Older fan base is migrating to classic cause difficulty

Your first problem is you’re using a very extreme example of a spec with button bloat. Nobody is on here saying enhancement is beginner friendly at all.

if you want simple melee try a survival hunter. I think even the classic players could do alright with it.

Me when my old rusty bones won’t let me do more than 20 APM

I came back to retail for dragonflight. I played through classic WoTLK when I initially first got back into wow.

Tier 1 was Naxxramas. It was so stupidly, mind-numbingly easy that I got bored with the weekly raid after a month. We always wiped on such trivial and avoidable stuff (classic players just aren’t that good) that it just made me lose my mind and I couldn’t do it anymore.

Retail is a much more suitable environment if you actually want challenges.


No lie, the three classic I did and every now and then pop in just to see “how it was” and have a little nostalgia trip. Besides that they’re useless to me now and I more than represent the older crowd the OP is talking about.

if the only reason you think hunter has more depth in wrath than now is because of traps and pet engagement…

You’re way too far gone behind those glasses.

Hunters rotation now is much more engaged and impactful than wrath hunter, lol.

You just like the fluff.

Eh, I’d say BM is more or less the same.

The other specs have changed a lot.

Yes, yes I did.

same as wrath?..

Yikes lol. maybe you got 2 pairs of glasses on.

BM Retail rotation: Barbed Shot for DoT, Barbed Shot again for pet focus regen, Death Chakram, Bestial Wrath on Cooldown, Kill Shot when avaliable, Cobra Shot filler.

BM Wrath rotation: Serpent Sting (Dot), Arcane Shot following, Beastial Wrath on Cooldown, Kill Shot when avaliable, Steady Shot filler.

Wow, so different! Yikes!

dont ever come into my keys with that 40k sub dps rotation

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Enjoy wrath, lol.


I play PvP, got my rival set in DF season 1 on both my Hunter and Shaman.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

At least I’m not doing M+ for fun, it could be worse for me, LOL!

Imagine trying to act tough on the WoW forums.

Yea I noticed, i knew something was off when you believe both specs have a similar rotation.

nahh you just pvp for fun, LOL!!!

not being tough, i was being sincere.

Dont bring that rotation into my keys with your rose tinted glasses.

Killing players is more fun than killing scripted bosses forever, but you do you.

No one is impressed.

Especially given these dungeons are several years old, lolol.

You’re the one who brought it up?..


I only mentioned keys because u said they both have the same rotation…

They dont.

I mean yeah. Facebook groups and Youtube are better to get good idea of WoW playerbase than forums, WoW Twitter or r/WoW. Sadly Blizzard listened to the vocal minority of those that play the game as a part-time job instead of the silent majority.

The talent trees have created way too much bloat for all the Wow boomers. The encounters are way too rough.

Like people are talking about playing Fury warrior or Shadowlands Prot Warrior is giving them injuries lol. Not sustainable when u cant lure in new players because everything is so bloated and complex.

I played Dota with The International winners, and whenever I champion changes for the 90 % of players I get called a noob too lol, it is what it is. It is easier to call ppl noobs, than to debate the terrible participation numbers for M+ and raids (PvP completely dead lol).

Most ppl didnt even play Vanilla lol. So the nostalgia argument is just not true.

To OP. Blizzard are inevitably going to prune again. There is a reason the last prune happened. Sadly, probably going to take an expansion or two.

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Yeah I am going to go with a no here.

Facebook is a tiny minority compared to the forums and Youtube is a cesspit of people trapped in an echo-chamber of either positive or negative views because the content creators that are making their money off of giving their followers what they want to hear.


To actually post on a video forum for a game, or take part in WoW Twitter, you have to be a WoW fanatic.

Those who just casually comment on a WoW trailer on Youtube or on Facebook pages, because Blizzard pay for promotion give a much better view of the average WoW player.



Don’t keybind and don’t put buttons on the toolbar that you know you’ll never use and pick passives as your talents to reduce button bloat.

How does OP know how old people are behind each character to make their theory fact, because it seems more like fiction.

People swap between Classic and retail in near end patches and content drought.

Actually you just provided evidence that content is not the thing causing people to leave retail. By your own words, it has to do with difficult and too many buttons, NOT content as the echo chamber keeps saying it is.

But there isn’t any difficulty in classic…

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