nothing.


Ironic given how you’ve either misinterpreted a lot of what i’ve said in this thread, but then again you seem to love twisting peoples words so maybe you can read and are just disingenuous when you don’t actually have a rebuttal ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I cannot believe the devs made a fun system designed around the grand majority of their playerbase. The absolute fiends. Until blizzard comes out and says they deliberately chose not to include accessibility features, i’ll stick with believing they’re just focused on making the system itself fun to use period. Especially given how new its concept is to the game.

Yeah, design the system around being fun for the majority of your playerbase. If you can add optional accessibility features to help those who might struggle with it, thats great.

Ah there it is, the “all raiders are bad” statement. You’re one of those forum dwellers who just hates raiders aren’t you?

I said optional as in to the players. I’m not saying blizzard should deliberately ignore adding accessibility features. Absolutely they should at least try with a system like this, but don’t change the entire system to fit in line with it. Dragonriding should stay as it is with togglable features in the options for disabled players. None of my argument in this thread has been against adding accessibility features, it has been against screaming ableist for saying the game should be designed around the people who can actually play it.

You really just cannot read can you? I never said deliberately make the rest of the game inaccessible, I said if dragonriding is too much, what on earth was stopping half of the rest of the game in previous expansions from being too much? How on earth did disabled people survive half of the games content before dragonflight, a lot of which is far more complex and visually noisy?

I compared dragonriding to class gameplay because both are equatable in terms of required input from the player. I excluded demon hunter and ret paladin because both of those are braindead simple to play. Nobody wants to make a big issue about accessibility for the rest of the game.

Ironic that you tried to claim I was bringing politics into this earlier, when I mentioned nothing of politics, and then include this sentence. Also making assumptions about my political standing based off of my opinions about a feature in a video game is laughable. If you really want to know though, I’m with the left on just about every issue that gets brought up in politics. Now that thats out of the way, care to discuss the actual topic?

Making an ignorant statement about how vision problems and telling people to quit the game instead of asking for features to help them is ableist, end of discussion.

Ok? So the accessibility feature is still there.

You said you’d have no problem with an accessibility feature that doesn’t involve changing the system or its place in the game, and normal flying would be that.

Ask any of the people like that.

Now, we’re done. You came at me to insult me and I gave you way more than enough attention.

Except I never said don’t add accessibility features, I’ve already given my stance on that multiple times this thread. I said it is not ableist to say the game should be designed around the majority of the playerbase first and foremost. Accessibility features are always good and welcome, as long as they do not hold back the core game’s design.

Turning off a graphical feature, which again is a default graphical setting in unreal engine, it took virtually no work, less so thought, on the devs part to implement that, is not an accessibility feature. Does it make it more accessible indirectly? I mean sure, but thats not why its there. The devs aren’t patting themselves on the back over how accessible it is.

On the topic of dragonriding itself I personally don’t care much. But I do respect that it is meant to be a core part of the expansions world content and the zones are being designed with it in mind. They absolutely should try to add accessibility features, I’m not against that, but don’t just cast the system aside to achieve that. Thats not the kind of precedent that needs to be set. What would be the point of dragonriding if you could just use your normal mount?

I mean thats not much of an example at all, but if you’re done here sure we can be done

Yep. xD I really don’t want to sacrifice my graphics in other areas of the game that don’t bother me at all. Just wish they had a “don’t display wind while riding a mount” toggle.

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We should start spamming a request for that on beta lol.
they listened to the “3 more action bars” so maybe they will for this.