Older fan base is migrating to classic cause difficulty

I’d be tempted to play Classic, but the community over there seems like they’re psychotic.

It’s easier than retail, but people are wildly toxic and flame each other if they’re not optimizing their way through extremely easy content.

Players did not ask for “a pruning”. It was all Blizzard’s idea, probably because they thought it would be easier to balance fewer abilities. But it might also have had to do with the design of the upcoming artifact trees.

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Who the hell is still using Facebook?


I havnt really experienced this type of behaviour. There are toxic people in retail and classic and pretty much any game. If you encounter a bad apple then cull it.

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OP: So go play Classic. We don’t need a forum lecture on why you and others in your Facebook “Think-tank” are gravitating towards Classic. Just go play it.


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Dealing with timegate as progress shticks larping as esports is not worth it. It’s not meaningful at all. Just usual corporate politics and double downed employees who are pigeonholed into doing one thing.

People want the fun grinds and to play at their own pace, not sit in weekly timeout for fake esports that exists for marketing hype purposes, while just being timegate as progress worthless trash in reality.


That’s a guarantee. Much like these forums.

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Not me, I already did my time, I ain’t goin’ back OP!


Older player here. Absolute love retail. Tried all the classics when they came out, besides going to see zones that have changed for nostalgia, I have absolutely no desire to play it again.

Now with that said, I can think of a hybrid that I feel would be great.


It’s people who play the game as a pastime rather than to prove their competitive prowess who don’t fit into the all esports all the time vision. They aren’t esporty enough. A lot of older people no longer have that urge. People do grow out of it.

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Ironically after I quit in Mists, I came back for classic and found it extremely boring just blasting through the raids and just mindlessly leveling alts that I ended up trying retail during the later half of 8.3 and found I liked it. TBC had the same effect but the end bosses were probably the best time I had in classic even though I was playing BM hunter.

Can I see those numbers of people migrating over please.

I get that but you don’t need to be competitive or pushing CE to enjoy retail. I don’t. My pushing til my eyes bleed days are done and still here, loving retail.


I mean this is how shaman is setup in general, you have classes that have a minimal amount of buttons such a hunters and demon hunters, classes that have a medium amount of buttons such as paladins and evokers, and then classes that have a ton of buttons such as shaman and warlock.

In that for some you don’t need to do much setup to maximize your damage, and others you have to do a lot of setup and pressing things in a specific order to maximize your output. Which is what shaman is about when it comes to elemental and enhancement, it caters to the people that enjoy being busy with their rotation, and enjoy the challenge it presents.

I feel like people also primarily migrate over to classic because their very familiar with it, in that they know how it behaves, the best routes to get what they want. Along with it does have a slower pace, but its due to the age of the content and the time period that it came from.

Yes, but I want to troll the troll that’s trolling the troll. Thanks for making it a success! :wink:


Sounds like you may be someone who enjoys more complicated systems in games. I prefer to play games that don’t require 3rd party addons or multi page guides just to play. Watching a youtube video for some tips on performance is one thing but when it becomes mandatory for spec choice and rotation I’m no longer interested… Part of the fun for me is figuring out things on my own and not being penalized for choosing to do so.


Can you name an MMORPG made in the last 25 years that does not have multi-page guides? :stop_sign: Bad arguments are bad. MMORPGs are by design complex systems built upon complex systems. Now, ACTION MMOs, that is different. They are made for twitch based gamers that do not like to “think” but “act” by slamming a few buttons quickly for the pew pew flashy sparks on the screen.


Did you mean to say “Sounds like you may be someone who enjoys MMORPGs”? Because, that is what an MMORPG is.

That is imposed by part of the community. Not the game. Find a better group of friends because not everyone has that issue with people that demand the extra 0.4%, those are the toxic players.

Retail I really find less tedious as a largely open world soloist.

Huge part of the reason I am solo is that everyone I know is playing pure classic now. I personally think that stinks.

Just earlier my brother floated hardcore classic in our conversation. I told him it’s the most tedious version of the game played in the most tedious way. Then he said he had no time for anything regardless but still didn’t want to talk about Retail.

Way to be your own biggest competition, but I guess who cares if the money’s still there.

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Yeah because different spell ranks in your bars was never a thing

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