Older players / disabled will struggle with dragonriding

This ISN’T a political issue. I simply told it like it was.

A lot of people nowadays wear their political proclivities on their sleeve. They can’t help but make everything into a political situation.


Not really, hes not wrong. If you’re physically impaired from doing something such as a video game, the expectation should be to demand that product change itself just for you. If you are seriously so old and impaired that you physically cannot play the game, maybe the game isnt for you.

I don’t remember mentioning politics at all, I made fun of the type of person he seems like. Maybe learn to read.

Nobody here has a problem with the WHOLE GAME, just ONE new system. You’re disingenous.

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One system that is a major feature of the expansion in terms of world content. It’s not even that crazy of a system we’ve seen similar systems in plenty of other games. If you are seriously so old and impaired that dragonriding is too much for you, maybe its just not your game.

…so basically, another one of those “flying” threads masked behind made up issues for ‘older players’.

Nothing more than that.


That means that Blizzard can and should make accommadations for their disabled customers, who already spent money on the game and probably the expansion too.

If those games can help disabled gamers use said features, they also should.

Apparently, old and disabled people should be driven out of the game just because you don’t like them. Hopefully, you don’t own a business.

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I read what you wrote. You made fun of him because he was concerned about the disability issue. Maybe you should consider what might appear to be your obvious intent before hitting reply.

I mean im not against accessibility features but that being said they should be just that, accessibility features. That does not mean change the entire system itself or its place in the game just because a minority group of players might have a harder time with it.

No examples I see.

I didnt say we should drive them out of the game, but if you are physically incapable of playing the game, then yes, maybe the game isnt for you. Like if dragonriding is too much for you, how on earth would you handle any class that presses more than 3 buttons? How on earth would you handle dungeons or god forbid raids where there are a multitude of mechanics and spell effects going off at once?

Still don’t remember bringing up politics, learn to read.

I literally never said that.

Why would I need to give examples? You’re the one who brought up other games.

Anyone posting here is physically capable of playing the game. Like I said, it’s one system.

You are ignorant of how not all disabilties are the same, and also ignorant of how people actually do struggle with dungeon or raid mechanics in this game and how that’s also an issue with potential solutions. There are people who only do solo content due to disabilties.

So it’s fine with you for them to change the game to make much of it no longer accessible, and players who find the game no longer possible to play should just leave.

Where is your example of a game that has deliberately implemented changes that exclude existing players and has become more successful because of that?

If players are physically incapable of playing the game due to changes intended to exclude them, the “solution” is for them to quietly leave and not complain? That certainly makes it sound like you want those players out of your game.

What the heck? Is this some new fixation you have that existing players who have been able to play just fine for years are only able to play with 3 buttons?

God forbid that you would be threatened by the current model, where people who feel like they don’t belong in dungeons or raids can choose not to do them.

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we got flight day one this time around…THANK YOU ION!
but if someone cant handle dragonriding, let them choose to use a normal mount.
Actually make them choose if they want to…if you go normal mount, thats it, you cant then do the dragon riding later. I mean IF they wanted to ensure we’re not just getting the best of both worlds.

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I never said you did, but the original post is implying that.

Ark survival evolved, the batman arkham games to name a few that have fairly similar flight systems. Yes, you do need to give examples of how those games made it possible for disabled people to use those features.

Anybody playing the game today period is likely capable of playing the game. This seems like either a made up or very niche issue. Again if blizzard can come up with accessibility features for it that dont involve changing the system itself or its place in the game, then sure thats no problem at all.

When did i say all disabilities are the same? I said if you are physically incapable of using a system as simple as dragonriding, then I have no idea how you would get by in some of the other far more complicated areas of the game.

Two friends Ive had for a long time…once since 1977 and the other since 1983…both gone. I broke ties entirely with both of them over their not being able to be friends without pushing politics down my throat.
Im far right and I have other friends who are VERY far left. Jimmy Dore left. And we get along fantastic. We even joke about politics a lot. But we dont have to make it a personal issue or be obnoxious about it to each other.
Most of the time we just do what we’re doing and politics never even comes up.
I dont need friends who have an agenda.

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The big problem for me is the wind animation (not to mention just the constant diving and swooping) causing motion sickness. I haven’t found a way to turn this animation off, unfortunately.

you can lessen the wind tunnel thing by disabling Particle Density entirely…but yeah…then you miss a lot of the fire and brimstone fun. lol

Its like you didnt even read anything I said. I have said i’m fine with accessibility features as long as it doesnt require changing the entire system to be designed around it.

Nice twisting my words, when did I say any games deliberately went out of their way to implement changes to exclude players? I said there are games that have similar systems to dragonriding. Once again, learn to read.

Again who said anything about making changes with the purpose of excluding them? I said don’t design the entire system around them, but if you can implement accessibility features that don’t change the entire system or its place in the game, then thats wonderful, no issue there. Once again, learn to read.

I am comparing dragonriding with the rest of the game, and how having difficulty with one system very well likely leads to difficulty with the others, and how that could lead to a snowballing logical loop.

Okay but we see plenty of these aspects in open world content as well. Again, how would you handle any class that isnt a demon hunter or a ret paladin, if even dragonriding is physically too difficult for you?

The post simply asked for people to be able to use their normal mounts.


Disable motion blur.
Try to increase framerate by lowering video quality setting or increasing computer’s power plan level.
If your monitor is widescreen, using 16:9 probably helps reduce sickness compared to 4:3.


You can turn off the head bobbing, blur and camera swinging with tools. Makes it much better for me at least. When you edit graphical options, there are 3 others tabs you can go into and change stuff. Lots of options but just take your time and look through

Also, I said “should,” not “do”. Even if these examples didn’t exist, it wouldn’t prove anything.

The OP just asks for normal flying.

A disability that affects the way you handle dragonriding is probably a different one than one that would prevent you from doing dungeons or raids.

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